Leland Purvis

Leland Purvis is a comic book writer and artist, best known for his black and white series Vóx and Pubo.


Purvis was nominated for the 2004 Ignatz Award for Promising New Talent for his work on Suspended in Language. He was also the recipient of a 2000 Xeric Foundation grant to support the creation of Vóx.


As writer and artist

  • Vóx #1-4 (of 4), Pack Rabbit Press, 2000-2003
    • collected in Vox : collected works, 1999-2003, Absence of Ink Comics, 2004
  • Pubo #1-3 (of 3), Dark Horse Comics, 2002-2003
    • collected in Pubo, Dark Horse Comics, 2003
  • Vulcan & Vishnu, a web-comic

As primary artist

As contributor

  • The Monon Street Power Collective 1, (Various artists and writers), Welsh El Dorado Press, 2004
  • 24seven, (various artists and writers), Image Comics, 2006
  • "The First Move" (writer: Elizabeth Genco) in Smut Peddler #3, Saucy Goose Press, 2006



External links

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