
 • Total1.55 km2 (0.60 sq mi)
9 m (30 ft)

Chol (Choll) is a village at the northern end of Ngaraard State in Palau. This village consists of a large, long, beach that runs along its entire east coast. The village has a series of ancient paths and platforms, similar to the rest of the villages in Ngaraard. There is also a large man-made channel that connects the village to the sea on the western coast. At the center of the village, along the compact road, there is a small marketplace with benches where one can purchase some village refreshments.


The village of Choll is located directly adjacent to the village of Ngriil in Ngarchelong State. Choll has a small population, surrounded by dense forest and steep hills. A compact road was recently built through the center of the village.


The Ministry of Education operates public schools.

Ngarchelong Elementary School in Ngarchelong currently students from Choll.[1]

Palau High School in Koror is the country's only public high school, so children from this community go there.[2]


  1. ^ "Ngarchelong Elementary School Archived 2018-10-17 at the Wayback Machine." Ministry of Education (Palau). Retrieved on February 22, 2018.
  2. ^ "About Archived 2018-03-03 at the Wayback Machine." Palau High School. Retrieved on February 22, 2018.

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