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goddess pinched man, Enkidu out of clay. [Assyrian Myth.: Gaster, 9, Babyl. Myth.: Gilgamesh]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The SPIG has received 70 abstracts for scientific and poster presentations at APHA's 143rd Annual Meeting and Exposition in Chicago and its members hope to collaborate with other member groups in Annual Meeting sessions, Aruru told The Nation's Health.
"Pretty much all of us have been a member of a SPIG or Section or Caucus within the APHA over the years, and we would ideally like to reach out and work with other Sections," Aruru said.
Engidu, a demigod formed by Aruru to be a rival to Gilgamesh.