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Grey's Anatomy (Season 7)

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Grey's Anatomy (2005-) is a primetime television medical drama, airing on ABC, that follows Meredith Grey, a first-year surgical intern at the beginning of the drama, and her fellow interns as they struggle to become doctors.

Season 7


With You I'm Born Again [7.1]

Meredith: [voiceover] Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, in our own way we shed our skin. Biologically we are brand new people. We may look the same, we probably do, the change isn't visible at least not in most of us, but we are all changed completely forever.

Meredith: What are we picking?
Cristina: Dress color. I'm not wearing white, it's sexist and vaguely racist. No white, no vail, no rice.
Meredith: Well, what would your mother say?
Cristina: No mother.

Lexie: I read a book. About the history of mass murders in the US. You know, that's the actual name of what happened to us, it was a mass murder. You can't call it a terrorist attack because the murders weren't political in nature. And we weren't the victims of a serial killer because Mr. Clark would have had to had murdered several people over a period longer than 30 days to qualify as a serial killer. We-- We could call it a spree killing which is defined as killings in two more locations with no break or pause in between 'cause Mr. Clark shot that guy in his car before he got here. But I-I'm not sure that, that counts as a true second location since it was so close to the hospital. Which means that we were a mass murder. Because it happened at one place, by one person, and more than four people were killed.

Ben: Miranda, um... I was playing golf. And I can't apologize for it 'cause it wasn't anything I did on purpose... I was just... I was playing golf. I missed you.
Miranda: You're a good man. You are handsome, and kind, and smart, and good. You're perfect. But, um... I'm busy... holding myself together with tape and glue. And a piece of me wishes that you hadn't played golf because... then you'd be all taped and glued too... And maybe you'd be where I am. You're too much for me right now... 'cause I'm busy with the tape and the glue.

Meredith: [voiceover] When we say things like "People don't change" it drives scientists crazy. Because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy, matter, it's always changing. Morphing. Merging. Growing. Dying. It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural. The way we cling to what things were instead of letting them be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones. The way we insist on believing, despite every scientific indication, that anything in this lifetime is permanent. Change is constant. How we experience change, that's up to us. It can feel like death, or it can feel like a second chance at life. If we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. Like at any moment we can have another chance at life. Like at any moment, we can be born all over again.

Shock to the System [7.2]

Meredith: They say lightning never strikes twice, but that's a myth. It doesn't happen often. Lightning usually gets it right the first time. When you're hit with 30,000 amps of electricity you feel it. It can make you forget who you are, it can burn you, blind you, stop your heart and cause massive internal injuries. But for something that happens in only a millisecond, it can change your life forever.

Meredith: [angry] Go hug yourself!

Meredith: Cristina. Cristina!
Cristina: I can't be in here. I can't.
Meredith: Okay so let's go, let's get out of here.
Cristina: I can't... I can't feel anything.
Meredith: I know, I know. Come with me.
Cristina: No, no, I can't move. I can't move my legs. I can't, I can't feel anything.
Meredith: Uh, feel my hand, take my hand. Do you feel that?
Cristina: Uhuh.
Meredith: Okay. You're okay. We're gonna go when you're ready. Okay? So you tell me when you're ready. Okay?

Derek: Hey I've heard about Cristina. Is she alright?
Meredith: No, she's not alright. No one's alright. That idiot is clearing everyone for surgery like they're fine and they're not fine.
Derek: Stop, stop it, I need to talk to you.
Meredith: Just leave it alone Derek, it was one night in jail, you drive too fast, just forget about it!
Derek: I don't wanna talk about that, don't worry about that.
Meredith: (teary eyed) Don't worry about it? All I do is worry. All the time, I spend every minute of every day worrying that I'm gonna get a phone-call that you've wrapped your car around a pole. That's why I left you in jail. So that just for a little while I would know that you weren't dying like you were dying on that table. That's what I think about every time you pull out of the driveway.
Derek: I'm right here. I'm okay. We're okay.
Meredith: I was pregnant. That day, I was pregnant, and I lost it.
Derek: I... (pause) You didn't say anything. I could've helped you.
Meredith: If you wanna help me, your driving is something you can control. Just do that. Just do that. (They kiss and hug)

Meredith: [voiceover] Lightning doesn't often strike twice. It's a once in a lifetime thing. Even if it feels like the shock is coming over and over again. Eventually the pain will go away, the shock will wear off. And you start to heal yourself. To recover from something you never saw coming. But, sometimes the odds are in your favor. If you're in just the right place at just the right time you can take a helluva hit. And still have a shot at surviving.

Superfreak [7.3]

Meredith: [voiceover] Most surgeons grew up being freaks. While other kids played outside, we holed up in our rooms, memorizing the periodic table, hovering for hour over our genuine microscopes, dissecting our first frogs. Imagine how surprised and relieved we were when we grew up and found out that others out there are just as freaky as we were. Same microscopes, same dead frogs, same inexplicable urge to take human beings apart.

Mark: [introducing Amelia to Cristina and Meredith] Amy, Amelia, is also a neurosurgeon.
Cristina: Another one? You Shepherds grow them like weeds.

Derek: We were in the back of the store. Dad had just given you two pennies. And you always hid them behind the counter in this big crack in the floorboards. You said you were saving them so you could buy a town. And then the two guys came in, we could hear them talking but you weren't paying attention until dad yelled. And you looked up. They had already pulled the gun, and already taken the money… And now they wanted the watch that mom gave him. He wouldn't give it up. It was a gunshot, you lunged forward…
Amelia: I remember, I was trying to get to him but… I couldn't move.
Derek: Because I was holding you so tight that you couldn't budge. Put one hand over your mouth so you wouldn't scream and wrapped the other one around you and just held on for dear life. Prayed to God that you'd be quiet and wouldn't say anything. You were so little. I think that's what I've always wanted all these years, you just to stay… little and quiet and safe. But you're not any of those things. You're loud and fearless and that scares the crap out of me. How am I supposed to call you up and tell you that I've been shot? I can't tell you about my pain. I don't want you to know that pain exists. [he hugs her]

Arizona: We're gonna live in a frat house forever, aren't we?
Callie: Hey, no, Meredith's is a frat house. Our place is just that off-campus apartment where the burn-outs go to buy pot.

Meredith: [voiceover] Nobody chooses to be a freak. Most people don't even realize they're a freak until it's way too late to change it. But no matter how much of a freak you end up being, chances are there's still someone out there for you. Unless of course they've already moved on. Because when it comes to love, even freaks can't wait forever.

Can't Fight Biology [7.4]

Meredith: Biology determines much of the way we live. From the moment we're born we know how to breathe and eat. As we grow older, new instincts kick in. We become territorial, we learn to compete, we seek shelter… Most important of all, we reproduce. Sometimes biology can turn on us though. Yeah, biology sucks sometimes.

Arizona: Mark stares at my boobs when we talk. He starts at my face, but then somewhere along the way, he gets distracted and ends up on my boobs.And I love guys - I love them. But I have tried my whole life to avoid the boob-staring guy. Biology even helped me by making me gay. But now, my girlfriend's best friend is that guy. And I don't think that I need to apologize for the fact that the only person I want staring at my boobs is you.
Callie: Boobs... really, you're making this about boobs?
Arizona: He stares at them.
Callie: 'Cos they're good boobs!

Meredith: I need you to take my blood.
Cristina: For what?
Meredith: So I can get tested for the Alzheimer's gene. I mean it's time I know one way or the other, right? I have a hostile uterus. What's a little Alzheimer's too?
Cristina: Alright. This is a lot bigger than a baby step.
Meredith: Just do it before I change my mind.
Cristina: Okay.

Derek: I love you and you love me. And whatever happens, I don't care. I don't want to know. I mean it. I don't want to know.
Meredith: The lab already has my blood, so...
Derek: Here's what we're gonna do. No more doctors, no more labs. You and I, we have a lot of sex. Maybe we'll make a baby, maybe not. Maybe you get Alzheimer's, maybe not. Just screw the odds, screw the science. Let's just live. Whatever happens. Happens. Me and you. Okay?
Meredith: Okay.
Derek: Okay.

Meredith: [voiceover] Biology says that we are who we are from birth. That our DNA is set in stone. Unchangeable. Our DNA doesn't account for all of us though. We're human. Life changes us. We develop new trades. Become less territorial. We stop competing. We learn from our mistakes. We face our greatest fears. For better or worse. We find ways to become more than our biology. The risk, of course is that we can change to much, to the point we don't recognize ourselves. Finding a way back can be difficult. There is no compass, no map. We just have to close our eyes, take a step and hope to God we'll get there.

Almost Grown [7.5]

Meredith: [voiceover] They train doctors slowly. They watch us practice on frogs, and pigs, and dead people, and then live people. They drill us relentlessly. They raise us like children. And eventually, they take a cold, hard boot, and they kick us out of the nest.

Owen: I like the dark blue scrubs on you. You look good. You okay?
Cristina: My patient deserves a doctor.
Owen: You don't have to cut, nobody's asked you to...
Cristina: I know what's being asked of me and I'm doing it.

Lexie: Did you just stop that bleeder?
Meredith: Uh-huh.
Lexie: How did you even know to do that?
Derek: Okay. Sorry I'm late.
Meredith: That's okay. Lexie made a good call. I've got it under control.
Derek: What do we got?
Meredith: Let me finish, Derek. I got this.
Derek: Yes, you do.

Derek: I'm gonna find a cure for Alzheimer's.
Webber: The cure for Alzheimer's... With $1 million?
Derek: With $1 million. It's a start.
Webber: You're talking about a clinical trial. A clinical-surgical trial?
Derek: Yes.
Webber: Start-up costs alone, never mind the FDA, Derek, it's...
Derek: Today I watched Meredith perform an emergency craniotomy by herself. She was perfect. She's got her mother's talent. She's got her mother's looks, Richard. What if she has her mother's disease? Ellis was young when it started. Every time Meredith forgets her keys or asks what day of the week it is, I... When that $1 million runs out, investors are gonna throw money my way for the same reason I am gonna throw everything I got at this trial - because their dad has it or their wife. Breakthroughs don't happen because of the medicine. Real breakthroughs happen because someone is scared to death to stop trying.

Meredith: [voiceover] We all want to grow up. We're desperate to get there, to grab all the opportunities we can... to live. We're so busy trying to get out of that nest... We don't think about the fact that it's going to be cold out there... really freakin' cold. Because growing up sometimes means leaving people behind. And by the time we stand on our own two feet... we're standing there alone.

These Arms Of Mine [7.6]

Derek: Doctor Yang and my wife sometimes have sleepovers, in my bed, with me in it.

Cristina: Being a hero has its price.

That's Me Trying [7.7]

Meredith: [voiceover] Question: When was the last time a complete stranger took off her clothes in front of you, pointed to a big purple splotch on her back, and asked, "What the hell is this thing?" If you're a normal person, the answer is hopefully "never". If you're a doctor, the answer is probably about five minutes ago. People expect doctors to have all of the answers. The truth is we love to think that we have all of the answers too. Basically doctors are know-it-alls until something comes along that reminds us we're not.

April: [running a simulation] Sir! You said the helicopter was gonna be here hours ago, And it's not here, and I'm not complaining, but where is it?
Hunt: Well, the rain's still pretty bad. Probably got caught in a hail storm.
[Intern Steve approaches with index card update on "patient's" condition]
April: No! No! I know what that card is gonna say. It's gonna say he has cardiac tamponade with associated hypotension and bradycardia, but he can't, 'cause I already did a pericardiocentesis and bolused with IV fluids.
Steve: She's right. What do I do? Do I ...
April: Karev! Grab his feet. [Karev goes to grab Steve's feet] The patient! Come on!
Owen: Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Alex: This is awesome! [helping to load dummy onto ambulance]
Owen: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you think you're doing? This ambulance is not in play.
April: Oh, you're just making stuff up, which I can do too! And I say it is in play. Can't fit nine patients on an ambulance, but two will fit just fine. Seven of my patients may have died today, but these two won't! 'Cause I'm gonna get them on this ambulance, and I'm gonna take 'em to that hospital right there!
Alex: Alright!
Owen: Kepner, this ambulance was involved in the accident and no longer runs.
April: There are keys in the ignition, so let's see. Looks like I got triple-A. Ha! Apparently they could get here when the helicopter couldn't. Now MOVE! Or I will run you down!
Owen: [to Alex] Go. Let's go. [They run to hospital entrance. Ambulance pulls up]
April: John Doe, multiple chest and extremity trauma. Still hypotensive despite two large-bore IVs started in the field.
Owen: All right, Kepner. That's enough.
April: We need a full workup and likely a thoracotomy. [walks into hospital carrying dummy over her shoulder] I suspect active bleeding in the chest.
Alex: Will you tell us we won, or she's never gonna stop.
Owen: It's not a contest.
April: Karev! Call the OR and make sure that there's a room available.
Alex: Will do.
Owen: All right, all right, fine. Blue team wins.
April: Blue team wins?
Owen: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you win. He's gonna live for 40 more years and have 15 grandkids. You happy?
April: [drops dummy] Blue team wins!
Owen: Yes.
April: [hugs Alex] Yeah!

Callie Okay. Fine. I don't want to go to Africa. But I do wanna be with you. Okay? So, I'm really trying here. We're going miss our plane, let's go. Oh my god! Okay, you wanna fight? The flight is eighteen hours, we can fight on the plane.
Arizona You are ruining this for me. And I don't wanna do this.
Callie: What? What does that mean? What, you suddenly don't wanna go or?
Arizona: I don't wanna go to Africa with you.
Callie: Arizona. No, okay? No.
Arizona: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Callie: You're sorry, you're sorry? It's three years.
Arizona: I'm gonna miss my plane. You take care of yourself.
Callie: No. No! Please. Please I can - we can do this, we can figure this out.
Arizona: You stay here and be happy. And I'll go there and be happy.
Callie: If you get on that plane, if you go without me, we are done. Do you hear me? We are over.
Arizona: We are standing in the middle of an airport, screaming at each other. We're already over.

Meredith: [voiceover] We're all looking for answers in medicine, in life, in everything. Sometimes the answers we're looking for have been hiding just below the surface. Other times we find answers when we didn't even realize we were asking the question. Sometimes the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we've been looking for, we're still left with a whole hell of a lot of questions.

Something's Gotta Give [7.8]

Meredith: [voiceover] The human body is a highly pressurized system, the blood pressure measures the force of blood pulsating through the arteries. It's important to keep this pressure regulated, low or inadequate pressure can cause weakness or failure. It's when the pressure gets too high that problems really occur. If the pressure continues to increase, a closer examination is called for because it's the best indicator that something is going terribly wrong.

Bailey: Why do we so many post-op fistulas after pancreas surgeries? I mean, your operation is flawless. It doesn't matter. We still see fistulas in what? 20 percent of patients? I- I think there's a way to bring that number down. I just gotta find it.
Webber: Miranda...
Bailey: I needed a win, sir. I've got a string of big losses and I could use a win, that's all. Yang... Yang was the one I didn't have to worry about.
Webber: I know. I know. Look into the pancreatectmy patients, figure it out and then let me know how I can help.
Bailey: Uh, can I use Avery? He actually gave me the idea. He was great today.
Webber: That's good to know. You know, Alex Karev saved a baby's life with a ping pong ball?
Bailey: A ping pong ball?
Webber: Yes, he did.
Bailey: Hmm. Alex Karev.

Meredith: [voiceover] Every pressurized system needs a relief valve, there has to be a way to reduce the stress, the tension before it becomes too much to bear. There has to be a way to find relief because if the pressure doesn't find a way out it'll make one. It will explode. It's the pressure we put on ourselves that's the hardest to bear. The pressure to be better than we are. The pressure to be better than we think we can be. It never ever ever lets up. It just builds and builds and builds.

Slow Night, So Long [7.9]

Meredith: [voiceover] We doctors, take pride in the fact that we can basically sleep standing up. Anytime, anywhere. But it's a false pride because the truth is, after about 20 hours without sleep, you might as well just come to work drunk, doctor, or not. So, it's no wonder that fatal medical errors increase at night. When we doctors are, proudly, sleeping on our feet. Recently, our communal pride has been shattered, and our egos have been wounded by new laws that require that we sleep all day before we work all night. We're not happy about it. But as someone who may one day need medical care, you really should be.

Avery: Nice face.
Alex: At least I can do surgery. How's that hand?
Avery: It'd be better if you hadn't run your face into it.

[Teddy joins Mark, Callie, Miranda and Derek for a drink after her date]
Teddy: Okay, so get this...his very first question: "So what's your favorite food?"
Mark: What'd you say?
Teddy: French, but that's not the point. Why would he ask me what my favorite food was? Like he read that that's some good icebreaker from some internet handbook that was handed out at the loser fair? Ugh!
Derek: This is why you don't meet people on the internet.
Teddy: You're married! You don't get to have an opinion about my pathetic forays into internet dating.

Meredith: Remember the first day the chief said only two of us would make it?
Alex and Meredith: I thought it would be me and Cristina.

Meredith: [voiceover] Under the cover of darkness, people do things they'd never do under the harsh glare of day. Decisions feel wiser, people feel bolder. But when the sun rises, you have to take responsibility for what you did in the dark and face yourself under the cold, harsh light of day.

Adrift and at Peace [7.10]

Meredith: [voiceover] The first 24 hours after surgery are critical. Every breath you take, every fluid you make, is meticulously reported and analyzed. Celebrated or mourned. But what about the next 24 hours? What happens with that first day turns to two and weeks turn into months? What happens when the immediate danger has passed, when the machines are disconnected and the teams of doctors and nurses are gone? Surgery is when you get saved, but post-op, after surgery, is when you heal. But, what if you don't?

Eli: Look, if Dr. Bailey wants it put back in, then I will.
Lexie: She's in surgery.
Eli: Well, then it'll just have to wait.
Lexie: Fine. I'll do it myself.
Eli: You're not touching that patient.
Lexie: Excuse me?
Eli: You have your list. But I have 12 years of experience that tells me putting that drain back in right now could actually put him at more risk for infection. 12 years I've been here. 12 years. Now, you residents, you come and go, but this is my home and you are my guest, and right now you are no longer welcome.

Mark: Listen, I don't know what's going on here but I know better than to mess with you on turf so do me a solid, nod and act as if we're havin' a big debate here 'cause Dr. Grey over there, she agreed to go out with me if I talked to you.
Eli: She's bossy.
Mark: I know, I dig it.
Eli: What's in it for me?
Mark: Seahawks. Sunday, box seats.
Eli: Parking?
Mark: Of course.
Eli: Okay. [shouts] Unless Dr. Bailey herself orders that drain put back in I...
Mark: Now mention how highly I think of her.
Eli: ... I don't care if you think Dr. Grey is the best resident you've ever seen come through this program.
Mark: I understand, and I respect that. Thank you. [walks back to Lexie] Ah, I did what I could. What time do you get off?
Lexie: What?! That's it? You didn't do anything!
Mark: See you at nine. [walks off]
Jackson: You're going out with Sloan tonight?
Lexie: One drink. And then you are gonna interrupt us and tell me that there#s a medical emergency.
Jackson: There might be a medical emergency if you don't get that drain put back in your guy. I'm just sayin'. I guess you can observe when I'm taking out that gallbladder through dude's mouth.

Owen: Do you want to know what I think? I think you're reckless. I think you're reckless with your own life and today you were reckless with a patient's life. I don't care who you are. I don't want that in my OR, and I do not want that around my wife who is struggling just to hold on.
Meredith: Your wife is struggling just to hold on because you married her and let it be OK for her to completely fall apart.
Owen: You are fearless, and I don't mean that in a good way. Most people don't tell the guy with the gun to shoot them. Most people are like Cristina. Most people are afraid. So what she needs isn't what you need. She isn't you, Meredith.

Meredith: [voiceover] The goal of any surgery is total recovery - to come out better than you were before. Some patients heal quickly and feel immediate relief. For others the healing happens gradually, and it's not until months or even years later that you realize you don't hurt anymore. So the challenge after any surgery is to be patient. But if you can make it through the first weeks and months, if you believe that healing is possible, then you can get your life back. But that's a big if.

Disarm [7.11]

Meredith [voiceover] To a degree, medicine is a science...but I would argue that it's also an art. Doctors who see medicine as a science only, you don't want them by your side when your bleeding won't stop or when your child is screaming in pain. The clinicians go by the book. The artists follow their guts. The artists feel your pain and they go to extremes to make it stop. Extreme measures. That's where science ends and art begins.

Meredith: I'm too mad to even look at you.
Derek: Well then roll over.

Arizona: I am so deeply, deeply, deeply sorry for hurting you so much. I am so sorry because I'm so in love with you, and I will spend the rest of my life telling you that. I'll apologize to you every day if that's what you need, but, please, please don't walk away again. I came across the world to be with you. I love you. Please.
Callie: You had to fly across the world to get to me Arizona because you flew a whole world away without ever looking back. You just left. And this might be news to you — no, I think it kinda is — but you're not the only one in this relationship. There are two of us, and you came back today but I didn't.

Cristina: Do you wanna get a drink?
Meredith: Yeah, I do. I mean, not a real drink actually, because I'm trying to get pregnant and supposedly alcohol will make my baby have three heads and sixteen toes.
Cristina: Umm, wanna get some crack cocaine?

Meredith [voiceover] Surgery is extreme. We cut into your body, take out pieces, and put what's left back together. Good thing life doesn't come with a scalpel because if it did, when things started to hurt, we would just cut and cut and cut. The thing is what we take away with a scalpel we can't ever get back. So, like a said, good thing.

Start Me Up [7.12]

Meredith [voiceover] People are really romantic about the beginnings of things. Fresh start, clean slate, a world of possibility. But no matter what new adventure you're embarking on, you're still you. You bring you into every new beginning in your life. So how different can it possibly be?

Arizona: Well, now I'm your subletter. Hooray?
Callie: My lack of interest in seeing you is not a strategy. I'm not playing hard to get. I don't want to see you because I turned my life upside down for you and you walked away because for a week I was cranky. You're untrustworthy, so I don't want to see you. You're self-centered, so I don't want to see you. I am a hundred percent certain that if I let you back in my life again you will hurt me again, so I don't want to see you. This isn't a ploy. I'm not pouting. I don't want you in my life. Get your crap out of my apartment.

Cristina: It's like court-ordered community service.
Meredith: I'd rather be picking up trash off the side of the highway.

Arizona: I bail. Okay, when things get hard I... I walk away, maybe it's because I grew up an army brat, we moved every 18 months. Maybe I never learned to commit, but I'm here now, and I'm staying because I'm gonna fight to make sure you know that I'm committed to this thing. I'm not perfect but neither are you, and you... you wanna talk about faults? How about not being able to forgive? At some point you're gonna have to forgive me, and it may as well be now because I am in love with you Calliope and you are in love with me and all I'm asking for is one more chance.
Callie: You want another chance?
Arizona: Yes. More than anything, I want another chance.
Callie: Today I found out that I'm pregnant. With Mark's baby. How about now?

Meredith [voiceover] It's all anybody wants, right? Clean slate, a new beginning. Like that's gonna be any easier. Ask the guy pushing the boulder up the hill. Nothing is easy about starting over. Nothing at all.

Don't Deceive Me (Please Don't Go) [7.13]

Meredith [voiceover] Doctors practice deception all the time. We give vague answers to hard questions. We don't talk about post-op pain. We say you'll experience some discomfort. If you didn't die, we tell you that surgery went well. But the placebo has to be the doctor's greatest deception. Half of our patients we tell the truth, the other half, we pray that the placebo effect is real. And we tell ourselves that they'll feel better anyhow. Believing help is on the way, when in fact, we're leaving them to die.

Mark: What did Arizona say?
Callie: Well, she said she's in.
Mark: Well, that's good, right?
Callie: Eh, I'm still hedging my bets. I'm not gonna move back in with her until I know for sure she's not gonnna bail again.
Lexie: [walks up] Hey, you got dinner plans tonight?
Mark: No.
Lexie: I'm cooking for you tonight, your place. I rocked the lab coli. [kisses him and walks off]
Callie: So when you gonna tell her?
Mark: Not until after my home cooked meal.
Callie: Mark, you do not have to do this. I'm giving you a get out of jail free card, no hard feelings, you can be the cool uncle that hangs out on Sundays.
Mark: I'm not the cool uncle. I'm the dad.
Callie: You love Lexie. And the last time a Sloan kid appeared in Seattle she dumped you. Now, if you were the cool uncle...
Mark: I'm not the cool uncle! Don't ever say that again. This is my kid. I want this kid. [mutters] Cool uncle.
Callie: Well, so then tell her. Do not wait until this kid comes out looking all Sloan-y.

Arizona: [to Callie] Shut up. Just shut up. You don't get to tell me that we're not together. We are together. Because I love you and you love me, and none of the rest of it matters. We are together. And if you ever sleep with anyone else again, man or woman, I will kick the crap out of you. Now you sit your ass back down there because that's my baby in there. I don't want anything happening to my baby.
Callie: [smiling] Your baby, huh?
Arizona: [smiles back] Our baby.

Lexie: I'm putting in tarragon, not that I have any idea what tarragon tastes like but I think when people use tarragon it makes them seem like they know what they're doing. Basil can't do that. Anybody can sling some basil around the kitchen.
Mark: Callie's pregnant.
Lexie: Oh my God, that's great. She loves babies. Did- Did they do a turkey baster thing or- or something? I mean, wait a minute, okay, so wait. Arizona just got back... and they, were they doing this, wait was this before... [looks at Mark who's looking down, then he looks at her, she realizes]
Mark: I saw the heart beat today. This is my kid, this is a part of me. ... Please, is there any way we can...
Lexie: [teary eyed] How the hell did you get me in this position... [slams counter] twice?! It... It is... Unbelievable. You are unbelievable!

Meredith [voiceover] Doctors practice deception every day. On our patients, on their families… But the worst deception we practice is on ourselves. Which is why sometimes it takes us a while to realize that the truth has been in front of us the whole time.

P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) [7.14]

Meredith: [voiceover] One of the hardest lessons as a doctor is learning to prioritize. We're trained to do all we can to save life and limb, but, if cutting off a limb, means saving a life, we learn to do it without hesitation. It's not an easy lesson to learn, and it always comes down to one question, "what are the stakes?" What do we stand to gain or lose? At the end of the day, we're just gamblers trying not to bet the farm.

Callie: [while trying to set a hip dislocation] It is his body! Okay? You don't get to say what he can and can't do with it! He is a person! He gets to make his own damn choices! I AM GOING THROUGH THE WORST CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL OF MY LIFE BECAUSE SOMEONE THINKS THAT BEING PREGNANT MEANS THAT I'M NO LONGER OF SOUND FRICKIN' MIND!
April: You're pregnant?!
Callie: Shut up! I'm not endangering my baby, I just-I just want one damn cup of coffee!
Owen: Okay...Kepner, go get Dr. Torres a cup of coffee.
April: Okay.
[Callie grunting]
Owen: [to April] RUN!
Callie:[panting] Thank you.
Owen: Congratula-
Callie:[exasperated] Oh whatever. Just come around here and help me with his hip!

Callie: [to Arizona and Mark] Here's the thing. I get that things are going to be different now, and uh, that's why I'm gonna eat that chicken...even though the only thing I want right now is a peanut butter sandwich.
Arizona: Great!
Callie: Oh, I'm not done. If we're gonna do this whole everybody gets a vote thing, there's gonna be a new system. We'll still each get one vote, but also, the baby gets a vote. As I house the baby, I'll be speaking for him/her. And, since I'll be pushing this baby out of a very small hole in my body, I'll also get an extra special vagina vote! So, that's uh, three votes for us, two votes for you guys. Oh! We get the final say! Now, I'll be using my many votes to say that once a day, I will have one cup of regular coffee which is perfectly fine according to the studies that I've read. At least until I begin breastfeeding. Now, anybody wanna argue with my extra special vagina vote?
Mark: No thank you.
Arizona:[spoken in unison with Mark] No...
Callie: Great. [silence] Oh. We also vote that Mark gives me a foot rub.

Meredith: [voiceover] Surgery is a high stakes game. But no matter how high the stakes, sooner or later, you're just going to have to go with your gut, and, maybe just maybe, that'll take you right where you were meant to be in the first place.

Golden Hour [7.15]

Meredith: [voiceover] How much can you actually accomplish in an hour? Run an errand maybe, sit in traffic, get an oil change. When you think about it an hour isn't very long. Sixty minutes. Thirty-six hundred seconds. That's it. In medicine, though, an hour is often everything. We call it the golden hour. That magical window of time that can determine whether a patient lives or dies.

Lexie: I can't believe he walked in with a knife in his head and is walking out an hour later to go to a ball game.
Jackson: Speaking of which. [holds out tickets] Any chance you wanna go to the game too? Apparently Karev didn't want his floor seats. So are you interested?
Lexie: Actually, yes. Yes, I am.

Meredith: [voiceover] An hour, one hour, can change everything forever. An hour can save your life. An hour can change your life. An hour can change your mind. Sometimes an hour is just a gift we give ourselves. For some, an hour can mean almost nothing. For others, an hour makes all the difference in the world. But in the end, it's still just an hour. One of many. Many more to come. Sixty minutes. Thirty-six hundred seconds. That's it. Then it starts all over again. And who knows what the next hour might hold.

Not Responsible [7.16]

Meredith: [voiceover] Everyone figures doctors are the most responsible people they know. They hold lives in their hands. They're not flakes. They don't lose track of important details or make stunningly bad judgment calls. 'Cause that would be bad, right?

Lexie: It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love. And then you find somebody else, and it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.

Jackson: Just wanted to make sure you were alright.
Lexie: Ricky's not, that's for sure. I told Julia that she'd find somebody else, but I'm not sure I believed it.
Jackson: Ah, she will.
Lexie: But what if he's...
Jackson: ...her soulmate? You've gotta be kidding me with this crap, Lexie. Nobody has just one soulmate. That'd be such a dumb system. Look, Ricky and Julia deserve better than someone who makes them sick. You deserve better, too. And there is more than one soulmate for everyone. I mean, someone like you, there'd be a line out the door as soon as word got out.
Lexie: [smiles] Oh, would you be in the line?
Jackson: Yeah, I'm in the line.

[Lexie is in the shower with Jackson, April comes in, not knowing Jackson's in there]
April: Okay, um... Stark... Stark just asked me out. Isn't that the weirdest thing you've ever heard?
Lexie: It's pretty weird, I'll give you that, yeah.
April: (hysterically) It's weird, it's weird. I mean, he's old and mean, he's like the Grinch. The Grinch asked me for dinner and I said yes. [giggles]
Lexie: You said yes?!
April: I mean, there is a nice man under there.
Lexie: Ap-April...
April: You think it's weird.
Lexie: I- I do, but I'm starting to come around to it. You know, can we talk about it later?
April: Y-Yeah, okay. Can I pee before I go?
Lexie: April, go downstairs.
April: This is shared space.
Lexie: Go downstairs! [April leaves, screen shows Lexie covering Jackson's mouth, who is obviously trying not to laugh]

Meredith: [voiceover] We are responsible with our patients. The problem is we blow it all out at work. In our own lives, we can't think things through. We don't make the sound choice. We did that all day at the hospital. When it comes to ourselves, we've got nothing left. And is it worth it—being responsible? Because if you take your vitamins and pay your taxes and never cut the line, the universe still gives you people to love and then lets them slip through your fingers like water, and then what have you got? Vitamins and nothing.

This Is How We Do It [7.17]

Meredith: [opening voiceover] Renegades, rule-breakers, gangsters with scalpels, this is the way we like to think of ourselves. It makes us feel bad-ass, sexy. Problem is, it's not exactly true. At heart, we're rule-followers, sheep. We don't break protocol. We follow it to a tee. Because if we don't follow protocol, our patients die and we're no longer bad ass, we're just bad.

Lucy: Your BP is borderline high. Are you feeling okay?
Callie: Oh, yeah, no. That's the nerves about the baby shower. Yeah, it's like Christmas morning.
Arizona: You are way too excited about this.
Callie: Hey, I have bought expensive gifts and played stupid games for every knocked up nurse in this place. Now it's my turn. [to Lucy] You're coming, right? [Lucy looks surprised] Arizona, you invite the OB. The fate of my vagina's in her hands.
Arizona: Yeah, um... 1 pm. Fourth floor doctor's lounge.
Lucy: I'll see if I can make it. [Callie glares] I'll make it.

Bailey: You need to pick chief resident already. I mean, Alex Karev is living in a trailer in the hospital parking lot. Residents are waiting for you outside bathrooms...
Webber: Karev's living in the parking lot?
Bailey: Y'know, your trial is up and running, and you've got things to deal with at home. You don't need to be picking a new chief resident, too. Let somebody else handle that. Delegate.
Webber: Okay, I'd like you to.
Bailey: No. I raised those babies. What I mean is, delegate to someone else... who is not me.

Arizona: [after Callie gets a text] We've been gone all of ten minutes what could Mark possibly want?
Callie: [laughs, and reads the message] Oooh. Oh, yeah, okay this is bad. He found out Lexie is with Avery and he's freaking. [Callie goes to type a reply, Arizona takes her phone and throws it in the backseat] Oh, what the hell?
Arizona: What? Th-This is time for us. It's just for us. And the first thing you wanna do is talk to Mark.
Callie: You just said it was okay. Okay, you know what? Oh, screw it. [takes off her seat belt and climbs in back to get her phone]
Arizona: What are you doing?
Callie: I'm gonna talk to him.
Arizona: Don't you dare call me.
Callie: This is jealously, Arizona. You are jealous of Mark. Get over it.
Arizona: Do you blame me? I mean he gets most of you. The straight you, the Catholic you, the girl who loves baby showers. I just get, you know, the gay you, which is really only about twenty minutes a night... Not even. Since you just feel too fat to even let me touch you lately.
Callie: Look, I am doing my best here to make sure that you are happy, and that Mark is happy and that the tiny person growing inside me is happy. I don't know what else I can do to be honest. Please tell me. Cause I'll do it. Whatever will make you happy, I will do it.
Arizona: [pauses] Marry me.
Callie: [laughs] What?
Arizona: I mean, it. I love you more than anything but I want more. I want commitments, I want rings, so, marry me.

Meredith: [closing voiceover] It's every doctor's dilemma. Do you play it safe and follow protocol? Or take a risk and invent a new one? There can be reward in risk. There can also be fallout. Still you need to book the system every once in a while. Bet big. And when you get the results you want, there's no better feeling in the world, but when you don't.
Callie: [voiceover] The brain is the human body's most mysterious organ. It learns. It changes. It adapts. It tells us what we see. What we hear. It lets us feel love. I think it holds our soul. But no matter how much research we do, no one can really say how all that delicate gray matter inside our skull works. And when it's hurt, when the human brain is traumatized, well... that's when it gets even more mysterious.

Mark: What the hell happened?
Owen: Car versus truck. That's all we know.
Mark: Injuries? The baby?
Derek: We don't know yet.
Mark: Well, why the hell don't you know? Someone get me a trauma gown.
Webber: Mark, you need to sit this one out.
Mark: I'm not sitting this one out. That's Callie, that's my kid.
Webber: Which is why you can't. I'm sorry you can't be a doctor on this one.
Mark: Screw you.
Owen: Sloan.
Mark: Screw all of you.
Webber: Look at me, Sloan. Look at me. Maybe I don't understand what you two have, how you have it. But I understand this: she is your family. Callie Torres and that baby are your family. And the best way that you can help your family is to step back and let the rest of us do what you can't rationally do; save their lives. Okay?
Derek: Mark.
Mark: I'm in the room, you hear me? I'm in the room!
Webber: Okay.

Arizona: So, you'd think she'd have a better chance if we took the baby out now, electively?
Bailey: Well, Callie's cardiovascular status could possibly be greatly improved, but we just need to know...
Mark: ...What we wanna do.
Arizona: No, what Callie would want us to do. The baby's barely viable.
Mark: Why are we even talking about the baby?
Arizona: Did you just say that?
Mark: No, I'm just saying we give Callie the best shot she can get.
Bailey: But Mar--
Arizona: Callie wants a baby!
Bailey: Ariz--
Mark: Callie wants to live.
Arizona: Well, we all want her to live. But what's her life gonna be like if she wakes up and her child is gone?
Mark: What's her life gonna be like if she's dead?
Arizona: Oh, God, it is not that simple.
Mark: It is. I don't like it, it's horrible, but it is that simple. We can have another baby. We can't have another Callie.
Arizona: What, so you can have sex with my girlfriend again?
Mark: Oh, for God sakes, get over it. We screwed! Big deal.
Arizona: It is, Mark. It is a big deal!
Mark: If something happens to my child, we'll just screw again.
Arizona: No, you won't!
Mark: Yes, we will!
Arizona: You are out of your mind. Just because you're too much of a manwhore to make any relationship work...

Meredith: Yesterday, at the baby shower... I was jealous of Callie because she got pregnant... without trying. And we try. I get shots, I take my temperature, I put my legs in the air, and nothing. [starts crying] The universe says screw you, Meredith, and gives Callie a kid... and then puts Callie through a windshield. I mean, what the hell is going on? What's the point? I mean, is there a reason for this? Because if you can think of a reason, any reason at all why the universe is so screwed up... and random and mean, now would be an amazingly good time to tell me, because I really need some answers.
Derek: [hugs her] I know, I know. ... I will make sure we have a baby. I promise you. One way or another, you and I will be parents. I promise you.

Callie: [waking up, muttering] Y-yes. [Arizona wakes up] Yes.
Arizona: Oh, oh my, God. Callie? Callie?
Callie: Yes.
Arizona: What? What?
Callie: I'll marry you.
[Arizona smiles with joy]

It's a Long Way Back [7.19]

Meredith: [opening voiceover] After a trauma, your body is at its most vulnerable. Response time is critical. So you're suddenly surrounded by people, doctors, nurses, specialists, technicians; surgery is a team sport. Everyone pushing for the finish line. Putting you back together again. But surgery is a trauma in and of itself, and once it's over, the real healing begins. We call it recovery. Recovery is not a team sport. It's a solitary distance run. It's long. It's exhausting. And it's lonely as hell.

Cristina: Hey, it's healing pretty well. Maybe in a couple days you can try sitting up by yourself.
Callie: Let's try now.
Cristina: Can't rush it.
Callie: Why'd I get you? Why aren't you cutting out hearts somewhere?
Cristina: Well, Altman and I had a falling out over your ventricular septal defect, actually. I'm giving her some space. Okay, you're good. You need anything?
Callie: I need to see my baby.
Cristina: She's mostly tubes and wires. And she looks more like a chicken than a baby. Like a featherless, beakless chicken. You want to wait until she's cuter.
Callie: You're the worst godmother ever.
Cristina: You picked me.

[Alex is handing out folders]
Jackson: What's this?
Alex: What's this? It's your kid, your African kid.
Cristina: Oh, that's happening?
Jackson: Today?
Alex: Tonight. The first group gets here tonight. I've been telling you this all week. Look, each of you gets your own kid. Some of them will be traveling with family, a few of them are orphans, so you are in charge of your kid, alright? You're like their ambassador. [hands a folder to Cristina, but takes it back] Wait, you can't have her. You'd be awful to her. [Lexie laughs] Okay, him. [hands her another folder] No. Yes, him.
Lexie Grey: He's melting down.
Jackson: Trainwreck.
Cristina: Evil spawn is now Mother Teresa.

Callie: [about her baby] She's not ready, no she can't leave. She's been watched by doctors twenty four hours a day...
Mark: She still willl.
Callie: Okay, well, her lungs. She could get RSV.
Arizona Robbins: Well, any kid could get...
Callie: She's not getting in a car. It's not safe.
Mark: Callie...
Callie: It's not safe. The last time she was in a car, she nearly died, we both nearly died. Get-- get her out of that thing. Give her to me, Mark. I'm- I'm not kidding, [crying] get- get her out of that thing.
Bailey: Callie... Callie... Okay, you're right. You are absolutely right. Cars are not safe for children. Okay, neither are bookcases or squirrels, strong winds, people who sneeze. They're all going to get your baby. But honey, you don't feel this way because you were in an accident. You feel this way because you are a parent. It'll pass... mostly. Some of it never will.

Meredith: [closing voiceover] The length of your recovery is determined by the extent of your injuries. And it's not always successful. No matter how hard we work at it. Some wounds might never fully heal. You might have to adjust to a whole new way of living. Things may have changed too radically to ever go back to what they were. You might not even recognize yourself. It's like you haven't recovered anything at all. You're a whole new person with a whole new life.

White Wedding [7.20]

Meredith: [voiceover] Germs, disease, toxins, our bodies encounter dangers all the time, just beneath the surface, hidden. Whether you realize it or not, your body is constantly protecting itself. Every time you blink your eye, you wash away thousands of unwanted microbes. Breathe in too much unwanted pollen and you sneeze. The body knows when it's encountered something that doesn't belong. The body detects the invader, it releases its white blood cells, and it attacks.

Bailey: You realize your door is unlocked? I could be anyone. I could be a burglar coming to burglar you. Where's the baby? [Callie shows her the baby on the monitor, she smiles] Oh, I could be a baby-napper trying to baby-nap you.
Callie: I know why they sent you and it doesn't matter what you say, the wedding's still off. My mom's right, it's a joke. It's not a wedding, and it's not happening. I can't have a priest; I no longer have a minister. [sobs] I'm not being given away by my dad, the wedding isn't legal, what's the point? This isn't a wedding, it's not even in a church, it's nothing. It's a couple of girls playing dress up. It's not real, it's not real.
Bailey: [sighs] Okay, first of all, you do not need the law or a priest or your mother to make your wedding real. And the church can be anywhere you want it to be. In a field, on a mountain, right here in this room, anywhere because where do you think God is? Come on, He's in you. He's in me. Just right here, in the middle of us. Your church just hasn't caught up to God yet. Your mother, she hasn't caught up to God yet. And, by the way, she may not ever catch up, but it's okay. It's okay. If you are willing to stand up in front of your friends and your family, and God, and commit yourself to another human being to give yourself in that kind of partnership for better or worse in sickness and in health. Honey, that is a marriage. That is real, and that's all that matters. Besides, I got legally married to a man in a church. Look how well that turned out. [laughs]'

[The scene cuts back and forth between Derek and Mer getting married to Callie and Arizona getting married]
Judge: Applicants Grey and Shepherd...
Derek: That'd be us.
Judge: I need to see some ID. Okay, this seems to be in order, I'll jump right in. We are here today to participate in a marital union...
Bailey: ...To celebrate love and happiness and loyalty, and in my opinion, a little bit of magic.
Judge: In the form and regulations of the state of Washington,
Bailey: To bring together two exceptional and beautiful human beings...
Judge: Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join hands, and repeat after me. I, Derek Shepherd...
Derek: I, Derek Shepherd...
Arizona: I take you, Calliope Torres to be my wife.
Meredith: For better or for worse in good times and in bad...
Callie: I choose you to be the one whom I spend my life...
Arizona: I love you.
Callie: I love you.
Judge: Okay, you sign there, and you sign there. [they both sign] By these documents and according to the state law of Washington...
Bailey: Okay, I hereby pronounce you wife and wife. [Callie and Arizona kiss]
Judge: Congratulations.
Derek: Why, thank you.

Meredith: [voiceover] Just when we think we figured things out, the universe throws us a curveball. So, we have to improvise. We find happiness in unexpected places. We find ourselves back to the things that matter the most. The universe is funny that way. Sometimes it just has a way of making sure we wind up exactly where we belong.

I Will Survive [7.21]

Meredith: [voiceover] We've all heard the saying… It's one of those things we learned in 7th grade science class: "Adapt or die." Adapting isn't easy, though. You have to fight your competition, fend off their attacks. And sometimes, you have to kill. You do what you need to do to survive.

Meredith: [voiceover] Adapt or die. As many times as we've heard it, the lesson doesn't get easier. The problem is, we're human… we want more than just to survive. We want love. We want success. We want to be the best that we can be. So we fight like hell to get those things. Anything else feels like death.

Unaccompanied Minor [7.22]

Meredith: [voiceover] I always said I'd be happier alone. I'd have my work, my friends - but someone in your life all the time? More trouble than it's worth. Apparently, I got over it.

Meredith: [voiceover] There's a reason I said I'd be happy alone. It wasn't 'cause I thought I'd be happy alone. It was because I thought if I loved someone and then it fell apart, I might not make it. It's easier to be alone. Because what if you learn that you need love and then you don't have it? What if you like it and lean on it? What if you shape your life around it and then it falls apart? Can you even survive that kind of pain? Losing love is like organ damage. It's like dying. The only difference is death ends. This? It could go on forever.



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