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CORnell Compiler. Simple language for student math problems.

["The Cornell Computing Language", R.W. Conway et al, CACM 6(6):317-320 (Jun 1963) Sammet 1969, p.294-296].
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (
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The Qalaa plant at the Mostorod complex, an industrial area, is being built on land acquired from CORC. The project management consultant (PMC) is WorleyParsons.
According to a study by the Childhood Obesity Research Center (CORC) at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC), beverages and juices made with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew and Sprite, all contain 50 percent more fructose than glucose, a blend that calls into question claims that sugar and HFCS are essentially the same.
A trade body, such as the Federation of Master Builders ( or the Federation of Roofing Contractors (, can also be a good place to start.
In addition, the EU-US Atlantis project POMSEBES (Policy Oriented Measures in Support of the Evolving Biosystems Engineering Studies in USA-EU) and the Erasmus Network ERABEE have worked toward defining the common basis of the corc curriculum across European countries and the United States, but this process needs to be taken further by defining the threads that link courses together.
Thereafter, Central Organization for Rural Cooperatives of Iran (CORC), National Central Cooperative Organization, Ministry of Cooperatives & Land Reforms and.
VEYO is host to the youth group CORC (Catholics on the Road for Christ).
CLAD Corynocera ambigua Zetterstedt 1838 CORC Corynocera olivieri type CORO Cryptochironomus sp.
The $3.7 billion state-of-the-art facility will purchase fuel oil produced by the Cairo Oil Refinery Company (CORC) and process it further to produce over 4.1 million tons of refined products and high-quality oil derivatives per year, i
They differ from the core in various ways that make it difficult to extend to them any generalization about the corc regarding the impact of democratization on Western interests.
Requiring an inmate to open his or her mouth is not part of a pat frisk." The Central Office Review Committee of the Inmate Grievance Program (CORC) accepted Robles' grievance partly.
The hotel is hosting a third edition of 'Put a CORC in It!' collection of 15 contemporary works from students of the college at the hotel lounge until September 5, 2011.
The Secretariat of the Cobalt REACH Consortium (CoRC) has the following update for users of cobalt substances in their manufacturing processes.