air launch

(redirected from Airlaunch)

air launch

[′er ‚lȯnch]
(aerospace engineering)
Launching from an aircraft in the air.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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AirLaunch had an idea to drop payloads out of the back of a C-17.
"The Airlaunch rocket can be flown anywhere in the world in any unmodified C-17," Walker said.
They are AirLaunch, Andrews Space, Exquadrum, KT Engineering, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Microcosm, Orbital Sciences, Schafer, and Space Exploration Technologies.
Another company, AirLaunch LLC, has developed a low-cost vehicle that doesn't require a launch pad.
AirLaunch LLC, another private start-up, has a concept to launch small satellites from the back of a C-17 transport aircraft, which could solve the crowded spaceport problem.
It has a crew of two and boasts a devastating array of weaponry including Skyflash air-to-air missiles, AIM-9 Sidewinder, airlaunched anti-radar missile, advanced short and medium range air-to-air missiles and twin internal 27mm cannons.
Additional EW support is being offered to US military aircraft via Raytheon's ADM-160C MALD-J (Miniature AirLaunched Decoy-Jammer) expendable payload designed to help protect combat aircraft against RF threats.
the Babur (ground-launched) and the Ra'ad (airlaunched), both of
Pakistan has also developed nuclearcapable land- and airlaunched cruise missiles.
The MK-80 series general-purpose bomb family was created in the late 1940s and has been the standard airlaunched bomb for the services ever since.
Unlike the Sheffield and Atlantic Conveyor, sunk during the previous month by airlaunched Exocets, Glamorgan remained afloat, making her the first ship in history to survive an Exocet hit.
NATO flew 23,300 strike sorties against both fixed and mobile targets, employing the full spectrum of aviation ordnance--from 500-pound general-purpose bombs to airlaunched cruise missiles--and striking over 7,600 of the desired mean impact points.