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Related to Cashewnut: cashew apple


1. a tropical American anacardiaceous evergreen tree, Anacardium occidentale, bearing kidney-shaped nuts that protrude from a fleshy receptacle
2. the edible nut of this tree
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Anacardium occidentale. An evergreen tree of the order Sapindales grown for its kidney-shaped edible nuts and resinous oil.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Anacardium occidentale), a tree up to 12 m tall of the family Anacardiaceae. It is cultivated in the tropics. The shell of the nutlike fruit yields cashew oil, which is used in medicine; there is also an edible nucleus. The pear-shaped peduncle, known as the cashew apple, has a pleasant bittersweet taste, is rich in vitamin C, and is valued as a fruit. A gum is made from the trunks of old cashew trees. Articles made from cashew wood are resistant to decay.


Alekseev, V. P. “Kazhu, akazhu: Anacardium occidentale L.” Subtropicheskie kul’tury, 1959, no 1.
Siniagin, I. I. Tropicheskie zemledelie. Moscow, 1968. Pages 417–19.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Cashewnut that is also known by its traditional name caju, belongs to the tree cashew, that is an averaged sized tree inhabitant to Brazil s Amazon drizzle forest which broaden all over the world by Portuguese expeditors.
He also promised to revive cashewnut processing factory that stalled almost 10 years ago in the county through a partnership with the county government of Kwale.
Price: OMR 3.100 Also Try: Malai korma which is a smooth creamy and refined curry made of chicken, yoghurt, fresh cream and a paste of watermelon seeds along with spices and a paste of cashewnut and charmagaz seeds.
OMR 4.5 Main Course The Oak Chicken Cashewnut Sliced chicken tossed with oyster, Thai chilli paste, and cashewnuts is an absolute cracker of a dish as the soft crunch of cashews pairs perfectly well with the tender chicken pieces tossed well in the sauces.
Ingredients 1kg mutton or lamb diced 1 cup yoghurt 2 tablespoon oil 6 green cardamoms 2 inch cinnamon sticks 6 cloves 2 medium to large onion, thin sliced 2 inch ginger (julienne) 1 teaspoon white pepper powder 1/2 cup milk and little extra to soak the saffron if using 3 tablespoon coconut (paste or shredded) Blanched almonds paste (made by soaking 8 almonds and grinding) Cashewnut paste (made by soaking 8/10 cashews and grinding) 3 pod garlic paste Pinch of saffron (optional) 6-8 whole red chillies deseeded Preparation Boil the mutton or lamb with little salt until half done.