Unique Party

Unique Party
Leader Linda Rosing
Founded August 8, 2006
Ideology Not yet announced

The Unique Party (Swedish: Unika partiet) was a minor Swedish political party founded by model and Big Brother participant Linda Rosing.

The party was announced late July and officially founded following a press conference in Stockholm on August 3, 2006, a little more than a month before the upcoming election. Following Rosing's initiative and joining as board members were Christian Björklund and Pierre Almquist, former members of the Pirate Party, which also was started the same year. Cecila Beckroth, former treasurer of the pirate party, also served briefly on the board before leaving.

The party was widely regarded as populist due to Rosing's background, but has nonetheless gained support from some established politicians. The party received only 222 votes in the general election at September 17, 2006, which is less than 0,01% of the votes.

Linda Rosing has since the 2006 election stepped down as the top name of the party and is now only a board member. She says it is possible that she will run as the top name in next election, but at the moment she wants to focus on her career as a singer and model. The Unique Party's next goal is to get seats in the European Parliament after the 2009 European Parliament election.

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