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United States of Al

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To the midnight train to Memphis.

United States of Al (2021–2022) is an American multi-camera sitcom that aired on CBS from April 1, 2021 to May 19, 2022. The series follows the friendship between Riley, a combat veteran, and Al, an interpreter from Afghanistan who helped the former while he served in the Marines. As they readjust to their normal lives in Columbus, Ohio, Al moves in with Riley and meets his father Art. He later learns Riley is going through a divorce with his wife Vanessa, who has custody of their only daughter Hazel. Trying to help his friend, who is also dealing with PTSD, Al decides to make it his mission to get Riley and Vanessa back together.

Season 1


Pilot [1.01]

[First lines of the series]
Lizzie: How do you say "We're so happy to see you" in-- What is the language there? Afghanistanish?
Riley: Uh, it's Pashto. And I only know a few phrases.
Lizzie: Like?
[Riley speaks Pashto language.]
Lizzie: Which means?
Riley: Please, god. Get me out of here.
Lizzie: So you can say that and not "We're so glad you're here!"?
Riley: Lizzie, the whole time I served in Afghanistan, I never heard anyone say, "We're so glad you're here!". We should've brought him a welcome gift. When I went back for my second tour, he was waiting for me on the tarmac with a pot of pacha.
Lizzie: Ooh, is that something you eat or smoke?
Riley: It's a traditional Afghan breakfast soup made of sheep's hooves.
Lizzie: Seriously?
Riley: I know, it sounds more like a lunch food, doesn't it? Al's mom used to make it for us.
Lizzie: Aw. Are you gonna cry when you see him?
Riley: Marines don't cry, Lizzie.
Lizzie: They don't, huh?
Riley: No. Those babies in the Air Force cry when their sunglasses get smudged. There he is, there he is. Al, over here!
Al: Hi. Oh, my friend. I'm so happy to see you.
Riley: I was worried you weren't gonna make it.
Al: Me, too. But you found a way.
Lizzie: Hi, Al.
Al: Lizzie. It is so good to finally meet you.
Lizzie: Thank you for keeping my brother safe. Oh, thank you!
Al: Oh, look at this. Today, we are all in the Air Force.

Al: Vanessa, having tea is an important part of my culture. It facilitates dialogue, even among the most bitter enemies. During the war, Riley and I would do this to try to resolve disputes.
Vanessa: I get that, Al, but I just really don't think this is gonna help us.
Riley: Yeah, I already told him that.
Vanessa: Oh, shut up.
Al: Of course, in Afghanistan, we were mostly dealing with murderous warlords. This is my first time working with a married couple.
Vanessa: Well, we won't be married for long.
Riley: Why'd you even come here? I mean, don't you have anything better to do?
Vanessa: I came out of respect for the guy who saved your life.
Riley: You came to punish me.
Vanessa: I don't have to punish you, Riley. You punish yourself.
Al: I have to tell you both, I am missing the warlords right now. Vanessa, why don't you tell me what you think went wrong with your marriage?
Vanessa: Oh, Al, I don't even know where to start. I mean, the mood swings, the drinking. He won't go get help. He refused to go to counseling. I just had enough.
Al: Okay, thank you. I have only been here one day, but I have also seen the mood swings and the drinking.
Riley: Hey. Whose side are you on?
Al: I am in the middle. Look. This is on purpose.
Vanessa: I'm sorry, but I'm done trying to raise my daughter with a guy who I can't trust.
Al: I understand that, too. When I met Riley, I did not trust him either. And I was right not to trust him. Did you know the first time he gave me a gun, he did not put bullets in it?
Vanessa: You're kidding.
Al: I am not, and I discovered this in the middle of a firefight.
Riley: I had to know you weren't gonna shoot me.
Al: And in that moment, when I was clicking away and nothing was coming out, I really wanted to. The point is, we did not trust each other then. But we do now. Trust is earned.
Vanessa: Well, he's got a long way to go.
Al: Oh, I agree.
Vanessa: Right now, he's at zero with me.
Al: Oh. Zero is good. I would not have gone that high.
Vanessa: But I do like you.
Al: You know what's funny? The warlords also liked me and not him. Vanessa, you are as wonderful a woman as Riley always said. I'm so glad we finally got to meet.
Vanessa: Me, too.
Riley: Excuse me. But, we haven't resolved a thing here.
Al: No, but we are talking, which is a good first step. If the two of us could learn a language he does not know, that might be helpful for the future.
Vanessa: I speak a little French.
Al: Ah. Moi aussi.
Riley: I can learn French.
Al: Just drink your tea.
Vanessa: So, what other nice things did he say about me?
Al: Where do I begin? Your hair, your eyes, your laugh...
Riley: Oh, come on!

Shorts / Neykar [1.02]

Lizzie: Okay, next question. For better visibility while driving in rain, fog or snow, you should keep your blank on.
Art: Pants.
Al: The answer is low beams.
Art: Not as funny.
Al: Hello, mother. How are you doing?
Khala: Hello, my son. How are you? Did you get your license yet?
Al: My test is tomorrow. Today, we went shopping and I got new clothes.
Khala: Wow! You look like Angelina Jolie's husband.
Al: And mom, check this out.
Khala: Where are the rest of your pants?
Al: They're called shorts. Everyone wears them here.
Khala: Shorts? I do not like them.
Al: They are great. They have so many pockets.
Art: Pepper shaker.
Khala: There's no way God will accept your prayers wearing that thing.
Lizzie: What'd she say?
Al: I'm her favorite son.
Riley: Hey, what about me?
Khala: Oh, it's my American son. Hello, Riley Jaan.
Riley: Salaam, Khala Jaan.
Khala: Look. Riley is wearing pants like a man. Why can't you be more like Riley?
Riley: What'd she say about me?
Al: You look fatter than she remembers.

Repair / Tarmim [1.03]

Art: Lose something?
Lizzie: Don't worry about it.
Art: Geez. Hope you find your manners in there. Why do you got so much stuff in your purse?
Lizzie: What am I, a guest on your podcast? I lost Michael's dog tags.
Art: Oh... Well, okay, don't worry. They'll turn up.
Lizzie: Oh, yeah. Here they are.
Art: Oh, really?
Lizzie: No.
Art: Well, where'd you lose them?
Lizzie: I don't know. That's what "lost" means.
Art: I'm surprised. I just never seen you take them off.
Lizzie: I don't. I had them on last night and I went to the party and then they must have fallen off somewhere.
Art: Well, no problem. Where was this party?
Lizzie: It was out by Walnut Creek.
Art: That's just woods. Who has a party in the woods?
Lizzie: Bad people. Who do you think?
Art: All right. Let's go find them.
Lizzie: There's no way.
Art: Not without assistance.
Lizzie: What do you mean?
Art: I got a friend. Walk with me. Bertha, we need your help.
Lizzie: Your friend is a rifle?
Art: That's Emily. Bertha's my metal detector. Hello, darling.
Lizzie: There's a reason you're not dating.

Spinach / Sabzi [1.04]

Al: Is Michael Jordan in this game?
Hazel: What? He's like 100 years old.
Art: Hey. Who's playing?
Al: Not Michael Jordan.
Art: You good?
Al: Oh, very good.
Art: Good.
Al: Hazel, you should stand up when your grandfather enters the room.
Hazel: Why?
Al: As a sign of respect.
Hazel: What if you don't have legs?
Al: Hazel, an elder is wise. Much like the rings on a tree, the wrinkles on your grandfather's face are the mark of experience and wisdom.
Hazel: What if you're tied to the chair?
Al: Stop finding loopholes.
Art: You guys are messing with me.
Hazel: Uncle Al says we have to stand because you're old.
Al: No, no, no, Mr. Art. That is not what I meant. You are still very young. Mashallah. Not even a single bud from a thousand flowers of your life has blossomed yet.
Hazel: You just said he was wrinkled.
Al: I did not say that.
Hazel: Yes, you did.
Al: No, I didn't.
Hazel: Yes, you did.
Al: No, I didn't.
Art: Calm down.
Hazel: Grampy, can you get me some juice?
Art: Sure.
Al: Mr. Art, please wait. She is the one who should be getting you juice.
Art: I don't want juice.
Al: Doesn't matter. She needs to know her place in the family. She should sit closest to the kitchen so that if anyone needs anything, she can happily run and get it for them. The order should be the youngest by the kitchen, then the parents, then the guest, then the elders.
Art: Yeah, that's not gonna work. Puts me too far from the bathroom. What flavor?
Hazel: Grape, please.
Art: Excellent choice. Pairs well with popcorn.
Hazel: Yes, you did.

Homesick / Deghyat [1.05]

Al: I don't want to fight you.
Riley: How about now?
Al: No.
Riley: How about now?
Al: Riley, you spilled my tea!
Riley: Oh, no! What are you gonna do about it?
Al: This is a bad idea.
Riley: Why?!
Al: Because I will lose!
Riley: Oh, with that attitude, you will.
Al: No, with this body, I will.
Riley: Fight me, or I'll call your sister names.
Al: Okay. That's it!
Riley: Yeah, man, this is my therapy. When I get mad, I do this. When I'm sad a little of that. When I don't know how to feel, a little bit of that.
Al: Fine. If you insist, I will give it a try.
Riley: All right, step into my office. Here we go. Show me what you got. Harder. Harder!
Al: I don't want to hurt you.
Riley: Oh, you're serious?
Al: Now I kind of want to hurt you.

Fundraiser / Baspana Towlawal [1.06]

Lizzie: (singing) If I had a hammer.
[Lizzie destroys the beer bottles with a hammer.]
Lizzie: (singing) I'd hammer in the morning.
Art: Whatcha doing?
Lizzie: Making art.
Art: For a minute there, I thought you were breaking beer bottles with a hammer.
Lizzie: I'm working on a mixed-media mosaic.
Art: Ah. Why?
Lizzie: What do you want, Dad?
Art: I need to ask a favor.
Lizzie: I'm listening.
Art: I was hoping you could put together a slideshow about your brother. Maybe include some pictures of him and Al in there.
Lizzie: For the Veteran's Post thing?
Art: Yeah.
Lizzie: You sure about this? Riley hates that kind of stuff.
Art: Nah, he says he does, but once he gets up there onstage and he feels all that love and gratitude. He needs this. I sure never got an attaboy when I came back from Grenada.
Lizzie: 'Cause no one knew you went or what it was.
Art: That was a turning point in the Cold War.
Lizzie: It was more like the beach volleyball scene from Top Gun.
Art: Come on, help me out here, will ya? Your brother's stuck, and we need to unstick him. You in or you out?
Lizzie: I'm in.
Art: Thank you. Hey, can I try?
Lizzie: Oh, sure.
[Art destroys the beer bottles with a hammer.]
Art: Yeah! I get it.

Car / Motar [1.07]

Lizzie: You got screwed on the financing.
Riley: Stop trying to ruin this.
Art: Riley, pipe down, will you? I want to hear what she has to say.
Riley: Why are you listening to her?
Art: Because she's good with numbers. You're good with shapes. Go ahead.
Lizzie: The interest rate increases up to 20% after 6 months.
Riley: Yeah, that's fine. It's the same deal I got on my truck, and I'm not having any problem making payments.
Art: Wait, you're still paying on that? It's been like 3 years.
Riley: Yeah. And in 3 more, it's all mine.
Art: I thought you got a great deal on that thing.
Riley: I did! The guy who sold it to me even said I was the toughest negotiator he ever-- Son of a bitch.
Art: I'm gonna go down to that dealership and let 'em have it. I mean, taking advantage of an immigrant and a moron? That ain't right.

Matchmaker / Roybar [1.08]

Al: I must imagine that, when you were younger, you were very successful with the ladies.
Art: That's a weird thing to imagine, but you're not wrong.
Al: So, what kind of women did you date? Educated? Uneducated but with a strong work ethic?
Art: Well, I was an 18-year-old Marine who could do 100 pull-ups, so any kind I wanted.
Riley: You could not do 100 pull-ups.
Art: I got it on Super 8 in a box somewhere.
Riley: My record's 30.
Art: Yeah, what can I tell ya? You're weak.
Al: Riley, this is not about you. It is about your father and the kind of woman he fancies.
Lizzie: You know what I'd fancy? A different conversation.
Al: Now, I bet the women would like you as much now as when you were a young man.
Art: Where are you heading with this, Al?
Al: I'm just commenting that you are still very desirable. You own your own business. You have a home. You have many skills.
Lizzie: You can fall asleep standing up.
Riley: You can open a beer with your teeth.
Al: And you know many jokes. I don't get most of them. But, I sense they are funny.

Birthday / Kaleeza [1.09]

Al: I was born at 3:00 AM. so that's when I wake up and celebrate.

Al: Of course. I also know I was 19 inches and had an enormous head.

Roht / Sweet Bread [1.10]

Lizzie: Hey, Champ. You good?
Riley: Champ.
Lizzie: Can we get you anything?
Al: More sparkling cider.
Riley: I think you've had enough, buddy.
Lizzie: I'm just gonna turn this down a little, so we can talk.
[Lizzie turns the radio off.]
Lizzie: There. That's nice.
Riley: Look, man. I know you're hurting, but she's one girl. Okay? You got to get back out there.
Al: Why? You've been out there for months, and all you have to show for it is a mysterious rash.
Riley: It's a detergent sensitivity. What I'm saying is, it's a numbers game.
Al: Even you don't believe that, Riley. The love of your life is gone, and you chase a mirage every night. It is a fool's errand.
Riley: Okay. I'm tagging out. You're up!

Blackout / Parchawi [1.11]

Art: Morons.

Hazel: And a little Spanish.

Dog / Spai [1.12]

Riley: I basically missed out on 6 years of Hazel growing up. I'm just making up for lost time. This is where you're supposed to agree with me.
Lizzie: I really want to.
Riley: But?
Lizzie: Those 6 years were not easy for Vanessa. Being a single mom was really tough.

Help / Komak [1.13]

Riley: I really am gonna go this time.
Vanessa: I hope it helps.
Riley: Okay.

Season 2


Panic / Tars [2.01]

Hazel: Nah, too flashy.

Hazel: It's simple. Monday is the first day of junior high. All the other kids are gonna be trying to get noticed right away, which I think we can agree is a fatal mistake.

Mo / Masoud [2.02]

Al: All I am asking for is for you to be open while talking to him.

Al: Thank you, Hassina.

College / Pohantoon [2.03]

Vanessa: Do you want any help?
Riley: No. I got it.
[final lines]

Promises / Wadaha [2.04]

Vanessa: You've had a week, haven't you?
Riley: Not as bad as Al's.
Vanessa: It's not a contest.
[Riley turns the TV on with his remote.]
Newsman: Breaking news, the Browns' season is already in peril because they're now down 2 defensive backs.
Riley: Oh, this is perfect. This is breaking news, America!
Vanessa: Hey, why don't we just turn this off?
Riley: No! No, how's Cleveland supposed to win? I mean, Cleveland is screwed.
Vanessa: Riley.
Riley: We got to do something! Cleveland is running out of options! I got to tell everybody, they got to know!
[Vanessa turns the TV off with her remote.]
Vanessa: Hey. This is bigger than you. And don't worry. The Browns' secondary is deep.

Repo / Wapas Geri [2.05]

Riley: You know why I think I'm so good at this?
Al: Because I'm doing most of the work.
Riley: When I was in 7th grade, a couple of us used to hang out at the gas station tonight. We wait for someone to go in and buy cigarettes or lottery tickets. They leave their car running. We hop in, drive around the block, ditch the car, and leave.

Date / Didar [2.06]

Hazel: What? That was cold.

Ariana: Well, looks like someone is having a picnic.

Lizzie: Whoa.

Veterans Day / Roz-e Sarbaz [2.07]

Art: Ah. I will leave you to it.
Lizzie: No, you can stay.
Art: You sure?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Art: You know, sweetheart. I get it. When your mom passed away, it took me months to even look at her closet. So don't feel bad. And we're doing this.
Lizzie: From our second date, mini golf. Boy, did he cheat. Hole in one? I don't think so.
Art: That's a lot of shot glasses.
Lizzie: He collected them. Branson, Yellowstone, Niagara Falls. The Vatican! This one was hard to find.
Art: Oh.
Lizzie: He was obsessed with Donny Hathaway. His wings! After flight school graduation, they had this fancy ceremony, and then got wasted and punched the pins into each other's chests. Idiots!
Art: I'm proud of you.
Lizzie: Why?
Art: You opened the box. No tears.
Lizzie: Should I be more upset?
Art: No. It means you're moving on.
Lizzie: Oh, my God, you think so?
Art: No, I don't. I think you're still very sad.
Lizzie: No. I'm not.

Wisdom / Hikmat [2.08]

Announcer: But thermal expansion is not just affecting humans.

Lizzie: Look, what Dad said is not cool, but he is a very stubborn man, and if you don't apologize, we're gonna have another Uncle Charlie.

Christmas / Krismis [2.09]

Hassina: Salaam.

All: And Merry Christmas, you son of a bitch!
[final lines]

Professor / Ustad [2.10]

Art: On a subconscious level, you are outraged.

Art: Promise you will not give this another thought.

Punch / Musht [2.11]

Riley: No, we don't.

Riley: It's okay with me if she wants to stay here.

Poker / Pokar [2.12]

Lizzie: Wow. You're good.
Brett: Would you think more or less of me if I told you I came last night to practice?
Lizzie: You practiced for our date?
Brett: I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of a real artist.
Lizzie: Smart. This vase I'm making, gonna sell it for $300,000.
Brett: Oh, darn, I only have $100,000 on me.
Lizzie: Oh, this is awkward. I thought I was dating a rich guy.
Brett: You ever think about doing this professionally?
Lizzie: I did, for a long time. But honestly, I'm worried it would lose some of the joy, if it were my job.
Brett: That makes sense.
Lizzie: Besides, I kind of like working for my dad. But if you tell him, I'll deny it.
Brett: That's great that you have that self-awareness. Most people are oblivious.
Lizzie: Oblivious? Is that your professional assessment as a psychologist?
Brett: Uh, no. The technical term is "stupid". I was just trying to class it up.
Lizzie: What are you into outside of work?
Brett: Well, doing pottery with pretty girls is kind of my thing right now. And there's my punk band.
Lizzie: You have a punk band?
Brett: Yes.
Lizzie: You?
Brett: Yes. I may look like a mild-mannered college professor, but every Thursday at 4:00 PM, I am a guitar-smashing maniac. I don't actually smash it. I just kind of lift it above my head, then put it down gently.
Lizzie: And what is this pretend band called?
Brett: It is not pretend. It is me and several other psychology professors, and we are called "Rage Against the Dean".
Lizzie: And do you wear punk makeup? Eyeliner, blue lipstick?
Brett: No, just a little zinc oxide on my nose when we play outside. Oh, and a hat. I have a really cool hat.

[Hazel drums the buckets with her drumsticks.]
Hazel: Never had a lesson.
Brett: So, great. For fun, maybe you could try keeping a beat. Sort of.
[Brett drums the buckets with his hands.]
Hazel: That's what I was doing. But, okay.
Brett: And, uh, Lizzie, can you give me sort of a...
[Brett vocalizes with his voice. Lizzie plays the keyboard with her hands.]
Brett: Love it, love it. Okay. You guys ready to blow the lid off this dump? I'm sorry. It's actually, it's a lovely house. 1, 2, 3, 4!
[Brett plays the bass guitar, Lizzie plays the keyboard, and Hazel drums the buckets with her drumsticks. Hazel knocks down the buckets with her hands.]
Hazel: Whoo! Thank you, Columbus! We are Hazel and the Old People!
[final lines]

Hunt / Shikar [2.13]

Lizzie: Of course.

Ariana: Guys, I hate to say it. Please say it.

Tattoo / Khaal [2.14]

Art: Oh, that's not kale in there, is it?
Lizzie: Can we not have the kale conversation?
Art: I like iceberg.
Lizzie: I know.
Art: It knows what it is. It's not trying to be all fancy.
Lizzie: I know.
Riley: Check it out. Boom!
[The tattoo reads: "Holly".]
Art: Oh, on the ribs. Did it hurt?
Riley: Yeah.
Lizzie: Oh, my God. Why did you do that?
Riley: Because it's awesome.
Lizzie: Does she know about this?
Riley: No, it's a surprise.
Al: Big surprise.
Lizzie: Oh, dude, this may be the dumbest thing you've ever done.
Riley: No, it's romantic.
Lizzie: No, it's stupid. You're gonna freak her out.
Al: Why are you the enemy of romance?
Riley: I want her to know I'm crazy about her.
Lizzie: Well, she'll definitely get the crazy part.
Riley: You don't know her like I do.
Lizzie: She's cool, laid-back and independent.
Riley: Okay. You know her a little.
Lizzie: And this tattoo makes you look weird, desperate, and really clingy.
Riley: It does.
Art: Oh, yeah. Now I see it. Too bad. I liked her.
Riley: Okay, you guys are crazy. She's not gonna break up with me over a tattoo.
Art: Spilt milk, buddy. Let it go.
Al: I tried to talk him out of it.

Kiss / Maach [2.15]

Riley: What? Why?

Riley: Copy that.

Gout / Nikres [2.16]

Art: 50% of your artery, isn't blocked.

Lizzie: Yeah.

Virgin / Bakr [2.17]

Riley: There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to what we were doing.

Riley: I just want to make sure you're not compromising stuff that matters because you're hurting.

Divorce / Talaq [2.18]

Riley: I was at Vanessa's.

Riley: Okay.

Guilt / Gunah [2.19]

Lizzie: Wild guess. Al's mom found out.
Art: Maybe we should give 'em a little space?
Lizzie: It's not like we're eavesdropping. We don't speak the language.
Art: Angry, disappointed parent? I am fluent. I thought I taught you better than this. I sacrificed so much. Why don't you just stab me in the heart?
Lizzie: You're talking about Riley, right?
Art: Oh, sweetie, I'm talking about the both of you.
Lizzie: Hey! What's going on?
Al: I just spoke with my mother.
Art: Really? How is she?
Al: I'm afraid my freewheeling lifestyle has come to a close. No need to lock up your daughters, America. They're safe now.
Lizzie: What happened?
Al: She says the only way to restore honor to our name is if she finds me a wife from a good family.
Lizzie: A wife?
Art: Can't you just do a bunch of Muslim Hail Marys or something?
Al: No, no, no, no. If your parents are not happy with you, Mr. Art, God is not happy with you.
Art: Are you listening to this?
Al: She already has someone in mind. Her name is Nasim.
Art: That's a pretty name.
Al: She was the neighborhood bully. When we were kids, she used to hold me down and spit on my face till I cried.
Art: Maybe I should arrange a marriage for you.
Lizzie: Go for it.
Art: Ooh. Called my bluff. Did not see that coming.

Sock / Jeraab [2.20]

Art: A stack of magazines I found in my dad's underwear drawer.

Art: Cindy has invited me for dinner tomorrow, and, um, I think I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level.

Art: Ask me anything.

Desire / Khwast [2.21]

Art: All I need is to study for a few days.

Riley: Well, this is a surprise.

Chaos / Aashob [2.22]

Riley: So why don't you leave while you still have your teeth?

Al: I was. But now I just want you both to be happy.

Riley: You are going to kill it in Vegas.
Al: We are going to kill it in Vegas. Roller coasters, magic shows, and all-you-can-eat buffets. It's like a city designed by a 14-year-old boy.
Riley: 48 miles an hour?! Come on, Al!
[Final lines of the series]


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