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a village in E central Germany, near Weimar; site of a Nazi concentration camp (1937--45)
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


showcase of Nazi atrocities. [Ger. Hist.: Hitler, 1055]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a fascist German concentration camp. It was established in the environs of Weimar in 1937 and was originally called Ettersburg. About 239,000 people were imprisoned in Buchenwald over a period of eight years. In the beginning the inmates were German antifascists but later, during World War II, they included many other nationalities. Many prisoners had already died during the camp’s construction, which was done only by manual labor. The prisoners were also ruthlessly exploited by owners of large industrial firms whose enterprises were located near Buchenwald, such as Siemens and Junkers. An especially large number of prisoners died in Dora, a branch of Buchenwald, where the V-l and V-2 missiles were manufactured underground. Inhuman living conditions, hunger, excessive work, and beatings resulted in mass deaths. About 10,000 prisoners were executed, including almost 8,500 Soviet prisoners of war. A total of 56,000 prisoners of 18 nationalities were tortured to death. E. Thälmann was brutally murdered by the Hitlerites in Buchenwald on Aug. 18, 1944. From the time Buchenwald was organized, an underground antifascist organization headed by communists began forming in the camp. In 1943 an international camp committee was set up, headed by the German communist W. Bartel. By early April 1945 the organization numbered 178 groups of three to five people each, including 56 Soviet groups. On Apr. 11, 1945, when the fascist German troops were being routed in World War II, the Buchenwald prisoners, headed by an international political center, raised a rebellion that resulted in the camp’s liquidation by the rebels. In 1958 a majestic complex of structures dedicated to the heroes and victims of Buchenwald was unveiled in Buchenwald.


Voina za koliuchei provolokoi. [Moscow, I960.]
Bartel, W. “Sovmestnaia bor’ba nemetskikh i sovetskikh bortsov Soprotivleniia v Bukhenval’de.” Novaia i noveishaia istoriia, 1958, no. 3.
Sviridov, G. I. Ring za koliuchei provolokoi (Geroii Bukhenval’da), 4th ed. Moscow, 1963.
Bukhenval’d: Dokumenty i soobshcheniia. Moscow, 1962. (Translated from German.)
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
It was eighteen years after his experience in Buchenwald before Semprun published Le Grand Voyage, and fifteen years after his expulsion from the PCE before he tackled this subject in Federico Sanchez.
One day the call came from his superiors for any sailor who could speak a European language, and before long Sarnoff found himself en route to Buchenwald, in western Germany, to help the 23,000 surviving prisoners recuperate and ultimately leave the camp.
(Netchaiev Is Back ...) was given a sealed envelope containing the autobiographical account of the imprisonment in Buchenwald of his father, Michel.
After meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Dresden and seeing Buchenwald, he moved to Paris later Friday for talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and to help commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Allies' D-Day invasion in France.
A great-uncle helped liberate a nearby satellite camp, Ohrdruf, in early April 1945, just days before other US Army units overran Buchenwald.
In researching Buchenwald and listening to Moser's stories of the inhumanity he witnessed and experienced, Baron said it was difficult for him to stomach some of the things he learned.
People walk behind the slogan "To Each His Own" above the gate of the former Nazi Buchenwald concentration camp
The story of Stefan Jerzy Zweig, a Jewish child who survived imprisonment in Buchenwald, achieved the same iconic status in the GDR as that achieved in the West by the diary of Anne Frank.
He was later transferred to camps in the Auchswitz complex, before the ragged, dying prisoners were marched 60 miles through the snow to Buchenwald.
His mother and beloved young sister were gassed but Wiesel, his father and two older sisters survived to endure humiliation, violence, terror and starvation, first in Auschwitz and then in Buchenwald. His father died just before liberation, which came when the author was 15 years old.