KS Cukierki Odra Brzeg

KS Cukierki Odra Brzeg is a Polish women basketball team, based in Brzeg, playing in Ford Germaz Ekstraklasa (PLKK). The club is founded 1977.

Team's websites: odra.e-basket.pl www.odra.polskikosz.pl

2003/2004 season

KS Cukierki Odra Brzeg has won 8th place in Sharp Torell Basket Liga.

2004/2005 season

KS Cukierki Odra Brzeg has won 7th place in Torell Basket Liga.

2005/2006 season

KS Cukierki Odra Brzeg has won 6th place in Ford Germaz Basket Liga.

2006/2007 season

KS Cukierki Odra Brzeg placed 9th in Ford Germaz Ekstraklasa.

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