
Scientific classification edit
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Falconiformes
Family: Falconidae
Subfamily: Falconinae
Genus: Falco
F. peregrinus × F. biarmicus

Perilanner is a term used by falconers to describe a hybrid between a peregrine falcon and a lanner falcon. It is larger and faster than a lanner, but does not fly as far as a peregrine, and thus is less likely to fly far away and become lost. Usually the peregrine is the father and the lanner is the mother. Perilanners are a popular choice for modern falconers.

Their flying range is between that of a lanner and that of a peregrine and makes them useful in keeping an airport clear of wild birds to prevent birdstrike.

See also

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