Anadyr Gulf

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Anadyr’ Gulf


a gulf of the Bering Sea which lies between the Chukotsk Peninsula and the Asian mainland. It is 278 km in length, about 400 km in breadth at its mouth, and up to 100–105 m in depth. At the head of the gulf are Sviatoi Krest Bay and the Anadyr’ estuary. The Anadyr’ River discharges into Onemen Gulf. Much of the year the Anadyr’ Gulf is covered with floating ice. The tides are semidiurnal but in the south are of mixed character. They reach 3 m in height. The city of Anadyr’ is located on the shore of the gulf.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
64[degrees]N), but "they know of these mammals." During Belopolsky's stay in that region (1930-31), Eskimos harvested two Steller sea lions off the northern coast of the Anadyr Gulf (Kresta Bay and Bering Cape, Fig.
No evidence of Steller sea lions dwelling off the western and southern coast of Anadyr Gulf (Fig.
Abundance along the Chukchi Peninsula and in Anadyr Gulf probably did not exceed several dozen or perhaps a hundred individuals, and there were no sites where Steller sea lions hauled out regularly.
Anadyr Gulf 91-94 (4) Early Branta bernicla nigricans 91-94 (4) Anser canagicus 91-94 (4) Anser albifrons 13.
By contrast, spring snow cover was unusually light in Russkiy Zavorot (4) and at Anadyr Gulf (12).
Indeed, at Anadyr Gulf, one of the few sites with favourable weather, predation alone was sufficient to prevent geese from breeding successfully.