
The maypole at Welford-on-Avon

Welford-on-Avon is a village situated some 4 miles (6 km) west-south-west of the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the county of Warwickshire, England. The population was measured at 1,420 in the 2011 census.[1]

Until 1931, Welford-on-Avon was in Gloucestershire (as part of the Rural District of Marston Sicca), when it was transferred to Stratford-on-Avon Rural District. Since 1974 it has been part of the District of Stratford-on-Avon.

Welford sits within a bend of the Avon, on the south bank of the river. The village maypole is one of the tallest in England (at 65 feet / 20 metres). It used to be wooden but was replaced by an aluminium pole after a lightning strike. There are three pubs and many Tudor half-timbered and thatched cottages, mostly close to the village church, which is in the oldest part of Welford.[2]

Welford-on-Avon Primary School

The primary school, on Headland Road, has been rated 'Outstanding' by Ofsted. In 1995, it won the Daily Telegraph's young newspaper of the year competition with its annual publication, The J3 Bugle.


  1. ^ "Civil Parish population 2011". Retrieved 2 January 2016.
  2. ^ bmsgh.org

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