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Hans von Spakovsky

From Wikiquote

Hans Anatol von Spakovsky (March 11, 1959–) is an American attorney.


  • If you get called by the FBI, you are foolish to talk to them, and if you do end up talking to them, you shouldn’t do it without a lawyer present. And if the underlying conduct that you engaged in was perfectly legal, be sure that you tell the absolute truth about what happened, because otherwise you’re going to get charged.
  • States do such a poor job of maintaining the voter rolls, one of the worst things is they’re not cooperating with other states to find the people, for example, who’ve lived in New York but have vacation homes down in Florida, and are voting in both places, which is highly illegal. Why are they doing that? There’s only one reason, and that’s to make it easier to cheat.
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