President's trophy (Finland)

President's Trophy is a Finnish ice hockey award given by the Honorary Chairman of the Finnish Ice Hockey Association, Kai Hietaranta, to a person who has made an impressive impact on hockey in Finland.



  1. ^ Mennander, Pasi (2011-05-23). "Granlund huomion keskipisteessä Liigagaalassa, vastaanotti President's Trophyn" [Granlund in the spotlight at the Liiga Gala, awarded the President's Trophy]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  2. ^ Mennander, Pasi (2012-05-06). "Mikko Koivulle merkittävä kiekkopalkinto" [Mikko Koivu receives a significant hockey award]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  3. ^ Mennander, Pasi (2013-05-26). "President's Trophyn voittaja 2013: Antti Raanta!" [President's Trophy winner 2013: Antti Raanta!]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  4. ^ Mennander, Pasi (2014-05-03). "Teuvo Teräväiselle President's Trophy - Myös Liigan All Stars -sentteri" [Teuvo Teräväinen gets the President's Trophy - also named Liiga All-Star center]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  5. ^ Mennander, Pasi (2015-05-02). "Ville Niemisen uralle jälleen yksi kunnianosoitus - President's Trophy!" [Another tribute to Ville Niemi's career - the President's Trophy!]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  6. ^ Mennander, Pasi (2016-05-06). "Jesse Puljujärvelle President's Trophy -palkinto". (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  7. ^ Parviainen, Vesa; Markkanen, Lauri (2017-05-05). "Patrik Laine palkittiin President's Trophyllä Tampereella: "Olen erittäin otettu"" [Patrik Laine awarded the President's Trophy in Tampere: "I am extremely honored"]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  8. ^ Seppänen, Antti (2018-05-02). "Liiga palkitsi kauden 2017–18 parhaat – tässä palkittujen lista" [Liiga rewards the best of the 2017-18 season - a list of the award winners]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
  9. ^ Mennander, Pasi (2019-06-13). "President's Trophy -erikoispalkinto Kaapo Kakolle: "Hän pohjusti Suomen tien maailmanmestaruuteen"" [President's Trophy - special award for Kaapo Kakko: "He paved the way for Finland's World Championship"]. (in Finnish). Retrieved 2019-07-06.
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