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1. a beer fermented in an open vessel using yeasts that rise to the top of the brew
2. (formerly) an alcoholic drink made by fermenting a cereal, esp barley, but differing from beer by being unflavoured by hops
3. Chiefly Brit another word for beer
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(food engineering)
A fermented malt beverage, differing from beer in containing up to 8% alcohol by volume and being hopped more heavily.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(Application Launching & Embedding) A feature in Citrix products that enables Windows and Unix applications to be embedded into and/or launched from an HTML page without any code change. It was originally deployed in Citrix's MetaFrame and WinFrame products. See Citrix XenApp.
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References in classic literature ?
It was well for Robin Hood that that same forester's head was spinning with ale, or else he would never have taken another step.
Thou shalt eat sweet venison and quaff the stoutest ale, and mine own good right-hand man shalt thou be, for never did I see such a cudgel player in all my life before.
Then they all built great fires and after a time roasted the does and broached a barrel of humming ale. Then when the feast was ready they all sat down, but Robin placed Little John at his right hand, for he was henceforth to be the second in the band.
Then one came forward who had been chosen to play the priest because he had a bald crown, and in his hand he carried a brimming pot of ale. "Now, who bringeth this babe?" asked he right soberly.
When thou livedst not thou wast called John Little, but now that thou dost live indeed, Little John shalt thou be called, so christen I thee." And at these last words he emptied the pot of ale upon Little John's head.
Then all shouted with laughter as they saw the good brown ale stream over Little John's beard and trickle from his nose and chin, while his eyes blinked with the smart of it.
The peasant in the sheepskins, who had sat glum and silent all evening, had been so heated by his flagon of ale that he was talking loudly and angrily with clenched hands and flashing eyes.
But the ones he thought worked were launched after a market test Ale held through friends.
The beers are a golden ale, an IPA and a dark ale and all three are brewed by Marston's Brewery of Burton-upon-Trent.
The ceremony held in Paris saw ALE pick up the awards for: * Innovation award for end users * Crane job of the year (Lattice Boom cranes) * SPMT job of the year
A KENILWORTH pub has been handed accreditation for its range of cask ales.
Volver Ale brewed with spices and Spanish orange peel, is a collaboration brew between Victory Brewing Co., and chef Jose Garces of the Garces Restaurant Group.