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Related to Alphabet: phonetic alphabet


The alphabet is the set of symbols known as letters that are used to form words. At its most basic, the English alphabet is composed of five vowels (letters representing speech sounds formed exclusively with an open airway) and 21 consonants (letters representing speech sounds formed with the tongue, teeth, and lips), for a total of 26 letters. Together, vowels and consonants form syllables in speech.
Every vowel and consonant has at least one speech sound associated with it, but most letters can have several sounds, with their pronunciation depending on where they appear in a word, what letter(s) appear around them, and, in some cases, the etymology (historical origin) of the word.
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(science and technology)
Any ordered set of unique graphics called characters, such as the 26 letters of the Roman alphabet.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


any set of letters or similar signs used in WRITING in which each letter represents one or more phonemes. Alphabets were not the earliest basis of writing, having evolved from hieroglyphs, or picture writing, as used in ancient Egypt, and syllabaries, writing whose units were syllables, as in Mycenae and also later in Egypt. The ‘convergence’ of writing with speech, as Quine (1987) puts it, reached its full extent, however, only with the alphabet.
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000


A holding company formed by Google in 2015 to better represent the diverse projects Google has undertaken over the years. Following are the various divisions. See Google, Android, YouTube, Gmail, Google X Lab and Waymo.

Alphabet - Web search, Android, YouTube, Gmail, Chrome

Google Fi high-speed Internet. See Google Fi.

A life sciences biotech company researching health and longevity. See Calico.

Private equity for large tech companies.

Research lab for AI based in London. See Google Brain.

Health and wellness products. Alphabet acquired FitBit in 2021.

Internet search, cloud computing, hardware and software.

Google Nest
Home automation from Nest Labs acquired by Google in 2014. Under Alphabet until 2018 when it merged into Google.

Google venture capital for tech.

Robotics software. Spun out of X Development in 2021.

Isomorphic Labs
Drug discovery company in the U.K. launched in 2021.

Technology incubator founded in 2010. Formerly Google Ideas, Jigsaw moved from Alphabet to Google in 2020.

Sidewalk Labs
Urban planning and infrastructure.

Research in life sciences.

Self-driving cars and taxis.

Drone-based freight delivery. Founded in 2012 as part of Google X, it became an Alphabet subsidiary in 2018.

X Development
R&D. Semi-secret. Formerly Google X.
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



the aggregate of graphic signs—letters (for example, the Latin and Russian alphabets)—or of syllabic signs (for example, the Devanagari alphabet of India) arranged in a traditionally established order.

Alphabets came into being at the end of the second millennium B.C. in the most ancient phonetic writing systems—the Ugaritic and Phoenician. Earlier there apparently existed a system of enumerating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The majority of the modern letter alphabets and some of the syllabic alphabets are derived from the Phoenecian alphabet through the Aramaic (Hebrew and Arabic) and Greek alphabets (Latin, Georgian, Armenian, Cyrillic) and others. The majority of the modern national writing systems are based on (1) the Latin alphabet—the writing systems of all peoples of America and Australia, the majority of the peoples of Europe, and some countries of Asia and Africa (for example, Turkey and Indonesia); (2) the Cyrillic alphabet—the writing systems of the majority of the peoples of the USSR (except those of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, which use the Latin alphabet, and Armenia and Georgia, which have their own alphabets) and the Bulgarian and Serbian writing systems; (3) the Arabic alphabet—the writing systems of all Arab countries as well as those of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Chinese province of Sinkiang; and (4) the syllabic alphabets used by many peoples of India.


Struve, V. Proiskhozhdenie alfavita. St. Petersburg, 1923. Georgiev, V. “Proiskhozhdenie alfavita.” Vopr. iazykoznaniia, 1952, no. 6.
Iakovlev, N. [F.] “Matematich. formula postroeniia alfavita.” In the collection Kul’tura i pis’mennost’ Vostoka, book 1. Moscow. 1928.
Istrin, V. A. Vozniknovenie i razvitie pis’ma. Moscow, 1965.
Diringer, D. Alfavit. Moscow, 1963. (Translated from English.)
Cohen, M. L’écriture. Paris, 1953.
Gelb, I. J. A Study of Writing. Chicago, 1952.
Jensen, H. Geschichte der Schrift. Hannover, 1925.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Page became chief executive at Alphabet, a holding company for the tech giant's search products and "other bets" such Waymo self-driving car unit and Google Fiber internet service.
Industry tracker eMarketer forecast that Alphabet's money-making engine Google would take in $102.43 billion in digital ad revenue this year, commanding 31.3 per cent of the global market.
While a joint venture with Alphabet isn't directly tied to its plans to go public, The Journal notes that the oil company could use the partnership to entice investors.
Bloomberg has reported that discussions have already taken place and the cash infusion is likely to come from Alphabet's growth equity investment fund, CapitalG.
[USA], July 25 ( ANI ): Google CEO Sundar Pichai is all set to join the parent company Alphabet's board, according to an official announcement from the company.
Now, Alphabet has confirmed to 9to5Google that the project was ended almost a year ago.
The orthography was based on the Deseret Alphabet, a non-Roman phonemic alphabet that Young was promoting to replace the traditional Latin alphabet.
A Hebridean Alphabet is not a book for a remote, niche audience; this delightful alphabet is a joy to share with any group of children anywhere.
In "The Letter and the Cosmos: How the Alphabet Has Shaped the Western View of the World", Laurence de Looze (a professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Western Ontario, Canada), probes that influence, showing how the alphabet has served as a lens through which we conceptualize the world and how the world, and sometimes the whole cosmos, has been perceived as a kind of alphabet itself.
Los Angeles, CA, July 28, 2016 --( 64DNA, a privately held company in Los Angeles, California and its founder Bob Ainuu Afamasaga released their DNA Alphabet or Biology-Genetic Periodic Table based on the Master Blueprint HWHY ['5]-YHWH ['3]: YHWH [3']-HWHY [5'].
GOOGLE owner Alphabet has knocked fellow US tech giant Apple off its top spot to become the world's most valuable public company.