Member System

The Member System, modeled on the cabinet system, was created by British authorities in Malaysia to provide self-governance. Like the Communities Liaison Committee, it drew on members of different communities, and was later described as setting a precedent for the powersharing multiracial Malayan and Malaysian cabinets post-independence.

At 1951, Sir Henry Gurney,the British High Commissioner in Malaya announced the members, their duty started at April 1951 until June 1955, before the election.

3 portfolios still holding by British, they are Housing and Public Works by J. D. Mead, Industry and Social Relations, and Economic Affairs.

Potrait Holder Portfolio
CO 1069-504-04 (7893277884) (cropped).jpg Onn Jaafar Home Affairs
E. E. C. Thuraisingham Education
Lee Tiang Keng Health
Tunku Yaacob ibni Sultan Abd. Hamid Agriculture and Forestry
Dato'Mahmud Mat Land, Mining and Communications
3 Portfolios were offered to citizens of Malaysia at 1954.
Tan-sri-dato-nik-ahmad-kamil.jpg Nik Ahmad Kamil Local Government, Housing and Urban Planning
Tun Henry H S Lee.jpg H. S. Lee Transportation
Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman Natural Resources
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