Aleksandr Anpilogov

Aleksandr Anpilogov
Personal information
Full nameAleksandr Semyonovich Anpilogov
BornJanuary 18, 1954 (age 67)

Aleksandr Semyonovich Anpilogov (Georgian: ალექსანდრე ანპილოგოვი, Russian: Александр Семёнович Анпилогов, born January 18, 1954)[1] is a former Soviet/Georgian handball player who competed in the 1976 Summer Olympics and in the 1980 Summer Olympics.

Anpilogov trained at Burevestnik in Tbilisi.[1] In 1976 he won the gold medal with the Soviet team. He played all six matches and scored 13 goals.

Four years later he was part of the Soviet team which won the silver medal. He played all six matches and scored 29 goals.


  1. ^ a b (in Russian) Great Olympic Encyclopedia, vol.1-2, Moscow:Olympia Press Publisher, 2006, entry on "Анпилогов", available online

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