
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a principality in feudal Japan, in the southwestern part of the island of Honshu. Together with the principalities of Satsuma, Tosa, and Hizen, Choshu formed an antishogun coalition at the close of rule of the feudal house of Tokugawa (1603–1867). The samurai of Choshu had ties with bourgeois circles and played a prominent role in the events of the incomplete bourgeois revolution of 1867–68. In 1871, Choshu’s territory was annexed to Yamaguchi Prefecture. For several decades after the revolution, samurai from Choshu and Satsuma constituted a majority in the Japanese governments. They also occupied leading posts in the state apparatus and many high command posts in the army.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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While many from Satsuma and Choshu who were on the winning side found positions in the new Meiji government, those on the losing side suffered failure in their career change in becoming a farmer or merchant, trades that were unfamiliar to them.
He left his domain to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate and was committed to forming an alliance between the Satsuma and Choshu domains.
En 1869, los senores de los grandes clanes de Choshu, Hizen, Satsuma y Tosa rindieron sus feudos al emperador y, despues de varias entregas realizadas por otros clanes, un decreto imperial de 1871 abolio todos los feudos y en su lugar creo prefecturas administrativas centralizadas, con los antiguos senores como gobernadores.
(216) It also criticized the government, referred to as the "big four government," for being an oligarchy run by four prefectures--Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa, and Hizen--who occupied leadership positions in the government.
The prime minister was born in 1954 to a wealthy political family (grandfather Abe Kan was a legislator in the Diet; father Abe Shintaro was foreign minister) in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the old Choshu domain on the southwestern tip of Japan's main island, facing Korea and the Asian continent.
German solar modules maker Aleo Solar AG (ETR:AS1) said its shareholders had given the go-ahead to the sale of significant parts of its operating business to a consortium comprising Sunrise Global Solar Energy Co Ltd, Choshu Industry Co Ltd and Pan Asia Solar Ltd.
In 1868 the Satsuma and Choshu clans united to defeat the Shogun and a put a new emperor, Musu-hito, on the throne who choose Meiji as the name of his reign.
O processo iniciou-se em 1866 com a alianca entre Saigo Takamori, samurai do governo da provincia de Satsuma, e Kido Takayoshi, samurai da provincia de Choshu ligado a movimentos radicais, e a restauracao devolveu o poder central as maos do Imperador em finais de 1867, com a renuncia do ultimo shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu.
The development was conducted in the "Fundamental Technology Development of Next Generation Lighting of High-efficiency and High-quality" project since March 2010 under a contract with the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, with Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd, TAZMO CO., LTD., Choshu Industry Co., Ltd., Yamagata University, and Aoyama Gakuin University.
8 (Tokyo Teikoku Daigaku, 1906), 693-700, which is dependent on the following sources: Kansei choshu shokafu, 10 (Zokugunsho ruiju kanseikai, 1965), 92-93; Ryakufu, manuscript (Kokuritsu Kobunshokan Naikalcu Bunko [hereafter KKNB] 156-0017), 139: 73-78 (microfilm reel 022100, starting at frame 1104: accessible online at; Kan'i manuscript at Tokyo Daigaku Shiryo Hensansho, 12:2b-7a (accessible online at
His displeasure with the shogun and the Tokugawa government was widely known, and samurai from Choshu, Satsuma, and other domains joined forces and adopted his anti-Tokugawa stance, eventually overthrowing the Tokugawa shogun's government in early 1868.