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Related to Alcoholate: Alkoxide, allocation, alkali alcoholate, Accolate

Originally, an alcoholate was the crystalline form of a salt in which alcohol took the place of water of crystallization, such as [SnCl3(OC2H5)·C2H5OH]2[1] and C8H6N4O5·CH3OH.[2]

The second meaning of the word is that of a tincture, or alcoholic extract of plant material.

The third, and more usual meaning of the word is as a synonym for alkoxide—a compound formed by the substitution of the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group of an alcohol by a metal atom.


  1. ^ Webster, M., & Collins, P. H. (1974). The crystal and molecular structure of trichloroethoxytin (IV) ethanolate dimer,[SnCl3(OC2H5)·C2H5OH]2. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 9, 157-160.
  2. ^ Cherukuvada, S., Babu, N. J., & Nangia, A. (2011). Nitrofurantoin–p‐aminobenzoic acid cocrystal: Hydration stability and dissolution rate studies. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 100(8), 3233-3244.
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