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Laurie Anderson

From Wikiquote
Is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much

Laurie Anderson (born 5 June 1947) is an American experimental performance artist and musician.


Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night
Shall stay these couriers from the swift completion
Of their appointed rounds
  • Good evening. This is your Captain
    We are about to attempt a crash landing...
    Place your tray tables in their upright, locked position
    Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees
    Your Captain says: Put your head in your hands...
    We are going down
    We are all going down, together... Standby.
    • From the Air
  • Uh – this is your Captain again
    You know, I've got a funny feeling I've seen this all before
    Why? Cause, I'm a caveman
    Why? Cause, I've got eyes in the back of my head
    Why? It's the heat.
    This is the time.
    And this is the record of the time
    • From the Air
  • Golden cities. Golden towns
    And long cars, in long lines and great big signs
    And they all say: Hallelujah. Yodellayheehoo
    Every man for himself. Ooo coo coo
    Golden cities. Golden towns. Thanks for the ride
    Big Science. Hallelujah. Big Science. Yodellayheehoo
    • Big Science
  • Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
    Hello? This is your mother, are you there?
    Are you coming home?...Hello? Is anybody home?
    Well, you don't know me, but I know you
    And I've got a message to give to you
    And I said: okay, who is this really? And the voice said:
    This is the hand, the hand that takes...Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night
    Shall stay these couriers from the swift completion
    Of their appointed rounds
    • O Superman
  • Let X equal X
    You know, it could be you
    It's a sky-blue sky
    The satellites are out tonight
    Let X equal X...

    You know, I could write a book
    And this book would be thick enough to stun an ox
    'cause I can see the future, and it's a place...
    Thanks for all the presents...
    Thanks for introducing me to the Chief
    • Let X = X
  • She said, it looks
    Don't you think it looks a lot like rain?
    He said, isn't it?
    Isn't it just, isn't it just like a woman?
    She said, it's hard
    It's just hard, it's just kind of hard to say
    • It Tango
  • Paradise
    Is exactly like
    Where you are right now
    Only much much Better.
    • "Language is a Virus (from Outer Space)", opening lines; the song title itself is a quote of William S. Burroughs.

Homeland (2010)

  • And you know the reason I really love the stars is that we cannot hurt them.
    We can't burn them or melt them or make them overflow. We can't flood them or blow them up or turn them out.
    But we are reaching for them.
    We are reaching for them.
    • "Another Day in America" (2010)
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