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A suborder of the soil order Entisol, consisting of soils formerly of other classifications that have been severely disturbed, completely disrupting the sequence of horizons.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Gelder, Aert (Arent) de


Born Oct. 26, 1645, in Dordrecht; died there Aug. 25, 1727. Dutch painter.

Gelder studied first in Dordrecht under S. van Hoogstraaten (about 1660) and later in Amsterdam under Rembrandt, whose last and most faithful pupil he became. His works in the 1670’s are democratic in spirit and are characterized by the emotional vividness of his subjects. His range of saturated browns and olives is accented with violet and orange hues (Ecce Homo, 1671, the Dresden Picture Gallery; Entrance to the Temple, 1679, the Mauritshuis, The Hague; and The Wandering Musician, the Hermitage, Leningrad). His paintings in the 1680’s and 1690’s, such as Lot and His Daughters (the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow), have an exotic elegance and sensitiveness and show delicacy in texture and color effects. In his later series of paintings of the Lord’s Passion, painted about 1715 (Aschaffenburg, Amsterdam, and Munich museums), fantastic and subjectivistic elements are found.


Lilienfeld, K. Arent de Gelder, sein Leben and seine Werke. The Hague, 1914.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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With the merger, Arent Fox will have more than 450 attorneys focusing on regulatory, transactional, intellectual property, and litigation counseling.
Those arent the greatest odds at first glance, and whoever does end up winning, there is going to be a whole lot of heartbreak and grumbling at the end of it.
COMPLAINTSA consumer campaign championed by former Law Society of Kenya chief executive Apollo Mboya and activist Jerotich Seii seeking to have Kenya Power get accountable to taxpayers and fair to its customers has rallied hundreds of social media users expressing their dissatisfaction with the utility firms service.The potency of the Apollo-Seii campaign lies in the fact that electricity consumers arent just posting angry tweets they are sending in copies of inflated monthly bills, screenshots of questionable power token transactions, and correspondence of customer complaints and inquiries that werent addressed, among others.
When asked why they arent saving, 35 percent of respondents say a lack of income is the main reason.
Arent Fox LLP, founded in 1942, is internationally recognized in core practice areas where business and government intersect.
Judge Marrero agreed with Arent Fox attorneys that requirements for a claim of accounting were not met and that New York's statute of limitations for breach of contract passed more than five years ago.
Escudero asked Rosales: "Arent rights of police and soldiers covered by the CHR?
why arent parents bringing up their children to be open minded and accepting rather than judgemental little idiots!
Arent Fox LLP said that intellectual property partner Marylee Jenkins, who heads the IP practice in the firm's New York office, has been named vice chair of the US Patent and Trademark Office's Patent Public Advisory Committee (PPAC).
SHREWSBURY - Richard "Rick" Arent, 67, of Shrewsbury, passed away at the Rose Monahan Hospice Home on Friday, April 12th 2013 after a courageous and valiant fight with cancer for a second time.
Arent PhD who is a Professor and Director of the Human Performance Lab at the Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies at Rutgers University.