Also found in: Acronyms.
The initials TFH can refer to the following:
- TFH Publications, an American publisher specialising in books on pets
- The Falcon's Hangar, a Singapore distributor/retailer of collectible toys
- The Flat Hat, student newspaper at the College of William & Mary
- Tin-foil hat, an item of headgear
- Tropical Fish Hobbyist, a fishkeeping magazine
- Follicular B helper T cells (TFH), an immune cell that provides a helper function to B cells
- A widely used acronym for US District Court Judge Thomas F. Hogan
- Touch For Health, a complementary therapy, related to Applied kinesiology
- Tung Fat Ho, a Hong Kong Building Material Supplier specialize on Architecture Builders' hardware/ Ironmongery with history go back from 1950
- Them's Fightin' Herds, a fighting video game for PC
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