Wiktionary:About Lojban

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All text in Wiktionary should be in English with the sole exception of the entry words themselves, together with any examples and quotations. Those looking for definitions in Lojban should look in the Lojban Wiktionary. This guide is intended for those editing Lojban words, it is a supplement to Wiktionary’s page: Wiktionary:Entry layout explained.

Each entry must contain at least two headings Lojban and and a POS heading, where “POS” is shorthand for “Part of speech heading”. The sample code below shows the text for a brivla, further details will follow below, at present the pre-POS headings will be considered:




Pre-POS headings


Details will be given for each of the three common pre-POS headings and the “See also” header.


===Alternative forms===




See also (at top)


Not a heading; if it is used the See also message should appear at the very top of the page where it will be easily seen by a user who has mistyped or is uncertain of the capitalisation, hyphenation or stress accents of a word, and appears as:
      See also Pan, PAN, pan-, and Pan-
It is not a heading and uses the template {{also}}, providing links to words of different meaning but similar spelling. Words of similar etymology could appear here, but should also be listed under Related terms.

Alternative forms


This is the place for an alphabetical list of words of identical meaning and etymology but difference in spelling, such as trixexo and trixexu. Words of similar etymology but different meaning should appear under Related terms, unrelated but similarly spelt words should appear under See also.

The canonical form of a lujvo is determined by the lujvo scoring algorithm; the canonical form of a type-3 fu'ivla is the one with a 4-letter rafsi. These are not alternative spellings, but regular morphological variants. In the canonical form, list the alternative forms in use under this header. In the alternative form, place a link to the canonical form in the definition.



For fu'ivla and calque lujvo, write an etymology following the usual guidelines (Wiktionary:Etymology). For gismu, refer to Lojban.org’s gismu Etymology and Mublin’s Lojban Etymology lists and enter the words in the six source languages that contributed to the gismu. Note:

  • Words in inflecting languages are listed without their desinences. Enter them here with them.
  • Lojban words in which o resulted from Spanish ue have their Spanish source word transliterated with o. See vorme for an example.
  • Many Chinese words are listed with e where o would be transliterated. See gerku.
  • A few typos crept into the words as the gismu were being compiled. Enter the word as it is actually spelled in the source language, and note the typo.
  • Since Lojban’s root words have been designed so common sounds are used for common meanings, enter only words that have some sounds in common with the gismu.

Parts of Speech headings


The heading (POS) should be replaced by one of the following: Cmavo, Gismu, Rafsi, Brivla, Proper noun. The expected content under each of these is described, for each part of speech, below:

  1. Cmavo
    i.e. ===Cmavo | Particle or Structure Word===
    • This is a closed category (at least, definitely, for simple cmavo): include only words in the ma'oste (Lojban.org’s published word list for structure words).
    • Use this header also for cmavo clusters, though the category for these would be Category:Lojban cmavo clusters instead of Category:Lojban cmavo.
      • Cmavo clusters have their selma'o marked with an asterisk in the ma'oste. Individual cmavo do not.
    • In the header line, use template {{jbo-cmavo}} (unless the cmavo is a cluster).
  2. Gismu
    i.e. ===Gismu | Root Word===
  3. Rafsi
    i.e. ===Rafsi | Affix or Combining Form===
  4. Brivla
    i.e. ===Brivla | Content Word===
  5. Proper noun
    i.e. ===Cmene | Proper Noun===



This is for etymologically related terms, such as ricrceraso (cherry tree) and rutrceraso (cherry fruit) both of which are based on ceraso (cherry).

Derived terms


For a gismu, list here the lujvo and type-3 fu'ivla derived from it.

See also


List here semantically related terms, such as tanko and sigja which are related because of their meanings.

Criteria for inclusion


Lojban lemma forms must be cited with 3 independent quotations showing use and spanning more than a year, per WT:ATTEST. A corpus exists of Lojban usage at https://korp.alexburka.com/