Bradley, Tom

Bradley, (Thomas J.) Tom

(1917–  ) lawyer, mayor, policeman; born in Calvert, Texas. Educated as a lawyer, he served in the Los Angeles Police Department from 1940–62. He had a private law practice from 1961–63, and served on the city council from 1963–73. He was elected mayor in 1973. He declined to run for a fifth term in 1993, announcing plans to return to the practice of law.
The Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography, by John S. Bowman. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1995. Reproduced with permission.
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Louis, Alesha Dixon and Fleur East with 5am, Skarl3t, Four Diamonds, The Brooks, Ottavio and Bradley, Tom and Laura and Yes Lad GIRL POWER Simon, Mel B and Emma Bunton, top, and Emily Middlemas, Soheila Clifford, Olivia Garcia, Kayleigh Marie Morgan, Gifty Agyeman, Samantha Lavery, Caitlyn Vanbeck THE OVERS EXPERIENCED Sharon Osbourne and Robbie Williams, above, and the contestants Christopher Peyton, James Wilson, Honey G, Janet Grogan, Saara Aalton, Samantha Atkinson, and Relley C LOVING IT Ryan and Emily, right, and Caitlyn Vanbeck, below THE SCOTS WE'VE SCOT WHAT IT TAKES Emily Middlemas, right, and James Hughes, left, are vying for a spot in the live shows.
Assistants: Jeff Parcells (offensive coordinator), Ed Buckley (defensive coordinator), Pete Schiloski, Mike Bradley, Tom Tancrede, Scott Glassman, Frank Arena, Joe Rafrano, Tom Click.
"Chris Payne and Harry Garside open, then I've got Joah Bradley, Tom Payne and Tom Graham as three spinners, in addition to Ashley Scott, Josh Langfield and myself.
Enjoy sets from Danny Domville & Lewis Tyler-Holland, Liam Daley, Josh Jones & Sam Matt Bradley, Tom Quinn, A.V.A, Peter Orr and Ben Noble.
WINNING TEAMS: Left to right in back row: Ryan Brown, James Bradley, Tom Loughran, Stephen Hart.
The Gaels won their seventh Erne title in nine years recently and with Fermanagh stars Colm Bradley, Tom Brewster and Ryan McCluskey aboard, are a formidable outfit.
Neil Mckay (Guest Speaker, Advantage Business Angels), Fiona Alexander (Editor, The Birmingham Post), Nigel Hastilow (ICAEW member), Colin Hughes (Alliance & Leicester); John Darby (Rockland Consortium), Sir Bernard Zissman (Advantage Business Angels), Andy Mangal (ICAEW Member), Debbie Walsh (Head of Policy, Birmingham Chamber); Lee Noble, Gordon Barraclough, Mike Watts (AWM); Becky Abbott, Colin Critchley (both KPMG), Paul Greaves (Warwickshire Police), Tracie Peacock Quinney (Warwickshire Police); Valerie Bowles (Manby & Steward), Helen Bradley, Tom Venn (both Learning Skills Council); John Eaton (Eaton & Co), Dennis Paddock (BDO Stoy Hayward), Shirley Hutchinson (ICA Regional Strategy Board), Tom Jackson (Robson Rhodes)
CUP WINNER: The Lord Mayor with (from left) Margaret Smith, Ivy Smith, Mary Bradley, Tom Wall and Betty Rushton.
Included among the censorious senators were such "stalwarts" of civil liberties as Barbara Boxer, Bill Bradley, Tom Harkin and Bob Kerrey.
| READY FOR ACTION: Honley Under 13s (back, from back) Mike Dalton (manager), Jake Greenwood, Adam Page, Thomas Stead, Dan Robinson, Kyle Bradley, Tom Miller.
DJs include Danny Domville and Lewis Tyler-Holland, Liam Daley, Josh Jones and Sam Matt Bradley, Tom Quinn, A.V.A and Ben Noble.