Rusticus is a Latin adjective meaning "rural, simple, rough or clownish" and can refer to:
- Aedes rusticus, a European mosquito
- Rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus)
- Urozelotes rusticus, a ground spider
- a synonym of the butterfly genus Plebejus
Saints and martyrs
- Saint Rusticus of Narbonne (died c. 461)
- Saint Rusticus (Archbishop of Lyon) (c. 455–501)
- One of the martyred companions of Saint Denis (3rd century)
- Martyr of Verona (died c. 290): see Firmus and Rusticus
Other people
- Fabius Rusticus, 1st-century historian of ancient Rome
- Arulenus Rusticus, (c. 35–93 AD) consul executed by Domitian
- Flavius Rusticus Helpidius, 5th-century Latin poet
- Junius Rusticus, 2nd-century Stoic philosopher, consul, and friend of Marcus Aurelius
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