User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-w

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ч {letter} :: The twenty-fifth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is че and its sound is approximated by the English ch in church. It is preceded by Ц and followed by Ш
ч {m inan} :: h, hour
чабан {noun} [Central Asia, Caucasus] :: shepherd
чабер {noun} :: savory (Satureja gen. et spp.)
чабрец {noun} :: thyme
чавкать {v impf} :: to champ, to slurp, to eat loudly, to smack one's lips (while eating)
чавыча {noun} :: chinook salmon, king salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
чага {noun} :: birch canker, chaga, clinker polypore, Inonotus obliquus
чад {noun} :: smoke, fumes
чад {noun} [figuratively] :: daze, frenzy
Чад {prop} :: Чад (country)
Чад {prop} :: Чад (lake)
чадить {v impf} :: to smoke, to emit fumes
чадо {noun} [archaic, humorous] :: child, offspring, progeny
чадра {noun} :: chador, veil, niqab (a loose robe worn by Muslim women)
чадский {adj} :: Chadian
чаевод {noun} :: tea grower
чаевые {noun} :: tip (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation)
чаепитие {noun} :: tea-drinking
чаёвничать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sit long over one's tea, to have a cosy tea, to indulge in tea-drinking
чаёк {noun} :: diminutive of чай
чаинка {noun} :: a piece of a tea leaf
чай {noun} :: tea (drink)
чай {noun} :: tea plant (Camellia sinensis, Thea sinensis)
чай {interj} :: methinks, must be, may be, hopefully, probably
чайка {noun} :: seagull
чайнатаун {noun} :: Chinatown
чайная {noun} :: teahouse
чайник {noun} :: teapot, teakettle, kettle
чайник {noun} :: dummy, novice, no-good
чайница {noun} :: tea caddie (a small box used for tea)
чайный {adj} [relational] :: tea
чайный {adj} :: tea-scented, tea-colored
чайный пакетик {noun} :: teabag (packet with tea)
чайхана {noun} [Central Asia, Iran, Azerbaijan] :: teahouse, teashop (a cafe that sells tea)
чакра {noun} :: chakra (spiritual energy nexuses)
чакра {noun} :: chakram (Indian throwing weapon)
чалить {v impf} [dated] :: to bind, to moor
чалма {noun} :: turban (man’s headdress)
чалтык {noun} ::  rice, paddy
Чамбарак {prop} :: Чамбарак (town)
чамо {f inan} {n inan} :: jamo (jamo - Korean letters, building blocks of hangeul)
чан {noun} :: tub, vat, tank; tun
чао {interj} :: goodbye (farewell)
чао {interj} :: ciao
чапельник {noun} :: panhandle (handle of a pan)
чапля {noun} [dialectal] :: heron
чара {noun} [archaic] :: cup, glass, bowl, goblet (for drinking alcohol)
чарас {noun} :: charas
чардаш {noun} :: csardas
Чаренцаван {prop} :: Чаренцаван (town)
чарка {noun} :: cup, glass, goblet (for drinking alcohol)
чарка {noun} :: cup (volume of liquid that can fit in such a vessel)
чарка {noun} :: charka, a unit of liquid measure in Russia till 1925 containing 123 ml
чарли {m inan} [slang] :: cocaine
чародей {noun} :: sorcerer, magician, wizard
чародейка {noun} :: sorceress
чародейка {noun} :: enchantress, charmer
чары {noun} [poetic, literary] :: bewitchment, witchcraft, magic, incantation, sorcery, spell
чары {noun} [poetic, literary] :: charm
час {noun} [singular] :: hour, o'clock, time, time of day
час {noun} [plural] :: hours, o'clock
час {noun} [plural] :: clock, watch
час {noun} [poetic] :: time, day
часами {adv} :: for hours
часик {noun} :: diminutive of час: (short) hour
часовня {noun} :: chapel, oratory (place of worship)
часовой {adj} [relational] :: hour
часовой {adj} :: by the hour
часовой {adj} [relational] :: watch, clock
часовой {noun} :: sentry, sentinel
часовой пояс {noun} :: time zone
часовщик {noun} :: watchmaker
часок {noun} :: diminutive of час
часом {adv} [colloquial] :: sometimes, at times, now and then
часом {adv} [colloquial] :: by chance
часослов {noun} [religion] :: book of hours
час пик {noun} :: rush hour, peak hour (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting)
частенько {adv} [colloquial] :: often
частить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to do something rapidly/hurriedly
частить {v impf} [colloquial, dated] :: to visit someone frequently, to see much of someone
частица {noun} :: fraction (of), (little) part (of)
частица {noun} [physics] :: particle
частица {noun} [grammar] :: particle
частичка {noun} :: diminutive of частица: (small) particle
частично {adv} :: partly, partially (in part)
частичный {adj} :: partial
частник {noun} [colloquial] :: private owner, private entrepreneur, private practitioner, private motorist
частное {noun} [arithmetic] :: quotient (number resulting from division)
частность {noun} :: particular
частный {adj} :: private
частный {adj} :: particular
частный {adj} :: individual
часто {adv} :: frequently, often
часто {adv} :: close, thickly
частокол {noun} :: palisade, paling, fence
частота {noun} :: frequency
частотный {adj} [relational] :: frequency
частотный {adj} :: frequent
частушка {noun} :: chastushka (a type of traditional Russian poetry)
частый {adj} :: frequent
частый {adj} :: thick, thickset, dense, close
частый {adj} :: quick, rapid
часть {noun} :: part
часть {noun} :: share
часть {noun} :: piece
часть {noun} :: department, section
часть {noun} [military] :: unit (regimental or smaller sized and administratively self-contained)
часть {noun} [colloquial] :: line, branch
часть {noun} [obsolete] :: police station
часть речи {noun} [grammar] :: part of speech
часы {noun} :: clock, watch
часы {noun} :: watch; guard (a particular time period when guarding is kept)
чат {noun} [Internet] :: chat (exchange of text or voice messages in real time)
чатни {n inan} :: chutney
-чатый {suffix} :: adjective-forming suffix, added to nouns, indicating having the characteristic of that noun; sometimes a relational adjective is formed instead
-чать {affix} :: Combining form used to form perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to begin"
чахлый {adj} :: withered
чахлый {adj} :: sickly
чахнуть {v impf} :: to wilt, to wither
чахнуть {v impf} :: to become emaciated, to waste away
чахотка {noun} :: consumption, phthisis (atrophy of the body as a result of tuberculosis)
чахохбили {n inan} :: chakhokhbili, a meat ragout, part of Georgian cuisine
чача {noun} :: chacha - traditionally a clear strong liquor, which is sometimes called "vine vodka," "grape vodka," or "Georgian vodka."
ча-ча-ча {n inan} :: cha-cha, cha-cha-cha (dance)
ча-ча-ча {n inan} [music] :: cha-cha, cha-cha-cha
чаша {noun} :: bowl
чаша {noun} :: cup, chalice
чашечка {noun} :: diminutive of чашка: small cup
чашечка {noun} [botany] :: calyx
чашечка {noun} :: cup, cup-like object
чашечка {noun} :: patella, knee-cap
чашечный {adj} [relational] :: cup
чашечный {adj} :: cup-shaped
чашка {noun} :: diminutive of чаша
чашка {noun} :: cup
чашка {noun} :: pan
чашка {noun} :: cap
чаща {noun} :: thicket
чаще {adv} :: comparative of частый
чаще {adv} :: comparative of часто
чащоба {noun} [colloquial or regional] :: thicket
чаяние {noun} :: expectation, hope, dream, aspiration
чаять {v impf} [obsolete] :: to expect, to hope
чаячий {adj} [relational] :: seagull
чванливый {adj} :: snobby, arrogant (having excessive pride)
чванливый {adj} :: stuffy
чванливый {adj} :: peacocky
чванливый {adj} :: snot-nosed
чванство {noun} :: conceit, peacockery, (false) pride
че {n inan} :: The Cyrillic letter Ч, ч
Чебоксары {prop} :: Чебоксары (capital city)
чеболь {noun} :: chaebol (a South Korean form of business conglomerate influenced by the Japanese zaibatsu)
чебурахнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fall, to fall over
Чебурашка {prop} {m anim} :: Cheburashka (a character in the Soviet children's literature and the protagonist of an animated film), Topple (a former English translation)
чебурек {noun} :: cheburek/chebureki, chiburekki (fried turnover with a filling of ground or minced meat and onions)
чего {pron} [colloquial] :: why? (never used on its own, only in a sentence)
чего {interj} [colloquial, rude] :: what? (what do you want?!)
чего-то {adv} [colloquial] :: somehow
Чеджудо {prop} {f inan} :: Чеджудо (province)
Чеджудо {prop} {m inan} :: Чеджудо (island)
чей {pron} [interrogative pronoun] :: whose
чей {pron} [relative pronoun] :: whose
чей {pron} [indefinite pronoun] :: anyone's
чей-либо {pron} :: (indefinite pronoun) somebody's, someone's
чей-нибудь {pron} :: anybody's (belonging to anybody; possessive form of anybody)
чей-то {pron} :: somebody's (belonging to somebody (possessive form of somebody))
чек {noun} :: cheque, check
чек {noun} :: receipt, bill
чек {noun} [colloquial] :: contraction of человек
чека {noun} :: linchpin
чека {noun} :: safety pin
Чека {prop} {f inan} :: Cheka (Soviet security organization)
чекан {noun} :: chisel, caulking hammer
чекан {noun} :: stamp, die
чекан {noun} [bird] :: chat
чеканить {v impf} :: to mint, to coin
чеканить {v impf} :: to stamp (an image on metal)
чеканить {v impf} :: to perform repetitive actions forcefully and with separation
чеканить {v impf} [engineering] :: to chase, to caulk
чеканка {noun} :: minting, coining
чеканка {noun} :: stamping [of an image on metal]
чеканка {noun} :: performing actions forcefully and with separation
чеканка {noun} :: enunciating with force
чеканка {noun} :: beating a tread
чеканка {noun} :: relief image in metal
чекать {v impf} [regional, dated, Ukraine, Southern Russia] :: to wait
чекист {noun} [historical] :: Chekist; an agent of the Cheka, the Soviet Russian secret police from 1917 to 1922, replacing the Okhrana secret police of Tsarist Russia; succeeded by the Joint State Political Directorate and NKVD
чекист {noun} [by extension, metonym] :: KGB man, FSB agent; a national security official employed by any of the state security intelligence agencies of the Soviet Union or Russian Federation
чекмень {noun} [historical] :: chekmen (cossack kaftan)
чековая книжка {noun} :: chequebook, checkbook (folder containing cheques)
чековый {adj} [relational] :: cheque, check
чел {noun} :: [slang] man, guy
челнок {noun} :: shuttle
челнок {noun} :: a small retail trader travelling from one place or country to another
челночный {adj} [relational] :: shuttle; related to frequent travels between two points
чело {noun} [archaic, anatomy] :: forehead, brow
челобитие {noun} :: alternative form of челобитье
челобитье {noun} [obsolete] :: bowing down (till the forehead reaches the earth)
челобитье {noun} [archaic, now jocular] :: entreaty, petition
человек {noun} :: person, human being, man
человек {noun} [collective, no plural] :: mankind, man, the human race
человек {noun} :: also plural when used with cardinal words:
человеколюбие {noun} :: philanthropy
человеконенавистник {noun} :: misanthrope
человеконенавистнический {adj} :: misanthropic
человеконенавистничество {noun} :: misanthropy
человекообразная обезьяна {noun} :: ape (animal)
человекообразный {adj} :: humaniform (like a human or that of a human in form, seeming, or appearance)
человекоподобный {adj} :: human-like, man-like
человекоподобный {adj} :: humanoid, android
Человек-паук {prop} :: Spider-Man
человек разумный {noun} :: Homo sapiens
человечек {noun} :: diminutive of человек (little) man/person, little man
человеческий {adj} :: human
человеческий {adj} :: humane, sympathetic
человеческий {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: decent, proper
человечество {noun} :: humanity, humankind, mankind (human beings as a group)
человечий {adj} [colloquial] :: human
человечность {noun} :: humaneness, humanity (quality of being benevolent)
человечный {adj} :: humane
челюсть {noun} :: jaw (bone of the jaw)
челюсть {noun} :: jowl
Челябинск {prop} :: Челябинск (oblast)
Челябинск {prop} :: Челябинск (city/administrative center)
челябинский {adj} [relational] :: Chelyabinsk (city in Russia)
челядин {noun} [archaic] :: domestic, servant
челядь {noun} [historical, archaic] :: servants, menials
чем {conj} :: than
чем {conj} :: instead of, rather
чемерица {noun} :: hellebore
чемодан {noun} :: suitcase, trunk
чемодан {noun} :: a heavy projectile, especially that of a naval gun (military slang since the first half of the 20th century, especially WWI; often in quotes)
чемоданчик {noun} :: diminutive of чемодан: (small) suitcase, case
чемпион {noun} :: champion
чемпионат {noun} :: championship
чемпионка {noun} :: female champion
чемпионский {adj} [relational] :: champion
Ченнаи {prop} {n inan} :: Ченнаи (major city/capital)
чепок {noun} [Russian or Soviet military, military slang] :: Caffe located inside of the military unit where soldiers can buy food, snacks or coffee
чепуха {noun} [colloquial, sometimes, pejorative] :: nonsense, rubbish
чепуха {noun} [colloquial] :: trifle
чепчик {noun} :: diminutive of чепец: bonnet [of a woman or child]
черва {noun} [cards] :: hearts (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♥)
червеобразный отросток {noun} :: appendix (vermiform appendix)
черви {noun} :: alternative form of червы
червивый {adj} :: wormy; grubby
червовый {adj} [relational] :: hearts (card game)
червовый туз {noun} :: ace of hearts (playing card)
червонец {noun} [dated] :: chervonets, a ten rouble banknote or gold piece
червонец {noun} [colloquial] :: ten of any currency
червонный {adj} [dated] :: red, scarlet
червонный {adj} [cards] :: of hearts
червоточина {noun} :: wormhole
червы {noun} [cards] :: hearts (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♥)
червь {noun} :: worm (invertebrate)
червь {noun} [colloquial] :: caterpillar, maggot, helminth, grub
червь {noun} :: worm (a feeling)
червь {noun} :: worm (a person)
червь {noun} [computing] :: worm (a computer program)
червь {noun} [inanimate, archaic] :: name of the letter Ч
червяк {noun} :: worm
червяк {noun} [colloquial] :: miserable, insignificant person, worm
червяк {noun} :: worm screw
червячок {noun} :: diminutive of червяк: small worm
чердак {noun} :: attic, garret, loft (an attic or similar space)
чердачный {adj} [relational] :: attic, loft
черевик {noun} [Ukraine] :: shoe; slipper
черевичек {noun} [Ukraine] :: diminutive of черевик: (small) shoe; (small) slipper
череда {noun} [obsolete, poetic] :: sequence, file, train, chain
череда {noun} [botany] :: marigold (bur-marigold, beggar-ticks, stickseed, tickseed)
чередование {noun} :: alternation, interchange
чередование {noun} :: rotation, interchanging, alternating
чередование {noun} :: interlacing
чередовать {v impf} :: to alternate (with)
чередоваться {v impf} :: to alternate, to take turns
чередующийся {adj} :: alternating, rolling, alternant
чередующийся {adj} :: interchangeable
чередующийся {adj} :: rotative, rotational
через- {prefix} :: Adjectival and nominal prefix, used in specialized terminology, slightly productive: trans-, cross-
через- {prefix} :: Adjectival and nominal prefix, used in specialized terminology, slightly productive: alternating
через {prep} :: through
через {prep} :: across, over
через {prep} :: (time) in, after
через {prep} :: via
через {prep} :: with, with the help of
через {prep} :: because of
через {noun} :: leather belt with purse for money, bysack-girdle, money belt
через золото слёзы льются {proverb} :: tears flow through gold
через мой труп {idiom} :: over my dead body
черемша {noun} :: ramson, bear garlic (Allium ursinum)
черен {noun} [dialectal] :: small handle
черенок {noun} :: handle
черенок {noun} :: stalk
черенок {noun} :: petiole
черенок {noun} [physics, slang] :: Cherenkov radiation
черенок {noun} [zoology] :: solen
черень {noun} :: a part of an oven
черень {noun} [regional] :: oak forest
черень {noun} [criminal slang] :: deceit, deception, trick
череп {noun} :: skull, cranium
череп {noun} [obsolete] :: crust
черепаха {noun} :: tortoise
черепаха {noun} :: turtle
черепаха {noun} :: tortoise shell
черепаховый {adj} [relational] :: tortoise, turtle
черепаховый {adj} [relational] :: tortoiseshell
черепашка {noun} :: diminutive of черепаха: (small) turtle, tortoise
черепица {noun} :: tile, tiling (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces)
черепной {adj} :: cranial
черепок {noun} :: crock, piece of broken crockery
черепок {noun} :: endearing diminutive of череп: small skull [of toy, jewelry, Jolly Roger etc.]
черес- {prefix} :: Adjectival and nominal prefix, used in specialized terminology, slightly productive: trans-, cross-
черес- {prefix} :: Adjectival and nominal prefix, used in specialized terminology, slightly productive: alternating
чересло {noun} :: colter (a vertical cutting blade fixed in front of a plowshare)
чересло {noun} [dialectal, plural, anatomy] :: reins, small of the back
чересчур {adv} :: too, too much
черешня {noun} :: cherry, sweet cherry (fruit, tree, or wood) (Prunus avium)
черешок {noun} :: petiole, scape, (leaf) stalk
черешок {noun} :: handle (of a tool, e.g. a spade or shuffle)
черёво {noun} [regional] :: belly, womb
черёд {noun} :: turn, course
черёмуха {noun} :: bird cherry (tree or wood)
черкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cross out, to cross off
Черкесск {prop} :: Черкесск (capital city)
черкнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to write, to scribble
чернеть {v impf} :: to turn/become/grow black, to blacken
чернеть {v impf} :: to show black
чернеть {noun} [ornithology] :: bluebill, scaup
Чернигов {prop} :: Chernihiv/Chernigov (city in Ukraine)
черниговский {adj} [relational] :: Chernihiv/Chernigov (city in Ukraine)
черника {noun} :: blueberry, bilberry, whortleberry
чернила {noun} :: ink (coloured fluid used for writing)
чернильная душа {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: bureaucrat, office drudge, office rat, pen-pusher, paper-shuffler
чернильница {noun} [inanimate] :: inkwell, inkpot (container for ink)
чернильница {noun} [animate, derogatory, ethnic slur, neologism] :: white woman who seeks sexual relationships with non-white (usually black or Central Asian) men, mud shark
чернильный {adj} [relational] :: ink
чернильный {adj} [figurative, literary] :: inky, dark black
чернить {v impf} :: to blacken
чернить {v impf} :: to slander, to smear
чернобыль {noun} :: wormwood, mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Чернобыль {prop} :: Чернобыль (small city)
чернобыльник {noun} :: mugwort, felon herb (Artemisia vulgaris)
чернобыльский {adj} [relational] :: Chernobyl
черновик {noun} :: rough copy; draft
черновой {adj} [engineering] :: rough
черновой {adj} [relational] :: draft
черноволосый {adj} :: black-haired
черноглазый {adj} :: having dark brown eyes
черногорец {noun} :: Montenegrin (person from Montenegro)
Черногория {prop} :: Черногория (country)
черногорка {noun} :: female Montenegrin (person from Montenegro)
черногорский {adj} :: Montenegrin
черножопый {noun} [offensive, vulgar, ethnic slur] :: wog, nigger (an offensive term for a dark-skinned person, an immigrant from Central Asia or the Caucasus)
черножопый {adj} [offensive, vulgar, ethnic slur] :: Of or related to dark-skinned people, immigrants from Central Asia or the Caucasus
черноземье {noun} :: chernozem region
чернозём {noun} :: chernozem, black soil
чернокнижник {noun} :: necromancer, warlock
чернокожий {adj} [of a person] :: black (of African descent)
черномазый {noun} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: wog, nigger (an offensive term for a dark-skinned person, an immigrant from Central Asia or the Caucasus)
черномазый {adj} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: Of or related to dark-skinned people, immigrants from Central Asia or the Caucasus
черноморский {adj} [relational] :: Black Sea
Черноморье {prop} :: Black Sea region
чернорабочий {noun} :: unskilled laborer
черносотенец {noun} [historical] :: member of the Black Hundreds, a reactionary anti-Semitic political movement in the 1900-1910s
черносотенец {noun} [by extension, figuratively] :: vigilante, person voluntarily supporting the Russian government in suppressing protesters or minorities, a member of a pogrom mob
чернота {noun} :: blackness
чернуха {noun} [colloquial, collective] :: the negative aspects of life, e.g. doom, hopelessness, cruelty, poverty, violence
чернуха {noun} :: chernukha (a gloomy genre of Russian horror)
чернуха {noun} [colloquial] :: something painted black, e.g. a postage stamp
чернуха {noun} [low colloquial, animate] :: dark-complexioned girl with black hair
чернуха {noun} [colloquial] :: black cumin herb or flower (Nigella sativa), also called Roman coriander, black caraway, black seed, nutmeg flower or love in the mist
чернуха {noun} [colloquial] :: mushroom of Russula adusta species
чернушка {noun} :: girl or woman with a rich, dark complexion, dark-brown eyes and black hair
чернушка {noun} :: black cumin herb or flower (Nigella sativa), also called Roman coriander, black caraway, black seed, nutmeg flower or love in the mist
чернушка {noun} :: mushroom of Russula adusta species
чернушный {adj} :: having a rich, dark complexion, dark-brown eyes and black hair [usually said of girls or women]
чернушный {adj} [relational] :: black cumin herb or flower [Nigella sativa], also called Roman coriander, black caraway, black seed, nutmeg flower or love in the mist
чернь {noun} :: mob, populace, riffraff, rabble
чернявый {adj} [colloquial] :: dark-haired
чероки {m inan} {m anim} :: Cherokee (indigenous North American people)
чероки {m inan} {m anim} :: Cherokee (member of this indigenous North American tribe)
чероки {m inan} {m anim} :: Cherokee (the Iroquoian language of this indigenous people)
чероки {m inan} {m anim} :: Cherokee (the syllabary used to write this language)
черпак {noun} :: ladle (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle)
черпак {noun} [animate, military, slang] :: a serviceman who has completed a certain period in service, usually six months
черпать {v impf} :: to draw; to ladle; to scoop
черпнуть {v pf} :: to scoop up
черта {noun} :: line
черта {noun} :: boundary, precinct
черта {noun} :: trait, streak, feature
черта {noun} :: stroke (particularly of a Chinese character)
чертёж {noun} :: draft, scheme, plan, diagram
чертёжник {noun} :: draughtsman
чертёнок {noun} :: little devil, imp
чертёнок {noun} :: hyperactive mischievous child
чертить {v impf} :: to draw, to draw up, to plot
чертить {v impf} [low colloquial or dated, pejorative] :: to misbehave, to behave disgracefully, to carouse
чертовски {adv} :: devilishly (in a devilish manner)
чертовски {adv} :: as hell (intensifier)
чертовский {adj} :: devil's
чертовский {adj} :: diabolical, fiendish, devilish
чертовский {adj} [intensifier] :: damn, bloody
чертовщина {noun} [religion, collective] :: devilry
чертовщина {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] :: something strange, weird, bad or preposterous
чертовщина {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] :: a thing or object whose purpose is not known
чертог {noun} [dated] :: hall (large, rich room)
чертог {noun} [poetic] :: magnificent building, palace
чертополох {noun} [botany] :: thistle
чертыхаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to curse, to swear, to cuss
чертыхнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to curse, to swear, to cuss
чертяга {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, intensifying] :: same as чёрт
чертяка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, intensifying] :: same as чёрт
черчение {noun} :: drawing (especially technical), sketching, drafting (act of producing a draft or a picture)
чесание {noun} :: scratching, carding
чесать {v impf} :: to comb
чесать {v impf} [textiles] :: to card, to comb
чесать {v impf} :: to scratch (in order to remove itching)
чесаться {v impf} :: to scratch oneself
чесаться {v impf} :: to itch
чесаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to comb one's hair
чесаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bother, to give oneself the trouble
чесать языком {v impf} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to chat, to shoot the breeze
-ческий {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives from nouns or sometimes other adjectives, often relational (meaning "related to X")
чеснок {noun} [usually, uncountable, collectively] :: garlic, garlics
чеснок {noun} :: caltrop
чесночный {adj} [relational] :: garlic
чесотка {noun} [pathology] :: scabies, itch
чествование {noun} :: honoring
чествование {noun} :: celebration [in someone's honor]
чествовать {v impf} :: to honor, to pay tribute to
честить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to curse out
честить {v impf} [dated] :: to honor
честить {v impf} [dated] :: to call [by name]
честнее {adv} :: comparative of честный
честнее {adv} :: comparative of честно
честно {adv} :: honestly
честно {adv} :: fair, fairly
честное слово {noun} :: word of honor
честное слово {interj} :: word of honor!
честное слово {interj} :: on my word of honor!
честное слово {interj} :: honestly, frankly
честность {noun} :: honesty (quality of being honest)
честный {adj} :: honest, upright, fair
честолюбивый {adj} :: ambitious (possessing, or controlled by, ambition)
честолюбие {noun} :: ambition, ambitiousness
честь {noun} :: honor
честь {noun} :: regard, respect
честь {v impf} :: [obsolete] to read
честь {v impf} [obsolete] :: to consider, to think, to suppose
чета {noun} :: couple, pair
чета {noun} :: match
четверг {noun} :: Thursday
четвереньки {noun} [colloquial] :: (all) fours, hands and knees, hands and feet
четверо- {prefix} :: quadri-, tetra- (four)
четверо {num} :: four (in a group together), four of them
четвероногий {adj} :: four-legged (having four legs)
четвероногий {noun} :: quadruped
четвероногий {noun} :: four-footed or four-legged animal
четвероногий {noun} :: mammal ambulating on all fours
четверорукий {adj} [zoology] :: four-handed, quadrumanous
четверостишие {noun} :: quatrain
четвероюродный {adj} :: denotes a relative in the same generation as the head noun but three degrees greater in separation
четвероюродный внук {noun} :: second cousin twice removed downwards (second cousin's grandson)
четвероюродный правнук {noun} :: second cousin three times removed downwards (second cousin's great grandson)
четвертина {noun} [dated, colloquial or dialectal] :: quarter, fourth part
четвертина {noun} :: quarter-log, quarter-timber
четвертина {noun} :: quarter-carcass
четвертина {noun} [dated] :: container holding a quarter-bucket
четвертина {noun} [dated] :: quantity of liquid in a quarter-bucket
четвертинка {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of четвертина
четвертинка {noun} [colloquial] :: quarter-liter bottle
четвертинка {noun} [colloquial] :: quantity of liquid (usually vodka) in a quarter-liter bottle
четверть {noun} :: quarter, fourth, quadrant
четверть {noun} :: school term, quarter
четверть {noun} [astronomy] :: quarter, crescent (phase of the moon)
четверть {noun} [music] :: crotchet, quarter note, fourth note (musical note)
четвертьфинал {noun} [sports] :: quarterfinals
четвёрка {noun} [colloquial] :: four (digit)
четвёрка {noun} :: (group of) four
четвёрка {noun} :: (mark) four (out of five), B mark, B grade
четвёрка {noun} [cards] :: four
четвёрка {noun} :: No 4 bus (tram, etc)
четвёрка {noun} :: four-in-hand, team of four horses
четвёрка {noun} :: (boat) four
четвёрка {noun} [military, aviation] :: flight of four aircrafts
четвёртая {noun} :: fourth part
четвёртый {adj} :: fourth
четыре {num} :: four (4)
Четыре всадника Апокалипсиса {prop} {m inanp} :: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
четырежды {adv} :: four times, on four occasions
четырежды {adv} :: 4x, four times as much
четыреста {num} :: four hundred (400)
четырёх- {prefix} :: quadri-, tetra-, four-
четырёхгранник {noun} [geometry] :: tetrahedron
четырёхзвёздный {adj} :: having four stars (e.g. star system; decorations)
четырёхзвёздный {adj} :: four-star [hotel]
четырёхлетие {noun} :: four-year period
четырёхлетие {noun} :: fourth anniversary, fourth birthday
четырёхлетний {adj} [relational] :: four-year
четырёхлетний {adj} :: four-year-old
четырёхмерный {adj} :: four-dimensional
четырёхручный {adj} :: four-handed (referring to music written for two pianos)
четырёхсторонний {adj} :: four-sided, quadrilateral
четырёхсторонний {adj} [relational] :: four-party; quadripartite
четырёхтактный {adj} :: four-stroke [engine]
четырёхтактный {adj} [music] :: four-beat
четырёхтактный двигатель {noun} :: four-stroke engine
четырёхугольник {noun} :: quadrilateral
четырёхэтажный {adj} :: four-storeyed, having four storeys
четырнадцатилетие {noun} :: fourteen-year period
четырнадцатилетие {noun} :: fourteenth anniversary, fourteenth birthday
четырнадцатилетний {adj} [relational] :: fourteen-year
четырнадцатилетний {adj} :: fourteen-year-old
четырнадцатиугольник {noun} :: tetradecagon
четырнадцатый {adj} :: fourteenth
четырнадцать {num} :: fourteen (14)
четырнадцатью {adv} :: 14x, fourteen times as much
чех {noun} :: male Czech (person)
чех {noun} [slang, rare] :: a Chechen man, especially during the two Chechen conflicts
чехарда {noun} :: leapfrog (children's game)
чехарда {noun} :: confusion, mess
Чехия {prop} :: Чехия (country)
чеховский {adj} [relational] :: Chekhov: related to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov or to settlements named Chekhov
чехол {noun} :: cover, case, slipcover
чехол {noun} :: underdress
чехол {noun} [engineering] :: boot, hood, cap
Чехословакия {prop} [historical] :: Чехословакия (former country)
чехословацкий {adj} :: Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakian
чечевица {noun} :: lentil
чечевица {noun} :: rosefinch
чеченец {noun} :: Chechen (person)
чеченка {noun} :: female Chechen (person)
чеченский {adj} :: Chechen
чечет {noun} :: male redpoll (Acanthis spp.)
чечётка {noun} :: tap dance
чечётка {noun} :: redpoll (Acanthis spp.) [bird]
Чечня {prop} :: Чечня (republic)
чешка {noun} [animate] :: Czech (girl or woman)
чешка {noun} [inanimate] :: a shoe used in gymnastics or ballet (usually plural)
Чешская Республика {prop} :: Чешская Республика (country)
чешский {noun} :: Czech language
чешский {adj} :: Czech
чешуеног {noun} :: legless lizard (Pygopodidae lizard)
чешуйка {noun} :: diminutive of чешуя
чешуйчатый {adj} :: scaly
чешуя {noun} :: scales [of fish, reptiles, etc.]
чё {pron} [non-standard, low colloquial, proscribed] :: contraction of чего
чё {pron} [non-standard, low colloquial, proscribed] :: contraction of что
чёлка {noun} :: (of hair) fringe, bang
чёлка {noun} :: (horse's) forelock
чёлн {noun} :: boat, canoe, dugout (usually hollowed out of a single log)
чёркать {v impf} :: alternative form of черкать
чёрная {noun} [colloquial, usually, offensive] :: black woman; non-white female immigrant
чёрная американка {noun} :: female Afro-American (a resident of the United States who is of African heritage)
чёрная вдова {noun} :: black widow
чёрная дыра {noun} :: black hole
чёрная магия {noun} :: black magic, black art, witchcraft (magic derived from evil forces)
чёрная смерть {noun} [disease] :: Black Death
чёрная субстанция {noun} :: substantia nigra (brain structure)
чёрненький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of чёрный
чёрно-белый {adj} :: black-and-white, monochrome
чёрного кобеля не отмоешь добела {proverb} :: a leopard cannot change its spots
Чёрное море {prop} :: the Black Sea
чёрный {adj} :: black
чёрный {adj} :: rough, coarse
чёрный {adj} :: back (stairs, entrance, etc.)
чёрный {adj} [labor] :: unskilled, manual
чёрный {adj} [metal] :: ferrous
чёрный {adj} [colloquial] :: dark, swarthy; dark-haired, black-haired
чёрный {adj} [historical] :: lacking a chimney to exhaust the smoke [of buildings or rooms heated by a fire]
чёрный {noun} :: black (man)
чёрный {noun} [offensive] :: a darker-skinned immigrant
чёрный американец {noun} :: Afro-American (a resident of the United States who is of African heritage)
чёрный кофе {noun} :: black coffee (coffee served without cream or milk)
чёрный лебедь {noun} :: black swan (Cygnus atratus)
чёрный ящик {noun} [aviation] :: black box (recorders in an aircraft)
чёрным по белому {adv} :: in black and white
чёрствость {noun} :: callousness, hard-heartedness
чёрствость {noun} :: staleness (e.g. of bread)
чёрствый {adj} :: stale
чёрствый {adj} :: hardhearted, callous (emotionally hardened)
чёрт {noun} :: devil, demon
чёрт {noun} [figuratively] :: hell
чёрт {interj} :: damn!, hell!
чёрт возьми {interj} [colloquial] :: damn!, dammit! (expression of anger or disappointment)
чёрт его знает {phrase} :: who the hell knows
чёртик {noun} :: diminutive of чёрт: (little) devil, a little depiction of a devil
чёрт ногу сломит {phrase} :: as clear as mud; a can of worms; a real mess (something that is hard to understand, make sense of or fix, make to work)
чёртов {adj} [possessive] :: devil’s
чёртов {adj} [colloquial] :: damn, frigging, bloody, fucking (non-vulgar)
чёртова дюжина {noun} :: baker's dozen (set of thirteen units)
чёртово колесо {noun} :: Ferris wheel (amusement ride: vertical observation wheel)
чёртово колесо {noun} :: Human roulette wheel, Devil's wheel (amusement ride: horizontal rotating disk, which used centrifugal force to fling people from its surface)
чёртовый {adj} :: devil's, devilish
чёрточка {noun} :: diminutive of черта: (small) hyphen, dash; (short) line
чёрт побери {interj} [colloquial] :: damn!, dammit! (expression of anger or disappointment)
чёсанок {noun} :: felt boot, a type of valenki
чётки {noun} :: Orthodox Prayer Rope
чётки {noun} :: rosary, prayer beads, paternoster (Catholic prayer beads)
чёткий {adj} :: distinct, clear, clear-cut
чёткий {adj} :: clear (transparent)
чёткий {adj} :: exact, accurate
чёткий {adj} :: legible
чётко {adv} :: distinctly, clearly, audibly, legibly
чёткость {noun} :: clearness, legibility
чёткость {noun} :: accuracy, precision, preciseness, efficiency
чётный {adj} :: even (arithmetic: leaving no remainder when divided by 2)
чжуанский {adj} :: Zhuang
чжуинь {noun} :: Zhuyin, Zhuyin fuhao, bopomofo
чжуинь фухао {m inan} :: Zhuyin fuhao, bopomofo
Чжэцзян {prop} :: Чжэцзян (province)
чибис {noun} :: lapwing, pewit (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae)
-чивый {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives from verbs, with the meaning "having the characteristic of X"
чиж {noun} :: siskin
чизбургер {noun} :: cheeseburger
чизель {noun} [agriculture] :: chisel plow (heavy cultivator for deep soil loosening)
-чик {suffix} :: Diminutive suffix
-чик {suffix} :: alternative form of -щик after coronal obstruents
Чикаго {prop} {m inan} :: Чикаго (major city)
чики-брики {adv} [colloquial, humorous] :: (everything's) OK
чик-чирик {interj} [imitative] :: chirp (sound a bird makes)
чили {n inan} :: chili pepper
чили {n inan} :: chili con carne
Чили {prop} {f inan} {n inan} :: Чили (country)
чилиец {noun} :: Chilean (person from Chile)
чилийский {adj} :: Chilean
чимчи {n inan} :: kimchi (in a style enjoyed by Soviet Koreans)
чин {noun} :: rank
чин {noun} :: official
чин {noun} :: a religious rite
чинар {noun} :: plane (deciduous tree, Platanus)
чинара {noun} :: plane (deciduous tree, Platanus)
-чинать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of -чать (to begin)
Чингисхан {prop} :: Genghis Khan
чинить {v impf} :: to repair, to fix
чинить {v impf} :: to sharpen
чинить {v impf} :: to cause, to raise
чинить {v impf} :: to administer
чинно {adv} :: sedately, decorously
чинный {adj} :: sedate, decorous
чиновник {noun} :: official, functionary, bureaucrat
чиновник {noun} [dated, religion] :: book on episcopal missals
чиновница {noun} :: female government official or officer
чиновничество {noun} :: officialdom, the officials
чиновничий {adj} [relational] :: official, functionary, bureaucrat; official's, functionary's, bureaucrat's
чинодрал {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: bureaucrat, red tapist; pedant
чинуша {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, pejorative] :: apparatchik, bureaucrat (blindly loyal bureaucrat), official
чинуша {m anim} {f anim} :: penpusher
чип {noun} [electronics] :: chip
чипок {noun} [Russian or Soviet military, military slang] :: alternative form of чепок
чипс {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: chip (food)
чир {noun} :: whitefish
чирва {noun} :: alternative form of черва
чирикать {v impf} :: to chirp, to twitter
чирикнуть {v pf} :: to chirp, to twitter
чирк {interj} [colloquial] :: fwoosh (the sound of a match being struck)
чиркать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to scratch, to strike
чиркать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cut, to slash
чиркнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to scratch, to strike
чиркнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cut, to slash
численность {noun} :: number, quantity, count
численный {adj} :: numeral, numerical
числитель {noun} [arithmetic] :: numerator (in a fraction)
числительное {noun} [grammar] :: numeral
числить {v impf} :: to list, to record
числить {v impf} :: to consider (+ instrumental, as)
числить {v impf} [obsolete] :: to count, to calculate
числиться {v impf} :: to be listed, to be recorded (за + instrumental, under a name), to be among
числиться {v impf} :: to number (an amount)
числиться {v impf} :: to be regarded as
числиться {v impf} :: to be attributed to
число {noun} :: cardinal number
число {noun} :: date
число {noun} :: day
число {noun} [grammar] :: number
число Авогадро {noun} :: Avogadro's number (number of atoms present in 0.012 kilograms of isotopically pure Carbon-12)
число аргументов {noun} :: arity (number of arguments)
числовой {adj} [relational] :: number; numeric, numerical
число операндов {noun} :: arity (number of arguments)
число Фибоначчи {noun} :: Fibonacci number (a number)
чистенький {adj} [colloquial] :: diminutive of чистый: immaculate, spotless, squeaky-clean
чистенький {noun} [colloquial] :: very clean person
чистенький {noun} [colloquial, ironic or pejorative] :: morally pure person
чистилище {noun} [religion] :: purgatory
чистить {v impf} :: to clean, to scour
чистить {v impf} :: to peel
чистка {noun} :: cleaning, clean-up
чистка {noun} :: peeling, shelling
чистка {noun} [political] :: purge, combing-out
чисто {adv} :: cleanly, neatly
чисто {adv} :: purely, merely
чистокровный {adj} :: pureblooded; thoroughbred
чистоплотный {adj} :: cleanly
чистоплюй {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: cissy; a fastidious person; a squeamish person
Чистополь {prop} :: Чистополь (city)
чистопородный {adj} :: thoroughbred
чистота {noun} :: cleanliness, purity
чистотел {noun} :: celandine [Chelidonium]
чистый {adj} :: clean, tidy
чистый {adj} :: clean, clear, pure
чистюля {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: an excessive lover of cleanliness
Чита {prop} :: Чита (city/administrative center)
читабельный {adj} :: readable
читальный {adj} [relational] :: reading
читальный зал {noun} :: reading room
читальня {noun} :: reading room
читатель {noun} :: reader
читательница {noun} :: female reader
читательский {adj} :: reader's, readers'
-читать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of честь (to read, to consider, originally also to count)
читать {v impf} :: to read
читать {v impf} :: to recite
читать {vi impf} :: to lecture, to give a lecture, to deliver a lecture
читать {v impf} :: to teach
читать {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to tell, to say (for the purpose of a lesson)
читать {v impf} :: to pronounce, to deliver
читать {v impf} [figuratively] :: to understand, to interpret, to decipher
читать между строк {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to read between the lines (to infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly)
читаться {v impf} :: to read
читаться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to feel like reading
читинский {adj} [relational] :: Chita (city in Russia)
читка {noun} :: (action of) reading
читка {noun} :: reading aloud
читка {noun} [theater] :: stage reading
читывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to read [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of читать
чих {noun} :: sneeze, sneezing
чихание {noun} :: sneezing
чихать {v impf} :: to sneeze
чихать {v impf} :: to scorn, to disdain
чихиртма {noun} :: chikhirtma, a Georgian chicken soup
чихирь {noun} :: a type of young wine from the Caucasus
чихнуть {v pf} :: to sneeze
ЧК {prop} {f inan} :: Cheka [forerunner of the KGB]
член {noun} :: limb
член {noun} [grammar, obsolete] :: article
член {noun} :: part
член {noun} [mathematics] :: term
член {noun} [animate] :: member of an organization
член {noun} [colloquial] :: penis
членик {noun} [anatomy] :: segment
членистоногое {noun} :: arthropod
член-корреспондент {noun} :: associate, associate member (member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges)
член-корреспондент {noun} :: corresponding member
членодевка {noun} [derogatory, offensive, vulgar] :: shemale, transgender
членораздельно {adv} :: articulately, distinctly (in a clear or effective manner)
членораздельный {adj} :: articulate (speaking in a clear or effective manner)
членосос {noun} [vulgar, derogatory] :: cocksucker
членский {adj} [relational] :: membership
членство {noun} :: membership (fact of being a member)
член-учредитель {noun} :: founding member, founder member
чмо {noun} [slang] :: jerk, schmuck, schmoe, an unpleasant or detestable person, or a person without morals
чмокать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to peck (to kiss)
чмокать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to smack (with the lips)
чмокнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to peck (to kiss)
чмокнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to smack (with the lips)
чо {pron} [colloquial, non-standard] :: what, alternative form of что, alternative form of чё
чокаться {v impf} :: to clink glasses (with) (when drinking toasts)
чокнутый {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy
чокнутый {adj} [figurative] :: strange, eccentric
чокнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go nuts, to get cranky (to become mad)
чокнуться {v pf} :: to clink glasses (with), to touch glasses (when drinking alcohol)
Чонногу {prop} {m inan} :: Jongno District (one of 25 districts of Seoul, located north of the Han River)
чопорный {adj} :: prim, prudish
чорт {noun} :: obsolete form of чёрт
чох {noun} [archaic] :: sneeze, sneezing
чоха {noun} :: kaftan of blue cloth, with a standing collar and sleeves to the elbow [among some Caucasian peoples]
ч. п. {n inan} :: emergency, accident
Ч. П. {n inan} :: emergency, accident
чреватость {noun} :: being fraught with, pregnant with
чреватый {adj} :: fraught (with); pregnant
чрево {noun} [anatomy] :: belly, womb
чрево {noun} :: inside, interior
чревовещание {noun} :: ventriloquism (art of projecting one's voice so that it appears to come from another source)
чревовещатель {noun} :: ventriloquist
чревоугодие {noun} :: gluttony (the vice of eating to excess)
чревоугодник {noun} :: glutton (one who eats voraciously)
чревоугодничать {v impf} :: to gluttonize
чреда {noun} [archaic, poetic] :: succession, turn, sequence
чрез- {prefix} :: over-, trans-
чрез {prep} [poetic] :: through; across, over
чрезвычайно {adv} :: extremely, utterly
чрезвычайный {adj} :: exceptional, special, extraordinary
чрезмерно {adv} :: excessively (to an excessive degree)
чрезмерный {adj} :: excessive, prodigious, exorbitant
чресла {noun} [archaic, anatomy] :: reins, small of the back
ч. т. д. {interj} :: QED
чтение {noun} :: reading (the process of interpreting written language)
чтение {noun} :: reading (legislature: one of several stages a bill passes through before becoming law)
чтец {noun} :: elocutionist, reader
чтиво {noun} [pejorative] :: trashy reading material, pulp fiction
чтить {v impf} :: to honor, to revere
что {conj} :: that
что {pron} [interrogative] :: what
что {pron} [literary, relative] :: that, which
чтоб {conj} :: alternative form of чтобы
чтоб уж наверняка {phrase} :: better safe than sorry
чтобы {conj} :: that...should (indicates the subjunctive)
чтобы {conj} :: so that, in order that; in order to
чтобы {conj} :: lest
что за {adv} :: what, what kind of, what sort of
что за {adv} :: what a/an [insert noun]
что за чёрт {phrase} :: what the deuce, what the dickens
что за чёрт {phrase} [strong but not vulgar] :: WTF
что значит ... {phrase} :: what does ... mean [used to ask the meaning of a word, replace ... with a word]
что и требовалось доказать {phrase} :: quod erat demonstrandum, which was to be proved; which was to be demonstrated, abbreviation: ч.т.д.
что касается {conj} :: as for, as to (regarding; about)
что касается {prep} :: as for (regarding; about)
что касается {prep} :: with regard to, as regards, in regard to
что касается {prep} :: with respect to
что касается {prep} :: in relation to, with reference to
что касается {prep} :: in the matter of
чтокать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to ask (too many) "what" questions
что ли {phrase} :: or something, perhaps, maybe, as if (or something like that - usually used in a question)
что-либо {pron} :: (indefinite pronoun) anything, something
что-нибудь {pron} :: (indefinite pronoun) anything
что означает ... {phrase} :: what does ... mean [used to ask the meaning of a word, replace ... with a word]
что посеешь, то и пожнёшь {proverb} :: as you sow, so shall you reap
что-то {pron} :: (indefinite pronoun) something
что это {phrase} :: what is that?
что это такое {phrase} :: what is that?
что это такое {phrase} :: what is it?
что это такое {phrase} :: what’s this?
чуб {noun} :: forelock
чубарый {adj} [usually, of horses] :: dappled
чубчик {noun} :: endearing diminutive of чуб: (small) forelock
чувак {noun} [slang] :: dude, guy, dawg
чуваш {noun} :: Chuvash
Чувашия {prop} :: Чувашия (republic)
чувашский {adj} :: Chuvash
чувиха {noun} [slang] :: girl, chick, dudette
чувственность {noun} :: sensuality
чувственный {adj} :: perceptional, sensory
чувственный {adj} :: sensual
чувствие {noun} [literary, dated or ironic] :: feeling
чувствилище {noun} [literary, dated] :: senses
чувствилище {noun} [literary, dated] :: the expression of a feeling
чувствительно {adv} :: sensitively
чувствительность {noun} :: sensitivity
чувствительный {adj} :: sensitive
чувство {noun} :: sense, feeling (sensation)
чувство {noun} :: feeling, emotion
чувствование {noun} [literary or dated] :: feeling [action or result], emotion
чувствовать {v impf} :: to feel
чувствовать себя как дома {v impf} [simile] :: to make oneself at home (make oneself comfortable as if one were in one's own home)
чувяк {noun} [regional] :: soft shoe without heels (in the Crimea and the Caucasus)
чугун {noun} :: cast iron
чугун {noun} :: cooking pot [traditionally made of cast iron]
чугунка {noun} :: cast-iron stove
чугунка {noun} [obsolete] :: railroad
чугунный {adj} :: cast-iron
чугунный {adj} [figuratively] :: obstinate, stubborn
чугунок {noun} :: diminutive of чугун: (small, cast iron) pot, kettle, cauldron
чудак {noun} :: crank, eccentric
чудаковатость {noun} :: oddity
чудаковатый {adj} :: queer, odd, peculiar, unusual
чудачество {noun} :: strangeness, eccentricity [of a person]
чудачить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to act strange
чудесно {adv} :: miraculously, by a miracle
чудесно {adv} :: wonderfully, wonderful
чудесно {pred} :: it is wonderful
чудесно {interj} :: wonderful!, marvelous!
чудесный {adj} :: wonderful, miraculous
чудесный {adj} :: wonderful, lovely, beautiful, marvellous
чудиться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to seem (to), to appear (to)
чудище {noun} :: monster
чудно {adv} :: wonderfully, beautifully
чудно {pred} :: it is marvellous, it is wonderful, it is lovely
чудной {adj} [colloquial] :: odd, strange, queer, funny
чудный {adj} :: marvelous, wonderful
чудный {adj} :: beautiful
чудный {adj} :: excellent
чудо {noun} :: miracle, marvel
чудо {noun} :: wonder
чудовище {noun} :: monster
чудовищно {adv} :: monstrously
чудовищный {adj} :: monstrous
чудодейственный {adj} :: miraculous
чудодейственный {adj} :: amazing, extraordinary
чудом {adv} :: miraculously
чудотворец {noun} :: miracle worker
чудотворный {adj} :: wonder-working, miracle-working; marvellous
чудо-юдо {noun} :: fairy-tale monster, bizarre creature
чудь {noun} [collective] :: Chud
чужак {noun} :: stranger, alien (person from elsewhere; also figuratively)
чужанин {noun} [folk poetic] :: stranger
чужбина {noun} :: foreign country, strange/foreign land
чуждый {adj} :: foreign, strange, alien [+ dative or для + genitive, to someone/something]
чуждый {adj} [figurative] :: foreign to, not possessing, deprived of, without [+ genitive]
чужебесие {noun} [rare] :: xenomania
чужеземец {noun} :: stranger, foreigner (person in a foreign land)
чужеродный {adj} [dated] :: alien, foreign, strange
чужеродный {adj} [medicine] :: alien to the body, rejected by the body
чужестранный {adj} :: foreign
чужое {noun} :: something belonging to someone else
чужой {adj} :: someone else’s, another’s, other’s
чужой {adj} :: alien, strange, foreign
чужой {adj} :: alien, stranger, foreigner, outsider
Чукотка {prop} :: Чукотка (peninsula/and/region)
чукотский {adj} :: Chukchi
чукотский {adj} :: (related to) Chukotka
Чукотское море {noun} :: Chukchi Sea
чукча {m anim} {f anim} :: Chukchi person
чулан {noun} :: pantry, storeroom, closet
чуланчик {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of чулан: small pantry, small storeroom
чулок {noun} :: stocking
чулок {noun} :: (used in the expression синий чулок (bluestocking))
чума {noun} :: plague, pestilence
чума {noun} [specifically] :: the plague, the Black Death
чумазый {adj} [colloquial] :: dirty, stained
Чунцин {prop} :: Чунцин (municipality/large city)
чуня {noun} [usually plural, regional, dated] :: type of shoe?
чуня {noun} [usually plural] :: type of galosh, unlined with thickened sides and soles, worn while working in mines?
чур {interj} [colloquial, in spells] :: avaunt, away
чур {interj} :: [children's talk, expresses leadership, claim to be the first] bags (it)! (British), dibs
чур {interj} [colloquial, expresses a condition] :: mind you, but mind
чураться {v impf} [colloquial, dated] :: to shy away from
чурбан {noun} :: block, log
чурбан {noun} [pejorative] :: blockhead
чурбан {noun} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: an immigrant from Central Asia or the Caucasus, a wog
чурка {noun} :: chock, block of wood
чурка {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial] :: a dumb, uneducated person, a dullard, a booby
чурка {m anim} {f anim} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: an immigrant from Central Asia or the Caucasus, a wog
чутка {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of чуть-чуть
чуткий {adj} :: sensitive (of a person, instrument, etc.)
чуткий {adj} :: sharp, keen (sense of hearing, smell, etc.)
чуткий {adj} :: sympathetic, thoughtful, tactful
чуткий {adj} :: light (sleep)
чутко {adv} :: keenly, sensitively
чутко {adv} :: tactfully
чуткость {noun} :: sensitiveness, keenness
чуткость {noun} :: responsiveness, consideration
чуток {adv} [colloquial] :: a little, a bit
чуточку {adv} :: a (wee) bit, a little, just a bit
чуть {adv} :: a little, slightly
чуть {adv} :: hardly, barely
чуть {adv} [with не] :: almost, nearly
чутьё {noun} :: feeling
чутьё {noun} :: sure instinct
чутьё {noun} :: scent (of an animal)
чуть не {adv} :: nearly (almost, but not quite), virtually
чуть-чуть {adv} :: a little, a tiny bit, slightly
чуть-чуть не считается {phrase} :: See: ru чуть-чуть не считаться
чуть-чуть не считается {phrase} :: close but no cigar, almost doesn't count
чух {interj} :: the sound of a locomotive, choo
чух {interj} :: used to drive swine, soo wee
чуха {noun} :: alternative form of чоха
чуха {noun} :: pig
чуха {noun} :: chock, block of wood
чуха {noun} :: block of wood in the game of gorodki
чуха {noun} :: trifle
чухать {v impf} :: imperfective form of чухнуть, see there for definitions
чухаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to mess around; to procrastinate
чухаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tinker
чухна {m anim} {f anim} [derogatory] :: an Estonian or a Finn living near Saint Petersburg
чухнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drive, to compel, as a pig or horse, particularly as if interjecting чух
чухнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to caress, to pet, to fondle
чухнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to escape, to vamoose, to skedaddle
чухнуть {v pf} [youth slang] ::  to understand
чухнуть {v pf} [criminal slang, rare] :: to pinch, to take away
чухонец {noun} [slang, pejorative] :: a Finnish person, Finn
чухонский {adj} [relational, slang, derogatory] :: Finnish; Estonian
чуча {noun} [dialectal] :: female sexual organ, pussy
чуча {noun} [dialectal] :: bogey, scarecrow
чучело {noun} :: stuffed animal (bird), mount
чучело {noun} :: scarecrow, man of straw, dummy; effigy
чучело {noun} :: scarecrow, fright, bogeyman
чучхе {n inan} :: Juche
чушка {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: piglet, young pig
чушка {noun} [low colloquial, inanimate] :: pig's muzzle
чушка {noun} [low colloquial, animate] :: dirty person, especially a child
чушка {noun} [criminal slang, animate] :: schmoe, schmuck (dirty, degraded person who anyone can humiliate)
чушка {noun} [dialectal, inanimate] :: quarter of a pole, for making figures in the game of gorodki
чушка {noun} [inanimate] :: ingot of metal, usually of cast iron; compare English pig iron
чушковый {adj} [relational] :: ingot of metal, especially cast iron
чушь {noun} [colloquial, often, pejorative] :: rubbish
чуять {v impf} :: to smell
чуять {v impf} :: to feel, to sense
чуять {v impf} [regional, colloquial] :: to hear
-чь {suffix} :: The infinitive ending of some Russian verbs whose root ends in /k/ or /g/
чэнъюй {m inan} :: chengyu (a kind of Chinese set phrase or idiom)