User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-u

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-u {suffix} :: Forming adjectives having the sense of ‘having quality of, being provided with’ (the root word)
u {m} :: letter: u
u.a. {n} :: initialism of unité astronomique
ua {m} :: abbreviation of unité astronomique
U.A. {f} :: abbreviation of unité astronomique
UA {n} :: abbreviation of unité astronomique
UAF {prop} {f} :: Union automobiliste de France, an early 20th-century French auto club
UAF {prop} {f} :: L’Union des aéroports français: The Union of French Airports
UAF {prop} {f} :: Unité d′aménagement forestier: Forest Management Unit, in Québec
ubac {m} [geography] :: shady side of a mountain
uberisation {f} [neologism] :: uberisation (the adoption of a business model centred specifically on the use of smartphone apps to obtain services)
ubériser {v} :: To uberize
ubiquiste {adj} :: ubiquitous (being everywhere)
ubiquitaire {adj} :: ubiquitous (being everywhere)
ubiquité {f} :: ubiquity
ubuesque {adj} :: absurdly grotesque
Uchentein {prop} :: Uchentein (town)
uchronie {f} :: uchronia
uchronique {adj} :: uchronic
UCI {prop} {f} :: initialism of Union Cycliste Internationale
UDF {prop} :: initialism of Union pour la Démocratie Française; a French political party
Udine {prop} :: Udine (city)
UE {prop} {f} :: EU (European Union)
-ueux {suffix} :: alternative form of -eux
ufologie {f} :: ufology
ufologique {adj} :: ufological
ufologue {mf} :: ufologist
uhlan {m} [military, historical] :: uhlan
ukase {m} [historical] :: ukase (a decree from a Russian ruler, or any absolute or arrogant order)
ukase {m} :: edict, dictate
Ukraine {prop} {f} :: Ukraine
ukrainien {adj} :: Ukrainian
ukrainien {m} :: Ukrainian (language)
Ukrainien {m} :: Ukrainian (someone from Ukraine)
Ukrainienne {f} :: feminine noun of Ukrainien
ukulélé {m} [musical instruments] :: ukulele
ulcération {f} :: ulceration
ulcère {m} :: ulcer (an open sore)
ulcérer {v} :: to ulcerate
ulcéreux {adj} :: ulcerous
ulmine {f} :: ulmin
ulmique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ulmic
ulnaire {adj} :: ulnar
ultérieur {adj} :: ulterior
ultérieur {adj} :: following; later on
ultérieurement {adv} :: eventually; later on
Ultima Thule {prop} [astronomy, colloquial] :: Ultima Thule
ultima Thulé {m} :: ultima Thule
Ultima Thulé {prop} :: Ultima Thule; alternative form of Ultima Thule
Ultima Thulé {m} :: alternative form of ultima Thulé
ultimatum {m} :: ultimatum
ultime {adj} :: ultimate
ultime avertissement {m} [French nuclear policy] :: The recourse to the use of limited, sub- or prestrategic, tactical nuclear strikes as part of a nuclear deterrent, constituting a “final warning” and the last measure before strategic nuclear bombardment; also, such a strike
ultimement {adv} :: ultimately, eventually
ultime Thule {m} :: ultima Thule; alternative form of ultime Thulé
Ultime Thule {prop} :: Ultima Thule; alternative form of Ultima Thule
ultime Thulé {m} :: ultima Thule; alternative form of ultima Thulé
Ultime Thulé {prop} :: Ultima Thule; alternative form of Ultima Thule
ultra- {prefix} :: ultra-
ultra {adj} :: ultra, extreme
ultra {mf} :: extremist
ultra {mf} [historical] :: an ultra-royalist during the Bourbon Restoration period in France
ultrabasique {adj} [geology] :: ultrabasic, ultramafic
ultracentrifugation {f} :: ultracentrifugation
ultraconservateur {adj} :: ultraconservative
ultracourt {adj} :: ultrashort
ultrafaible {adj} [physics] :: ultraweak
ultrafin {adj} :: ultrafine, ultrathin
ultrafroid {adj} :: ultracold
ultragauche {adj} :: ultraleft
ultragauche {mf} :: ultraleft
ultragauchiste {mf} :: ultraleftist
ultraléger {m} :: ultralight, microlight, lightweight
ultramafique {adj} [geology] :: ultramafic
ultramarin {adj} :: overseas; pertaining to overseas
ultramarin {adj} :: of the deep blue colour ultramarine
ultraminoritaire {adj} :: submarginal
ultramoderne {adj} :: ultramodern
ultramontain {adj} :: ultramontane
ultramontanisme {m} :: ultramontanism
ultranationalisme {f} :: ultranationalism
ultranationaliste {adj} :: ultranationalist
ultraorthodoxe {adj} :: ultraorthodox
ultrapériphérique {adj} :: outermost
ultraréaliste {adj} [art] :: ultrarealistic
ultrarelativiste {adj} [physics] :: ultrarelativistic
ultra-secret {adj} :: top-secret
ultrasensible {adj} :: ultrasensitive
ultrason {m} :: ultrasound
ultrasonique {adj} :: ultrasonic
ultra-sonore {adj} :: ultrasonic
ultrasonore {adj} :: ultrasonic
ultratendre {adj} [motorsports] :: ultrasoft; more tendre (soft) than tendre, less tendre than hypertendre (hypersoft)
ultratendre {adj} :: ultratender; more tendre (tender) than hypertendre (hypertender)
ultratendre {m} [motorsports] :: ultrasoft; ellipsis of pneu ultratendre
ultra-transformé {adj} :: ultra-processed
ultravide {m} :: high vacuum
ultraviolet {adj} :: ultraviolet
ultraviolet {m} :: ultraviolet (light)
ululement {m} :: hoot (the cry of an owl)
ululer {vi} :: to hoot (to make the cry of an owl)
ulve {f} [botany] :: see lettuce
ulvospinelle {m} [mineralogy] :: ulvospinel
Ulysse {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Odysseus
Ulysse {prop} {m} [Roman mythology] :: Ulysses
UMP {prop} {f} :: initialism of Union pour un Mouvement Populaire; a French political party
umpiste {adj} :: supporting the views of the UMP
Umtiti {prop} :: surname
-un- {affix} [chemistry] :: -un-
un {art} :: an, a
un {num} :: one
un {m} :: one
un {pron} :: one
unaire {adj} [mathematics] :: unary
un ange passe {phrase} :: used to indicate that one has noticed a long silence, especially a pause in a conversation
unanime {adj} :: unanimous
unanimement {adv} :: unanimously
unanimité {f} :: unanimity
unau {m} :: unau
un à un {adv} :: one at a time; one by one
unboxing {m} [object-oriented] :: unboxing
un contre un {m} :: one-on-one
un coup {adv} [colloquial] :: used to soften an order
undécagone {m} :: undecagon
undécagone {adj} :: undecagonal
undécane {m} [organic compound] :: undecane
undécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: undecanoic
un de ces jours {adv} [colloquial] :: one of these days, some day soon, sometime
un de ces quatre {adv} [colloquial, by ellipsis] :: one of these days, some day soon
un de ces quatre matins {adv} [colloquial, dated] :: one of these days, some day soon
undecies {adv} [legal] :: eleventhly
undécylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: undecylic
underground {adj} :: underground (outside the mainstream)
underground {m} [singulare tantum] :: the underground (people who resist artistic convention)
une {num} :: feminine singular of un
une {art} :: a / an (feminine indefinite article)
une {f} :: front page (of a publication)
une bonne fois pour toutes {adv} :: alternative form of une fois pour toutes
une-deux {m} [football, boxing] :: one-two
UNEDIC {prop} :: acronym of Union Nationale pour l'Emploi dans l'Industrie et le Commerce
une fois {adv} [literally] :: Once, one time
une fois {conj} :: Once, as soon as
une fois {conj} :: With que, introducing a full clause in the perfect aspect
une fois {conj} :: Introducing a reduced passive-voice clause consisting only of a subject plus a past participle phrase
une fois {conj} :: Introducing a reduced perfect-aspect clause consisting only of a subject plus a past participle phrase (provided that the verb is one that forms the perfect aspect with être)
une fois {conj} :: Introducing a reduced clause in either of the above senses, consisting only a past participle phrase, its subject being implied
une fois pour toutes {adv} [idiom] :: once and for all (finally, permanently, conclusively)
une fois toutes les lunes {adv} :: once in a blue moon (very rarely or never)
une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps {proverb} :: one swallow does not a summer make
une image vaut mille mots {proverb} :: a picture is worth a thousand words, seeing is believing
unguéal {adj} [anatomy] :: ungual
un homme averti en vaut deux {proverb} :: forewarned is forearmed
uni- {prefix} :: uni-
uni {adj} :: united
uni {f} [Switzerland, colloquial] :: university
uniate {adj} :: Uniate
uniate {mf} :: Uniate
unibrassiste {mf} :: a person with only one arm
unicaméralisme {m} :: unicameralism
unicellulaire {adj} :: unicellular; single-celled
unicité {f} :: uniqueness, unicity
unicolore {adj} :: one-color/one-colour, unicolor/unicolour, monocolor/monocolour, monochromatic, monocrome, one-tone
unicycliste {mf} :: unicyclist
unidimensionnel {adj} :: unidimensional
unidirectionnel {adj} :: unidirectional
unième {suffix} :: -first [ordinal form of un used in compounds]
unièmement {adv} :: firstly
unifère {adj} :: unitary
unificateur {m} :: unifier (person who unifies)
unificateur {adj} :: unifying (causing reunification)
unification {f} :: unification
unificatrice {f} :: feminine noun of unificateur
unifier {v} :: to unify
unifolié {adj} :: unifoliate
unifolié {m} :: The flag of Canada
uniforme {adj} :: uniform (unvarying)
uniforme {m} :: a uniform
uniformément {adv} :: uniformly, unvaryingly, evenly
uniformiser {v} :: to make uniform; uniformize
uniformité {f} :: uniformity
unigenre {adj} :: unisex
unigenre {adj} :: gender-neutral (applicable to either gender)
unijambiste {mf} :: a person with only one leg
unilatéral {adj} :: unilateral
unilatéralement {adv} :: unilaterally
unilatéralisme {m} :: unilateralism
unilingue {adj} :: unilingual
unilobé {adj} [botany] :: unilobate (having one lobe)
uniment {adv} :: unitedly
unimoléculaire {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: unimolecular
uninominal {adj} :: for a single candidate
uninucléé {adj} :: uninucleated
union {f} :: union
Union {f} [politics] :: Legal matters: Legal contract or state in which are physical or moral people, binded by an agreement or common motives. The group formed this way. Shortened form of the name of various Unions, often used for the European Union
Union africaine {prop} {f} :: African Union
union civile {f} :: civil union (legal relationship between a couple, same-sex or different-sex, in Quebec)
Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques {prop} {f} :: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Union eurasiatique {prop} {f} :: Eurasian Union (proposed union between several post-Soviet countries)
Union européenne {prop} {f} :: The European Union (EU)
unioniste {m} :: unionist
unioniste {m} :: Unionist
union sacrée {f} :: A sacred union; but especially a Roman Catholic marriage
Union sacrée {prop} :: A truce called between French political parties at the beginning of the First World War
Union soviétique {prop} {mf} :: Soviet Union
uniparental {adj} :: uniparental
unipartisan {adj} [politics] :: unipartisan
unipersonnel {adj} :: unipersonal
unipersonnel {adj} [grammar] :: impersonal
unipersonnellement {adv} :: unipersonally
unipersonnellement {adv} :: impersonally
unipolaire {adj} :: unipolar (all senses)
unipolarité {f} [physics] :: unipolarity
unique {adj} :: unique
unique {adj} :: only
unique en son genre {adj} :: one of a kind
uniquement {adv} :: uniquely
uniquement {adv} :: only; exclusively; solely
uniquement {adv} :: merely; only; just
unir {v} :: to unite, join
unir {v} :: to combine
unis comme les doigts de la main {adj} [simile] :: like two peas in a pod (very close)
unisérié {adj} [biology] :: uniseriate
unisexe {adj} :: unisex
unisson {m} :: unison
unitaire {adj} :: unitary
unitaire {adj} [attributive] :: unit
unitairement {adv} :: unitarily
unitarisme {m} :: Unitarianism
unitarité {f} :: unitarity
unité {f} :: unity
unité {f} :: unit
unité astronomique {f} :: astronomical unit (symbol ua)
unité centrale {f} [computer hardware] :: Computer's system unit, computer without its peripherals
univ {f} [colloquial] :: university
univarié {adj} :: univariate
univerbation {f} [linguistics, lexicography] :: univerbation
univers {m} :: universe
universaliser {vt} :: to universalize
universalisme {m} :: universalism
universaliste {adj} :: universalist
universaliste {mf} :: universalist
universalité {f} :: universality
universaux {m} :: universals
universel {adj} :: universal
universellement {adv} :: universally
universitaire {adj} :: university (attributive form)
universitaire {mf} :: University student or employee
universitaire {mf} [Quebec] :: University graduate
université {f} :: university (institution of higher education)
univers parallèle {m} [science fiction] :: parallel universe
univoque {adj} :: unambiguous
univoque {adj} :: univocal
un jour {adv} :: one day, someday (at unspecified time in the past or future)
un malheur ne vient jamais seul {proverb} :: it never rains but it pours
un mal pour un bien {m} :: necessary evil
un mauvais ouvrier a toujours de mauvais outils {proverb} :: a bad workman always blames his tools
un par un {adv} :: one at a time; one by one
un peu {adv} :: a little, a bit
un peu {adv} :: used to soften an order
un peu mon neveu {interj} [colloquial] :: hell yeah, totally, absolutely
un peu, mon neveu {interj} :: alternative spelling of un peu mon neveu
un poil {adv} [colloquial] :: a mite, a tad (a little, a bit)
un point c'est tout {interj} [colloquial] :: And that's final, and that's that, and that's flat, full stop, period, end of discussion
un point fait à temps en épargne cent {proverb} :: a stitch in time saves nine
un pour tous, tous pour un {phrase} :: one for all, all for one
un rien {adv} [colloquial] :: a mite, a tad (a little, a bit)
un tant soit peu {adv} :: a tiny bit, the least bit, the slightest bit, even remotely
untel {m} :: so-and-so
Untel {m} :: so-and-so
untelle {f} :: feminine noun of untel
un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras {proverb} :: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
ununbium {m} :: ununbium
updater {v} [chiefly computing] :: to update
uple {f} [mathematics] :: tuple
uplet {m} [maths] :: tuple
uppercut {m} :: uppercut
upsilon {m} :: upsilon (Greek letter)
uracile {m} [organic compound] :: uracil
uræus {m} :: uraeus
urane {m} [mineralogy] :: urania, yellowcake (uranium oxide)
uraneux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: uranous
Uranie {prop} {f} :: Urania
uranien {adj} :: uranian, uranic
uranien {adj} :: celestial
uranien {adj} :: Uranian
uranien {m} [dated] :: Uranian (male homosexual)
uranifère {adj} :: uraniferous
uranique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: uranic
uranisme {m} [dated] :: male homosexuality
uraniste {mf} :: uranist
uranium {m} :: uranium
uranocène {m} :: uranocene
uranographie {f} :: uranography
uranologie {f} [obsolete] :: uranology
Uranus {prop} {m} :: Caelus (Roman deity) Note: The Greek deity Uranus is Ouranos
Uranus {prop} {m} :: Uranus (planet)
uranyle {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: uranyl
uratolytique {adj} :: uratolytic
urbain {adj} :: urban
urbain {adj} :: urbane, courteous, refined
Urbain {prop} :: Urban
urbainement {adv} :: urbanely
urbanisation {f} :: urbanization
urbanisé {adj} :: urbanized
urbaniser {vt} :: to urbanize
urbanisme {m} :: urbanism
urbaniste {mf} :: town planner
urbaniste {mf} :: urbanist
urbanistique {adj} :: urbanistic
urbanistique {adj} :: town planning (attributive)
urbanité {f} :: urbanity
urdu {m} :: alternative spelling of ourdou
urdu {adj} :: alternative spelling of ourdou
-ure {suffix} :: Used to form nouns describing the result of an action
uréase {f} :: urease
urée {f} [organic compound] :: urea
urémie {f} [pathology] :: uremia
urémique {adj} :: uremic
uréotélie {f} [biology] :: ureotelism
uretère {m} [anatomy] :: ureter
uréthane {m} [organic compound] :: urethane
urèthre {m} :: alternative spelling of urètre
urétral {adj} [anatomy] :: urethral
urètre {m} :: urethra
urètre {m} :: ureter
urgemment {adv} :: urgently (with great haste)
urgence {f} :: urgency
urgence {f} :: emergency
urgent {adj} :: urgent
urgentiste {mf} [medicine] :: accident and emergency doctor
urgentologie {f} :: emergency medicine
urgentologue {mf} :: emergency medicine doctor
urger {v} [usually, impersonal, colloquial] :: To be urgent
uricémie {f} [pathology] :: uricemia
uricotélie {f} [biology] :: uricotelism
uricotelique {adj} [biology] :: uricotelic
uricotélisme {f} [biology] :: uricotelism
urinaire {adj} :: urinary
urine {f} :: urine
uriner {v} :: to urinate
urineux {adj} :: urinous
urinoir {m} :: urinal (object used to receive urine)
urique {adj} :: uric; ureic
uritrottoir {m} :: A street urinal allowing men to urinate onto straw that becomes a form of compost
urne {f} :: urn
urne {f} :: ballot box
urne électorale {f} :: ballot box
uro- {prefix} :: uro- (relating to urine)
urodéum {m} :: urodeum
uro-génital {adj} :: urogenital
urogénital {adj} :: urogenital
urographie {f} :: urography
urolagnie {f} [sexuality] :: urophilia, urolagnia
urologie {f} :: urology
urologique {adj} :: urological
urologiquement {adv} :: urologically
urologiste {mf} :: urologist
urologue {mf} :: urologist
urophile {mf} :: urophile
urophile {adj} :: urophile (attributive)
urophilie {f} [sexuality] :: urophilia, urolagnia
uropygial {adj} :: uropygial
uropygien {adj} :: uropygial
urosperme {m} :: golden fleece (of the genus Urospermum)
urotélique {adj} [biology] :: ureotelic
ursidé {adj} [attributive] :: ursid
ursidé {m} :: ursid
URSS {prop} {f} :: initialism of Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques
urticacée {f} :: nettle (of family Urticaceae)
urticaire {f} :: urticaria (medical condition)
urticant {adj} :: urticant
Uruguay {prop} {m} :: Uruguay (country)
uruguayen {adj} :: Uruguayan (relating to Uruguay)
Uruguayen {m} :: An Uruguayan, member or descendant of the people of Uruguay
Uruguayenne {f} :: feminine noun of Uruguayen
urushinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: urushinic
us {mp} [plurale tantum] :: mores; traditional practices or manners
usage {m} :: usage, use
usage {m} [lexicography] :: The ways and contexts in which spoken and written words are actually used, determined by a lexicographer's intuition or from corpus analysis (as opposed to correct or proper use of language, proclaimed by some authority)
usagé {adj} :: used
usagé {adj} :: worn
usagé {adj} :: second-hand
usager {m} :: user
usagère {f} :: feminine noun of usager
usé jusqu'à la corde {adj} :: threadbare, worn-out
user {v} :: to wear, wear down, wear off, wear out, grind down, run in
user {v} :: to use (used with de)
us et coutumes {mp} [with the definite article] :: habits, customs, mores, traditions, custom and practice
usinabilité {f} :: machinability
usinable {adj} :: machinable
usinage {m} :: machining
usine {f} :: factory
usine {f} :: mill
usine {f} :: works
usine à gaz {f} :: gasworks
usine à gaz {f} [pejorative] :: Rube Goldberg machine, Heath Robinson machine (a complicated contraption which produces a simple or useless product)
usiner {vt} :: to machine
usiner {vt} :: to manufacture (using machinery)
usinier {adj} :: factory or plant (attributive)
usité {adj} :: in use; current; still used
ustensile {m} :: utensil
usucaper {v} :: To usucapt
usuel {adj} :: usual, everyday
usuellement {adv} :: usually, commonly
usufruit {m} :: usufruct
usufruitier {adj} :: usufructuary
usufruitier {m} :: usufructuary
usuraire {adj} :: usurious
usurairement {adv} :: usuriously
usure {f} [finance] :: usury
usure {f} :: wear and tear, wear
usurier {m} :: usurer, moneylender; loan shark
usurier {adj} :: acquisitive, avaricious
usurpateur {adj} :: usurping
usurpateur {m} :: usurper (one who usurps)
usurpation {f} :: usurpation (wrongful seizure)
usurpation {f} :: that which is usurped
usurper {v} :: to usurp
ut {m} [music] :: ut (do) the note 'C'
Utah {prop} :: Utah (state)
utérin {adj} :: uterine (relating to the uterus)
utérus {m} :: uterus, womb
utile {adj} :: useful
utilement {adv} :: usefully (in a useful manner)
utilisable {adj} :: usable (capable of being used)
utilisateur {m} :: user
utilisation {f} :: purpose, use, utilisation
utilisatrice {f} :: feminine noun of utilisateur
utilisé {adj} :: used, in use
utiliser {v} :: to use, to utilize
utilitaire {adj} :: useful, usable
utilitaire {adj} [philosophy] :: utilitarian
utilitarisme {m} :: utilitarianism (the theory of the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people")
utilité {f} :: usefulness, use
utilité {f} :: use, purpose
utilité {f} :: bit part
utilité {f} :: bit player
utopie {f} :: utopia, imaginary society in perfect harmony
utopie {f} :: utopia, unattainable ideal
utopien {adj} :: utopian
utopique {adj} :: utopian
utopiquement {adv} :: utopianly
utopisme {m} :: utopianism
utopiste {adj} :: utopian
utopiste {mf} :: utopian
Utrecht {prop} {f} :: Utrecht (province)
Utrecht {prop} {f} :: Utrecht (city/and/capital)
utriculaire {f} :: bladderwort
utriculaire {m} :: bagpiper
utricule {m} :: utricle
uvarovite {f} [mineral] :: uvarovite
uvée {f} [anatomy] :: uvea
uvéite {f} :: uveitis
uvique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: uvic
uvre {f} :: alternative form of œuvre
uvula {f} :: uvula, palatine uvula
uvulaire {adj} :: uvular
uvule {f} [anatomy] :: uvula
uzbek {adj} :: alternative spelling of ouzbek
uzbek {m} :: alternative spelling of ouzbek