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Related to Affricates: phonetics, Semivowels, Approximants
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



consonants consisting of plosive (obstruent) and fricative elements; for example, Russian ts and ch. An affricate is a type of obstruent consonant the occlusion of which, when it is pronounced, does not terminate with the explosion of the plosive organs of speech but with their incomplete closure, which causes the formation of a fricative. Affricates are distinguished from combinations of plosive consonants with fricatives; compare Russian ch and tsh in the words ochutit’sia and otshutit’sia.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Elamite Phonemes / Graphical Units Sources: Stolper 2004: 70-73 Khachikian 1998: 5-10 * Elamite <z> is some sort of affricate (not [z]); Khachikian 1998: 7-8.
Some of the phonemes that have been resisted in the past are the alveolar trill and affricate [r] and [dz] respectively.
manner of articulation (for consonants): stop, fricative, affricate, nasal, lateral, semivowel, trill
Conversely the first C of tn- consonantal clusters word medially in Hindko can be astop fricative affricate or nasal but third C at the right edge is always a liquid or a flap.
passing to the northern affricate and these are restricted to a few words: zaschuna (V: 23); zo (I: 10) (V: 11) (VI: 14, 40); zoe (V: 39, 45, 48).
In contrast, affricates and sibilants were less frequently confused with other consonants by the ONH subjects (particularly in coda position) and so remained closer to the circle circumference.
The voiceless affricate and voiceless stops demonstrate such kind of tendency.
s, s [s]) which facilitated the innovation of a three- or two-stepped system of affricates (e.g.
Likewise one represents the alveolar palatal affricates graphically through the combination velar, dental or labial + r [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]).