Lip liner

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Lip liner

Lip liner, also known as a lip pencil, is a cosmetic product. It is intended to fill in uneven areas on the outer edges of the lips before applying lipstick to give a smoother shape. It is also used to outline the lips, keeping lipstick inside the lip area and preventing it from "bleeding", creating a bigger contrast and making the lips stand out more. Alternatively, lip liner can be used to fill in the entire lip before the application of lipstick, and in some cases is worn as a lipstick on its own. The product is usually sold in a retractable tube or pencil form which can be sharpened. Lip liner is usually available in the same range of colors as lipsticks: e.g., reds, pinks, browns, plums, etc. Lip liner also comes in invisible, for giving the illusion of smooth lips without adding or affecting color.[1]


Like lipstick, lip liners are composed of waxes, oils, and pigment. Compared to lipstick, lip liners are firmer in consistency and more deeply pigmented, making them suitable for drawing on to the lip with precision. For these reasons, lip liners have less oil but more wax and pigment than most lipsticks. A popular wax used in the making of lip liners is Japan wax.[1]


Designer brands such as Chanel, Dior, and Marc Jacobs produce their own lip liners. Other brands include but are not limited to Urban Decay, Kylie Cosmetics, Clinique, and MAC Cosmetics.

See also


  1. ^ a b J. Cunningham "Color cosmetics" in Chemistry and Technology of the Cosmetics and Toiletries Industry Editors D. F. Williams, Mr W. H. Schmitt. Springer. ISBN 978-94-010-7194-9 (Print)
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