
Helsinki districts-Malminkartano.png

Malminkartano (Malmgård in Swedish[1]) is a suburb and a quarter in the western part of Helsinki city,[2] part of the Kaarela neighbourhood.[3] Vantaankosken rata, the railway of Vantaankoski, has a station in Malminkartano. The suburb's artificial hill, Malminkartanonhuippu or Malminkartanon täyttömäki is the highest point of Helsinki.[4] Malminkartano is often called Maltsu by young people.



  1. ^ Hall, Thomas (1991). Planning and Urban Growth in the Nordic Countries. Taylor & Francis. p. 110. ISBN 978-0-419-16840-9. Retrieved 2009-03-08.
  2. ^ Altman, Irwin; Arzah Ts'erts'man; Arza Churchman (1994). Women and the Environment. Springer. p. 217. ISBN 978-0-306-44680-1. Retrieved 2009-03-08.
  3. ^ Helsingin piirijako. Helsingin kaupunki.
  4. ^ "My Helsinki". Retrieved 2019-02-09.

External links

Media related to Malminkartano at Wikimedia Commons

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