
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



Born 1068; died 1123. Founder and first emperor (1115–23) of the Chin dynasty in China.

In 1113, Akuta became the leader of the Jurchen family of Wan-Nien, who had to pay tribute to the Khitans. In 1114 he led the Jurchen tribes against the Khitans and occupied most of their forts in Manchuria. He proclaimed himself emperor in 1115 and gave his dynasty the name of Chin (the Golden). In 1116 he captured all of Manchuria, and by 1123 he controlled the territory of the Khitan empire of Lian in northern China.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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They increased the flock later, says Akuta.WORK WITH A VETERINARY OFFICER"The two projects are mutually beneficial to each other.
Arase Y, Suzuki F, Suzuki Y, Akuta N, Kobayashi M, Kawamura Y, et al.
'While all eyes are on what Opec will decide at the upcoming meeting, investors see a loosening supply and demand balance,' Tomomichi Akuta, a senior economist at Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., said by phone from Tokyo.
Oil prices could rise at least $10, with Brent approaching near $90," said Tomomichi Akuta, senior economist at Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting.
Akuta et al., "Serial changes in liver stiffness and controlled attenuation parameter following direct[beta]-acting antiviral therapy against hepatitis C virus genotype 1b," Journal of Medical Virology, vol.
The content of the coordinative capacities (Okamoto, Masuhara, Akuta, 2006) quoting Procnazka includes in the coordinating content, eight groups factors which are:
(110) Tamura, F., Nakagawa, R., Akuta, T., Okamoto, S., Hamada, S., Maeda, H., Kawabata, S.