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the murdered prince returns as a ghost to frustrate the usurper and proclaim the true heir. [Br. Lit.: Walpole The Castle of Otranto in Magill I, 124]
See: Ghost
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



In medieval Spanish kingdoms:

Alfonso I the Battler. Died in September 1134. King of Aragón and Navarre from 1104. He took Saragossa in 1118 from the Moors and in 1120 gained a victory at Cutanda over the forces of the Almoravids, who were trying to capture Saragossa. He undertook a number of campaigns in Andalusia and the south of France. Alfonso was routed in 1134 by the Moors at the fortress of Braga.

Alfonso III the Great. Born 838; died 910 or 912. King of Asturias from 866. He won a number of regions north of the Tajo River (now Tajus) from the Moors. Striving to consolidate royal authority, Alfonso III engaged in a bitter struggle with the feudal aristocracy, headed by his sons; in 910 he was forced to abdicate.

Alfonso VI the Brave. Born 1030; died June 30, 1109. King of León from 1065 and Castile from 1072. During the Reconquista. he conquered Toledo (1085) and the territories of Valencia and Almería. In 1086 he was routed by the Almoravids at Zalaca and lost a number of conquered lands. In 1108 his troops again suffered great defeat in a battle with the Moors at Uclés.

Alfonso VII. Born 1104; died 1157. King of Castile and León from 1126. He endeavored to unite the states of Christian Spain and gradually established his suzerainty over Aragón, Navarre, Portugal, and a number of territories in France (Foix, Comminges, and Montpellier). In 1135 the cortes of León proclaimed him emperor of Spain. Alfonso VII successfully participated in the Reconquista:. he campaigned in Andalusia and Estremadura and took Córdoba in 1144, but a year later he abandoned it, leaving the city to destruction. In the 1150’s he fought against the Almohads.

Alfonso IX. Born 1171; died Sept. 24, 1230. King of León and Asturias from 1188. In 1188, Alfonso IX convoked the first cortes of León, which gave representation to the third estate. Alfonso IX took Badajoz (1227), Cáceres (1229), and Mérida (1229) from the Moors.

Alfonso X the Wise. Born Nov. 23, 1221; died Apr. 4, 1284. King of Castile and León from 1252. He fought successfully against the Moors, capturing Jerez (1255), Cádiz (1262), and other towns. He tried to be elected emperor of the “Holy Roman Empire.” His striving to centralize the state and consolidate royal power (reflected in his code of laws, the Partidas.) met with the opposition of the great feudal lords and of his son Sancho. In 1282, Alfonso was deprived of royal power and Sancho began to rule. Alfonso X was a poet. He patronized the sciences, particularly astronomy; he ordered astronomical tables incorporating the observations of Arab scholars drawn up at the Academy of Toledo.

Alfonso XI. Born 1311; died Mar. 26, 1350. King of Castile and León from 1312. Began to rule independently in 1325. He relied mainly on the towns in his struggle against the separatist tendencies of the great feudal lords. In 1348, Alfonso XI promulgated (in the cortes of Alcalá) the so-called Ordinance of Alcalá, which established the personal freedom of the peasants while preserving the feudal obligations that were bound up with land dependence. Alfonso XI successfully fought against the Moors, defeating them in 1340 at Rio Salado. He died of the plague during the siege of Gibraltar, which he attempted to take from the Moors.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Their children Edwin Alphonso (49), Freeda D'souza (45) and Ryan Alphonso (40) are all graduates of the Indian High School in Dubai.
"The most quantity selling item at a reknowned hypermarket across Oman is Pakistani mangoes especially Sindhari and Langara while Indian mangoes like Alphonso and Badami are in high demand," a person who works at a hypermarket said.
The special offering will incorporate flavours from the summer harvest - from strawberries and cream paired in Eton Mess for United Kingdom routes to Alphonso mangos in kheer and layered cakes for flights to India.
The special offering will incorporate flavours from the summer harvest - from strawberries and cream paired in Eton Mess for UK routes to Alphonso mangos in kheer and layered cakes for flights to India.
The special offering will incorporate flavors from the summer harvest - from strawberries and cream paired in Eton Mess for United Kingdom routes to Alphonso mangos in kheer and layered cakes for flights to India.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Oct 5 (ANI): Alphonso mangoes from Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Palghar, Thane and Raigad districts of Maharashtra have got a Geographical Indication (GI) tag, the Ministry of Commerce announced on Friday.
A player of good standing from the Philippines, Aimar Sabayo, combining well with Janno Cunnaman, kept the fighters on the hop in the early stages but that intense first quarter also saw the youthful combination of the Humphery Gabriel (18) and Justin Alphonso (15) keep the Fighters going to get to five points behind their rivals.
The letter of intent was delivered to the party executives and leaders led by the AD state chairman, Chief Michael Akinropo by the Director of the Akin Onigbinde Campaign Organisation, Mr Alphonso Olaniyan during the stakeholder's meeting attended by the party's local government chairmen, secretaries, women leaders and elders from all local government Areas within Oyo state at the party Secretariat in Yemetu, Ibadan.
TV data company Alphonso has introduced the second generation of Alphonso Insights , its self-serve dashboard for real-time TV ad analytics and closed-loop attribution.
In Alphonso Davies, Bayern have landed probably the most exciting player ever to come out of the Great White North.Alphonso Davies is a left-sided attacker blessed with plenty of pace and dribbling talent, which he's shown off with Major League Soccer's Vancouver Whitecaps since making his MLS debut in July 2016 at the age of 15 and eight months.
In another match, Gladiators made the mistake of batting first at the Dubai International Stadium against an accurate attack from Rounak Pandey (3-20) and Adithya Shetty (2-8) and Colin Alphonso (2-3) to be bundled out for a paltry 64.