TheSabre is an independent online publication covering University of Virginia Cavaliers athletics. The site, originally named, was established by Charlottesville, Virginia resident and former U.S. Air Force Security Specialist Michael Ingalls the fall of 1996. The site changed its name to "" in 1998 because the site moved into more than just football and basketball coverage. The change also facilitated greater cooperation by the University of Virginia athletic department as there was some concern over trademark issues - the site held two domain names at the time; previously mentioned "" as well as "". is named after the "V-Sabres" logo, which is now the official logo for all Virginia Cavaliers athletic teams. The official "V-Sabres" logo as well as "" logo were designed by Matthew Welsh, a studio art major from the University of Virginia and son of former Virginia football head coach George Welsh. Welsh is a former employee of became a full-time business in June 1998 and has been fully credentialed media since that time. The site is staffed full-time by founder and president Michael Ingalls, managing editor Kris Wright, and recruiting analyst Chris Horne, in addition to various freelance and intern writers. also provides a number of resources for Cavalier fans, including daily links to articles and features from other sports-related web sites pertaining to University of Virginia athletics. Other site resources include rosters, schedules and other important information relating to UVa athletics.

Subscription Service began a subscription service in August 1999 called the Sabre Newsletter. The newsletter was a once or twice per month offering and eventually morphed into a daily online subscription service called "Sabre Edge" in 2002 when constructed a recruiting database and content management system and hired Chris Horne full-time to handle recruiting updates and interviews. has produced over 6,000 exclusive recruiting updates, features, articles, interviews and analysis pieces since the "Sabre Edge" subscription service was created.

Message Boards (forums)

The site offers free message boards where fans can discuss the Cavaliers' football, men's basketball, lacrosse, soccer, women's basketball, baseball, and other Olympic sports as well as non-sports related topics. Part of the "Sabre Edge" subscription package provides a number of limited access message boards, which were designed to keep out rival fan interference.

Ownership is owned by SportsWar, LLC, a Virginia-based company which originated from SportsWar also owns "", the leading independent site for fans of the Virginia Tech Hokies. While SportsWar is the owning entity and combines resources for payroll, server technology and software, the sites are run independently of one another with regard to content, budget, customer service and site structure editing.

External links

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