Carlo Maderno

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Maderno, Carlo


(also Carlo Maderna). Born 1556 in Capolago, Switzerland; died Jan. 30, 1629, in Rome. Italian architect.

Maderno began work in Rome in 1588. His works reflect the transition from early to high baroque; they contain the decorative splendor and developed spatial compositions that are characteristic of the high baroque style (Church of Santa Susanna, 1596-1603; Matteo di Giove Palace, 1606-16; Barberini Palace, from 1625—completed by L. Bernini and F. Borromini). From 1603, Maderno directed the construction of St. Peter’s Church; he made fundamental changes in Michelangelo’s plan, extending the central nave and constructing the vestibule and main facade.


Hibbard, H. Carlo Maderno and Roman Architecture, 1580-1630. University Park, Pa., 1972.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Designed principally by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, St.
The three-dimensional quality of Carlo Maderno's early seventeenth-century facades is brought to mind, not the controlled classicism of Michelangelo's contemporaries in the 1510s.
A 17th-century building designed by Carlo Maderno for Pope Urban VIII.
The church was begun in 1605 and is the only church in Rome designed and completed by the early Baroque architect Carlo Maderno. It was built for the Religious Order known as the Discalced Carmelites and was originally dedicated to Saint Paul, but after a military victory in Bohemia in 1620 the church was rededicated to the Virgin Mary (Our Lady of Victories).
Building of Palazzo Barberini began late in 1628 to designs by Carlo Maderno, but his death two months later left the execution in the hands of Bernini and his assistant, Francesco Borromini.
Furthermore, if it is correct that Carlo Maderno's altar design had to accommodate the flanking statues already in place, then Barocci was faced with a fixed area.