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Ground cover plant with reddish spaghetti-like stems and green waxy propeller shaped leaves, yellow flowers. Loves sunlight, not shade. Eat the stems along with the leaves. Has a refreshing tart lemony flavor. In North America it's considered a weed, in other countries it's a popular salad vegetable. It is the highest herbal land plant source of Omega 3, 6 and even some omega 9 fatty acids. Extremely rich in Vitamin C. Contains dopa and noradrenaline (norepinephrine), making it great for allergies, growth hormone production, thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and the entire endocrine system (all glands). Very delicious and nutritious. Can eat raw or steam for 15 seconds, add butter, salt and pepper, mmmmn. You can take the stems, marinate them and use as noodles.You can also take the whole plant, dehydrate it and make purslane powder which you can sprinkle on things through the winter months. Very delicious, very nutritious and heart healthy. Can spread a lot- they drop 50,000 seeds at one time. The only plant that looks like purslane but isn't really edible is spurge. The way to tell the difference is spurge has a white sap inside the stem, which isn't red like purslane stems. Purslane makes a good companion plant by providing ground cover to create a humid microclimate for nearby plants, stabilizing ground moisture. Its deep roots bring up moisture and nutrients that those plants can use.
Edible Plant Guide © 2012 Markus Rothkranz
References in periodicals archive ?
Schemske, "Flowering Phenology and Seed Set in Claytonia virginica (Portulacaceae)," Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, vol.
In a plot of unused land originally slated to be paved over, claytonia and cabbage pop up out of tilled soil.
MADRID, 21 March , 2009 (Frontier Star) -- Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubal Caba has made it clear the recently arrested Pakistanis have no link with terrorism and extremism, adding that, neither there is any threat of Jihadi activity in Spain Claytonia nor security has been escalated.
SP SP SP SP 97 97 04 04 Taxa C E C E Acer negundo -- -- 21 25 Alliaria petiolata 60 56 59 54 Boehmeria cylindrica -- -- 28 31 Circaea lutetiana -- -- -- -- Claytonia virginica 18 22 -- -- Daucus carota 19 27 -- -- Eupatorium rugosum -- -- 21 27 Galium aparine 68 57 * 21 28 Geum sp.
Claytonia, Miner's lettuce also known as winter purslane (Montia Perfoliata) forms cup-shaped rosettes, with tiny, white, funnel shaped flowers.
Claytonia perfoliata Portulacaceae N America Donn ex Willd.
In Claytonia virginica, shading reduced SLW and total biomass (Anderson and Eickmeier 1998).
One of the most amazing greens in our winter garden is claytonia, or miner's lettuce.
Parallel models can be found in the angiosperm genera Vicia and Claytonia. In the genus Vicia, somatic chromosome numbers of 10, 12, 14, 24, and 28 consist of diploids and tetraploids derived from two basic numbers (x = 6 and 7), accompanied by aneuploidy (Stace 1980).
Winter purslane, which is also known as miner's lettuce or claytonia is, by contrast, slightly succulent, cool and a little bland but mixes well with the spicy vegetables.
Cerastium nutans, Ranunculus abortivus, and Ranunculus hispidus (= Ranunculus septentrionalis) are the only forest-floor herbs that occur well within the zone, but Aralia racemosa, Claytonia cf.
canadensis 2 X X X Claytonia virginica 2 X Comus jlorida 4 X Cryptotaenia canadensis 3 X X X Cystopteris protrusa 4 X X X Dichanthelium clandestinum 3 X Dicentra cucullaria 6 X X Discorea quartemata 5 X Dryopteris marginalis* 8* X* ELAEAGNUS UMBELLATA -- X Elymus hystrix 5 X Enemion bitematum 5 X X Epifagus virginiana* 8* X* Erigenia bulbosa 5 X Erigeron annuus 0 X X Erythronium americanum 5 X EUONYMOUS ALATA -- X Eupatorium perfoliatum 4 X Eupatorium serotinum 0 X X Fagus grandifolia* 8* X* X* X* X* Festuca subverticillata 4 X Fraxinus pennsylvanica var.