Cedar County

(redirected from Cedar County, NE)

Cedar County, Nebraska

101 S Broadway
Hartington, NE 68739
Phone: (402) 254-7411
Fax: (402) 254-7410

On the northeastern border of NE, west of Sioux City, IA; original county; organized Feb 12, 1855 (prior to statehood). Name Origin: For the cedar trees that are abundant locally

Area (sq mi):: 745.81 (land 740.23; water 5.59) Population per square mile: 12.20
Population 2005: 9,066 State rank: 32 Population change: 2000-20005 -5.70%; 1990-2000 -5.10% Population 2000: 9,615 (White 98.90%; Black or African American 0.10%; Hispanic or Latino 0.40%; Asian 0.00%; Other 0.80%). Foreign born: 0.40%. Median age: 38.80
Income 2000: per capita $15,514; median household $33,435; Population below poverty level: 9.10% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $23,488-$27,774
Unemployment (2004): 2.80% Unemployment change (from 2000): 0.30% Median travel time to work: 17.50 minutes Working outside county of residence: 32.70%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in .

Cedar County, Missouri

113 South St PO Box 126
Stockton, MO 65785
Phone: (417) 276-6700
Fax: (417) 276-3461

In southwestern MO, northwest of Springfield; organized Feb 14, 1845 from Dade and Saint Clair counties. Name Origin: For the many cedar trees found by early settlers

Area (sq mi):: 498.51 (land 475.93; water 22.57) Population per square mile: 29.80
Population 2005: 14,160 State rank: 72 Population change: 2000-20005 3.10%; 1990-2000 13.60% Population 2000: 13,733 (White 96.00%; Black or African American 0.30%; Hispanic or Latino 1.10%; Asian 0.50%; Other 2.60%). Foreign born: 1.30%. Median age: 42.20
Income 2000: per capita $14,356; median household $26,694; Population below poverty level: 17.40% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $17,624-$19,925
Unemployment (2004): 6.10% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.10% Median travel time to work: 24.70 minutes Working outside county of residence: 33.10%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in .

Cedar County, Iowa

400 Cedar St
Tipton, IA 52772
Phone: (563) 886-2101
Fax: (563) 886-3594

In central-eastern IA, east of Iowa City; established Dec 21, 1837 (prior to statehood) from Wisconsin Territory. Name Origin: For the Red Cedar River that runs through the county

Area (sq mi):: 581.96 (land 579.52; water 2.44) Population per square mile: 31.50
Population 2005: 18,254 State rank: 39 Population change: 2000-20005 0.40%; 1990-2000 4.60% Population 2000: 18,187 (White 97.90%; Black or African American 0.20%; Hispanic or Latino 0.90%; Asian 0.30%; Other 1.10%). Foreign born: 0.70%. Median age: 39.20
Income 2000: per capita $19,200; median household $42,198; Population below poverty level: 5.50% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $27,245-$28,158
Unemployment (2004): 4.20% Unemployment change (from 2000): 1.20% Median travel time to work: 24.00 minutes Working outside county of residence: 56.90%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in .
Counties USA: A Directory of United States Counties, 3rd Edition. © 2006 by Omnigraphics, Inc.