The Great Mouse Detective
The Great Mouse Detective is a 1986 Disney animated feature film set in a world of talking mice, in which famed detective Basil of Baker Street sets out to find a little girl's father, and in the process stop crime lord Prof. Ratigan from enacting his evil plan to take over Mousedom.
- Directed by John Musker, Ron Clements, Dave Michener, and Burny Mattinson. Written by John Musker, Ron Clements, Burny Mattinson, Matthew O'Callaghan, and Melvin Shaw.
Can he bring the dirty rat to justice?
Basil of Baker Street
[edit]- [of Prof. Ratigan] He's a genius, Dawson! A genius twisted for evil! The Napoleon of Crime!
- Not a corner of London is safe while Ratigan is at large. There's no evil scheme he wouldn't concoct, no depravity he wouldn't commit! Who knows what dastardly scheme that that villain may be plotting even as we speak?
- Remember, Dawson, we're low-life ruffians.
- There's always a chance, Doctor, as long as one can think.
- [in an almost friendly tone] Ratigan, no one can have a higher opinion of you than I have. [furiously] And I think that you are a slimy, contemptible sewer rat!
Prof. Ratigan
[edit]- Poor Basil. Oh, he is in for a surprise!
- My friends! We are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career! A crime to top all crimes, a crime that will live in infamy! [The henchmen cheered. Ratigan holds up a newspaper featuring the Queen's picture on the front page.] Tomorrow evening, our beloved monarch celebrates her Diamond Jubilee. And... with the enthusiastic help of our good friend, Mr. Flaversham... [The henchmen chuckle] it promises to be a night she may never forget! [burns her picture with his cigarette. The henchmen gasp in terror] Her last night... and my first, as supreme ruler of all mousedom! [The henchmen cheer.]
- [Rubbing his head, irritated] How dare that idiot Basil poke his stupid nose into my wonderful scheme and foul up everything?
- Bravo, Basil! A marvelous performance. Though frankly, I expected you 15 minutes earlier. Trouble with the chemistry set, old boy?
- You don't know what a delightful dilemma it was, trying to decide on the most appropriate method for your demise. Oh, I had so many ingenious ideas I didn't know which to choose. So I decided to use them all. [the camera zooms out to show many various weapons aimed at the mousetrap] Marvelous, isn't it? Oh, ho, but, here, let me show you how it works. Picture this, first, a sprightly tune I've recorded especially for you. As the song plays, the cord tightens, and when the song ends, the metal ball is released, rolling along its merry way until... [gestures to mousetrap] Snap! [gestures to gun] Boom! [gestures to crossbow] Twang! [gestures to axe] Thunk! [gestures to anvil] SPLAT! And so ends the short, undistinguished career of Basil of Baker Street.
- Now, you will remember to smile for the camera, won't you?
- Fidget, you delightful little maniac!
- There's no escape this time, Basil!
- Stay where you are. Or the girl dies.
- Oh, I love it when I'm nasty.
- [looks above the doorway to another barrel, where Fidget, the bat, is hanging from the faucet, sleeping] Fidget? [Fidget doesn't wake up, so Ratigan screams in his ear.] Fidget?! [Startled, Fidget falls from his perch and rolls down the stairs at Rattigan's feet.] Thank you. Bright and alert as always. [hands Fidget a list] Here's the list. You know what to do, and no mistakes.
The Mouse Queen
[edit]- [reading Professor Ratigan's letter] "To our beloved Queen, this gift we send, as her sixty-year reign.... comes to an end?"
- Ah, I just adore Jubilees.
Olivia Flaversham
[edit]- [to Fidget] Stop! Let me go! You ugly old thing! Help, let me out! Let me out!
- [after the fight's over with Fidget, door closes, and the cupboard door, Olivia was put in, creaks open with big mess.] Dad, where are you?! [goes to a window] Father... where are you?!! Papa! [echoing noise] DADDY!
- [to Ratigan] Just wait! Basil's smarter than you! He's going to put you in jail. [tugs on his tail to accent her next few insults.] He's not afraid of a big, old, ugly, rat like youǃ
[edit]- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Toby's?
- Basil of Baker Street: Oh, you must meet him, he's just the chap for this.
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: You- You want me to come?
- Basil of Baker Street: Hah! I should think a stout-hearted army mouse like you would surely leap at the chance for adventure!
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: [chuckles] Well, I am rather curious.
- Olivia Flaversham: Wait for me! I'm coming, too! [her hat and scarf knocks over Basil's violin in the process. He dives down to catch it]
- Basil of Baker Street: What?! Certainly not! [sets the violin back on the chair] This is no business for children. Isn't it?
- Olivia Flaversham: Are we going to take a cab?
- Basil of Baker Street: [puts his hand on his forehead with a sigh as Olivia puts several crumpets into her pocket] My dear, I don't think you'd understand. It will be quite dangerous. [sits on his violin, snapping it in two] Why you-! Look what- [restrains himself] Young lady, you are most definitely NOT accompanying us! AND THAT IS FINAL!!!!! [Later, as they sneak out into Sherlock Holmes' house, with Olivia right beside them] And not a word out of you. Is that clear? Or is it just me?
- [Hiram is programming the robot; Prof. Ratigan arrives from the shadows]
- Prof. Ratigan: [chuckles evilly] Quite an ingenious scheme, eh, Flaversham? And aren't you proud to be a part of it?
- Hiram Flaversham: This whole thing, i-i-i-it's monstrous!
- Prof. Ratigan: We will have our little device ready by tomorrow evening, won't we? [holds up his bell] You know what happens if you... fail.
- Hiram Flaversham: [angrily] I don't care!
- [Hiram pulls the levers of the robot, causing it go haywire until it falls apart and spatters a drop of oil onto Prof. Ratigan's jacket, which he wipes off with a handkerchief.]
- Hiram Flaversham: You can do what you want with me. I won't be a part of this-this... this evil any longer!? [Pauses]
- Prof. Ratigan: Oh, very well. If that is your decision. [noticed the wind-up doll Hiram Flaversham made for Olivia] Oh, by the way, I'm taking the liberty of having your daughter brought here. [he winds up the doll to let it dance]
- Hiram: [gasps] Olivia?
- Prof. Ratigan: Yes. [he let hiself go of the wind-up doll to let it dance] Yes. I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate were to befall her.
- Hiram Flaversham: [understands what Prof. Ratigan is saying] Y-You wouldn't!
- [Prof. Ratigan picks up the wind-up doll and squeezes it so hard, its head pops off.]
- Prof. Ratigan: [after a tense silence, then shouts bloody murder] FINISH IT, FLAVERSHAM! [echoes]
- The Henchmen: [singing] Oh, Ratigan! Oh, Ratigan! You're tops, and that's that! To Ratigan! To Ratigan!
- Bartholomew: [drunkly singing] To Ratigan, the world's greatest rat! [hiccups]
- [Prof. Ratigan spits out a mouthful of wine in shock, gasping. The henchmen turn around, gasping in terror.]
- Prof. Ratigan: WHAT WAS [turns to Bartholomew] THAT?!!!!! What did you call me?!!!!
- The Henchman #1: Oh, he didn't mean it, Professor!
- Bill the Lizard: It was just a slip of the tongue!
- Prof. Ratigan: [seizing Bartholomew] I AM NOT A RAT!
- The Henchman #2: 'Course you're not. You're a mouse!
- The Henchman #1: Yeah, that's right. A mouse!
- Bill the Lizard: Yeah, a big mouse!
- Prof. Ratigan: SILENCE.
- [Prof. Ratigan throws Bartholomew out of the hideout.]
- Prof. Ratigan: Oh, my dear Bartholomew. I'm afraid you've gone and upset me. [Pulls a small bell out of his pocket] You know what happens when someone upsets me...
- [The henchmen watch from the door, frightened as Prof. Ratigan rings the bell. They then look up and gasp in terror. Felicia, Prof. Ratigan's pet cat, hears the ringing of the bell and slowly walks up to Bartholomew]
- Bartholomew: [drunkly singing] Oh, Ratigan. Oh, Ratigan. You're the tops, and that's that. [hiccups] Whoops, dear. To Ratigan. To Ratigan. To Ratigan, the world's greatest-
- [The henchmen tremble and gasp in fear as they see Bartholomew being eaten, while Prof. Ratigan nonchalantly smokes and watches. A gulp is heard. The henchmen quietly mourn their lost friend with two removing their hats and placing them over their hearts and one shedding a tear]
- Prof. Ratigan: [hugging Felicia] Oh, Felicia, my precious, my baby. [Fatherly] Did Daddy's little honey-bun enjoy her tasty treat?
- [Felicia burps. Prof. Ratigan's smile slowly collapses into a look of slight dismay. He soon regains his smile and turns back to his henchmen]
- Prof. Ratigan: I trust that there will be no further interruptions.
- Basil of Baker Street: [after Toby has picked up Fidget's scent] Miss Flamchester!
- Olivia Flaversham and Dr. David Q. Dawson: Flaversham!
- Basil of Baker Street: Whatever. [hooks up Toby's leash] Your father is as good as found.
- Dr. Dawson: Basil! Basil! [finds Basil with his leg tangled to a doll's pull string] Basil! Olivia, she's…
- Basil of Baker Street: Yes! She's gone, Dawson! Confound it! I told you to watch over the girl! [frees himself from the pull string] Now she's been spirited away by that maniacal little monster! Soon to be in the clutch of the most depraved mind in all of London! I should've known better than to… than to… Dawson? I say! Dawson old chap!
- Dr. Dawson: Poor girl. I should have watched her more closely.
- Basil of Baker Street: Don't worry, old fellow. It's not entirely hopeless.
- Dr. Dawson: Do you think there's a chance?
- Basil of Baker Street: There's always a chance, Doctor! As long as one can think.
- Dr. Dawson: [finds Fidget's checklist; reads:] "Get the following: Tools, Gears, Girl, Uniforms"…
- Basil of Baker Street: Dawson, you've done it! This list is precisely what we need! Quickly! Back to Baker Street!
- Prof. Ratigan: Ah, the uniforms! Oh, Fidget, I knew I could rely on you. Now, you didn't forget anything?
- Fidget: No problem. I took care of everything. Everything on the list. [tries to display the list, but finds it's not there] Uh oh.
- Prof. Ratigan: What's wrong?
- Fidget: [searching himself, to no avail] The list, but I knew I had it!
- Prof. Ratigan: Where's the list?
- Fidget: Well, you see, it was.... It was like this; [reenacting] I was in the toy store, getting the uniforms, when I heard a 'Aroo! Aroo!'
- Prof. Ratigan: [irritated] You're not coming through.
- Fidget: [reenacting still] A dog came. I ran! I had a baby bonnet, girl in bag, and Basil… he chase me!
- Prof. Ratigan: [shocked] What?! (You know what, Fidget) BASIL ON THE CASE?! [furious] WHY, YOU GIBBERING LITTLE--!!! [groans as he holds his anger in, then calms down and picks Fidget up] Oh, my dear Fidget. You have been hanging upside down too long.
- Fidget: You mean, you're not mad? I'm glad you're taking it so well. [Prof. Ratigan takes Fidget behind a wall. A bell is heard ringing and screaming soon follows. Cut to Felicia holding a struggling Fidget in her paw, about to eat him] Not me, you idiot! No, stop, you stupid furball! [He breaks free, but Felicia catches him and stuffs him into her mouth] Open up! Open up! Oh! Ay! Ah! Ooh! You're hurting my wing!
- Prof. Ratigan: [ranting to himself] How dare that idiot Basil pokes his stupid nose into my wonderful scheme and foul up everything?!
- Fidget: [inside Felicia's mouth] Let me out! Let me out! [opens Felicia's mouth and still struggling for help] Help! [Felicia puts Fidget backs in her mouth with her finger]
- Prof. Ratigan: Oh, I can just see that insufferable grin on his smug face! [realizes something] Yes. Yes, I can just see it. Felicia, release him.
- Fidget: [inside Felicia's mouth] I'm too young to die!
- [Felicia sulks for a moment, then spits out a battered Fidget]
- Prof. Ratigan: [holding Fidget up by his cheeks] Fidget, you delightful little maniac. You've presented me with a singular opportunity. [drops Fidget, feigning a look of concern] Poor Basil. Oh, he's in for a little surprise.
- Prof. Ratigan: Bravo, Basil! A marvelous performance. Though frankly, I expected you 15 minutes earlier. Trouble with the chemistry set, old boy?
- Basil: Ratigan, no one can have a higher opinion of you than I have. And I think you are a slimy, contemptible sewer rat!
- Prof. Ratigan: Oh, Basil, I just love your disguise! One would hardly recognize you: the greatest detective in all Mousedom! [laughs]
- Basil: [enraged] Ratigan, so help me.... [shouts] ....I'LL SEE YOU BEHIND BARS YET!
- Prof. Ratigan: [also enraged] You fool! Isn't it clear to you? The superior mind has triumphed! I've won! [He, Fidget, and the rest of their posse start laughing at Basil. Basil steels himself against the jeering and pointing, but after a few moments, he slumps and hangs his head as the cruel laughter continues and Prof. Ratigan points at him] Ooh, I love it, I love it, I love it!
- [Basil and Dawson are tied by Prof. Ratigan to a machine, which he explains]
- Prof. Ratigan: Let me show you how it works! First, a sprightly tune I've recorded especially for you. [indicates a record player]. As the song plays, the cord tightens, and when the song ends, the metal ball is released, rolling along its merry way until;–– snap! [indicates a mousetrap]. Boom! [indicates a gun] Twang! [indicates a crossbow] Bunk! [indicates an axe and an iron weight] Splat! And so ends the short, undistinguished career of Basil of Baker Street.
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: You're despicable!
- Prof. Ratigan: Thank you. Now, I would love to stay and watch, but you were fifteen minutes late, and I do have an important engagement at Buckingham Palace. Now you will remember to smile for the camera, won't you? Say Cheese!
[exit Ratigan; the music plays on the record player].
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Basil, what did he mean, An engagement at Buckingham Palace?
- Basil of Baker Street: Haven't you guessed, Doctor? The Queen's in danger, the Empire's doomed.
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: The Queen?!
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Basil?
- Basil of Baker Street: [groans]
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Basil?!?
- Basil of Baker Street: Oh, how could I have been so blind?
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Well, we all make mistakes, but we can't let that stop us. We have to.
- Basil of Baker Street: Ratigan's proved he's more clever than I. He never would have walked into such an obvious trap.
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Oh, pull yourself together. You can stop that villain.
- [The record begins to skip over Ratigan's continues 'So Long' with repeating the song: "Goodbye So Soon".]
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Basil, the record!
- Basil of Baker Street: It's finally happened! I've been outwitted!
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Basil, please!
- Basil of Baker Street: Beaten! Duped! Made a fool of! So ridiculed and belittled!
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: [finally loses his temper] That's enough! [The record resumes playing, startling Dawson.] Dash it all, Basil. The Queen's in danger. Olivia's counting on us. We're about to be horribly splattered, and all you can do is lie there feeling sorry for yourself. I know you can save us, but if you've given up, then why don't we just set it off now and be done with it?!
- Basil of Baker Street: [weak chuckle] Set it off now. [slight pauses, as his eyes go wide, and he realizes something] Set it.... off.... now? [suddenly regains his old confidence] Yes, ha-ha-ha, yes, we... we'll set the trap off NOW!
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: Basil, wait. I didn't mean that we ought--
- [The marble starts falling as the record's done.]
- Basil of Baker Street: Angle of the trajectory, multiplied by the square root of an isosceles triangle.... [mutters] ....dividing Guttermeg's principle of opposing forces in motion, [continues to mutter] and adjusting for the difference in equilibrium.... [all this while the marble has been rolling closer and closer] Dawson, at the exact moment I tell you, we must release the triggering mechanism. Get ready Dawson, steady.... [Olivia pushed stuck the green bottle in a corks] now! [Dawson screams and the trigger is released, but the bar traps the marble, stops the bar. A spring pops off, hits the gun which misfires into the crossbow. The bow is offset, hitting the axehead off and causing it to chop the mousetrap in half, freeing the two. Finally, the anvil crashes down, burying the axe, shaking the ground, and causes Olivia's bottle to shake and pop her out. Basil then whips off his disguise, and puts his detective outfit back on.] Thank you, Dawson. [catches Olivia] Smile everyone! [Their pictures are taken]
- [At Buckingham Palace, the Mouse Queen is preparing for her speech. Outside, the two guards at the door are knocked out by Professor Ratigan's henchmen, dressed as the guards]
- The Henchman 1: [As the other henchmen moves the box to the door] Psst! Over here. Come on. Over here.
- [They knock on the door]
- The Mouse Queen: Come in.
- The Henchman 2: Uh, begging Your Majesty's pardon? A present has just arrived in honour of your jubilee.
- The Mouse Queen: A present? Oh, how wonderful! Oh, I just adore jubilees.
- Fidget: [Hands the queen a note] Here you are, sweetheart.
- The Mouse Queen: Have you been with us long? [reads the note sent with the present] "To our beloved Queen, this gift we send as her 60 year reign..." [she becomes confused at the last words] "...comes to an end"?
- [Fidget and the henchmen open the box to reveal an exact duplicate of the Queen.]
- The Mouse Queen: How interesting.
- [The Robot Queen activates and chases the real Queen around the room.]
- The Mouse Queen: Good gracious!
- [The Robot Queen stops. We see Prof. Ratigan at the door with Hiram Flaversham at the controls]
- Prof. Ratigan: Amazing likeness, isn't it, Your Majesty?
- The Mouse Queen: Prof. Ratigan! [To Prof. Ratigan's henchmen] Guards! Seize this despicable creature!
- [Fidget and the henchmen do nothing except grin. Prof. Ratigan took control of the Robot Queen]
- Prof. Ratigan: [As the Queen] Guards, seize this despicable creature.
- [Professor Ratigan cackles into the reciever while Fidget and the henchmen seize the Queen]
- The Mouse Queen: How dare you?
- Prof. Ratigan: Take her away. [Rings his bell, dooming the Queen to be a meal for Felicia]
- The Mouse Queen: Let go of me, you ruffians!
- Fidget: Move along, honey!
- The Mouse Queen: You fiends! [cries] Traitors!
- [prof. Ratigan reads an extremely long list of laws he intends to pass as the Queen's Royal Consort]
- Prof. Ratigan: Item 96: [chuckles] A heavy tax shall be levied against all parasites and spongers, such as the elderly, the infirm, and especially [glaring] little children.
- The Crippled Old Mouse: That's ridiculous! You are insane!
- Prof. Ratigan: Perhaps I haven't made myself clear. [Prof. Ratigan grabs the crippled old mouse's crutch, jumps up on stage and snaps it in 2.] I have the power!
- The Robot Queen: Of course you do.
- Prof. Ratigan: I am supreme!
- The Robot Queen: Only you.
- Prof. Ratigan: THIS IS MY KINGDOM! [laughs maniacally, then calms down] That is, of course, with your Highness's permission. [The Robot Queen doesn't respond. Prof. Ratigan slaps it gently to get it going again]
- The Robot Queen: Most assuredly.... you insidious fiend!
- Prof. Ratigan: [horrified] What?
- The Robot Queen: You're not my royal consort!
- Prof. Ratigan: [to the crowd] What a sense of humour.
- The Robot Queen: You're a cheap fraud and impostor!
- Prof. Ratigan: [aside] Flaversham?!
- [Cut to backstage, where we see Basil at the controls of the robot, Olivia and her father reunited and Fidget and the rest of Prof. Ratigan's minions tied up by Dawson and the real Queen]
- Basil of Baker Street: [controlling the Robot Queen] A corrupt, vicious, demented, lowlife scoundrel! There's no evil scheme you wouldn't concoct!
- [The Robot Queen's head springs up and bites Prof. Ratigan on the nose. Professor Ratigan tries in vain to keep the robot down]
- The Robot Queen: No depravity you wouldn't commit!
- [The Robot Queen rapidly starts flailing and falling apart until little remains but a pile of scrap metal and a pair of eyes and a set of teeth on a spring.]
- Basil of Baker Street: [Controlling the Robot Queen] You, Professor....
- The Robot Queen: [as Prof. Ratigan starts to grow infuriated, seeing through the insults] ....are none other than a foul stenchus rodentus, commonly known as a--!
- Prof. Ratigan: DON'T SAY IT!
- Basil of Baker Street: [reveals himself] SEWER RAT!!
- [Prof. Ratigan screams in anger upon hearing Basil]
- Basil of Baker Street: Arrest that fiend!
- [Prof. Ratigan sees in horror that Basil is behind him]
- Olivia Flaversham: [to Professor Ratigan] Just wait! Basil's smarter than you! He's going to put you in jail. [tugs on his tail to accent her next few insults.] He's not afraid of a big, old, ugly, rat like youǃ
- Prof. Ratigan: [being much stronger, easily takes his tail back.] Would you kindly sit down and SHUT UP?!?!?!
- Fidget: We have to lighten the load! [looks pointedly at Olivia]
- Prof. Ratigan: [mockingly] Ohh. You want to lighten the load? Excellent idea!
- [Prof. Ratigan grabs Fidget and tosses him overboard]
- Fidget: [as he pitifully flutters in the air] No! Not me! Wait, I can't fly! I can't fly! [falls towards the river]
- Prof. Ratigan: [After knocking Basil off the clock hand, seemingly to his death] I'VE WON! AHAHAHAHA!
- Basil of Baker Street: On the contrary! The game's not over yet!
- Olivia Flaversham: [hugs Basil] Goodbye, Basil. I'll never forget you.
- [Basil smiles at Olivia and leans down and puts his hands on her shoulders]
- Basil of Baker Street: Nor I you, Miss--Miss Flangerhanger. [Olivia stares for a moment, then shakes her head, a smile on her face]
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: [chuckles] Whatever.
- Dr. David Q. Dawson: [closing lines; voiceover] From that time on, Basil and I were a close team, and over the years we had many cases together. But I shall always look back on that first with the most fondness: My introduction to Basil of Baker Street: The Great Mouse Detective.
[edit]- Barrie Ingham - Basil of Baker Street/Bartholomew
- Val Bettin - Dr. David Q. Dawson/Thug Guard
- Vincent Price - Professor Ratigan
- Candy Candido - Fidget the Bat/Bar Patron
- Alan Young - Hiram Flaversham
- Susanne Pollatschek - Olivia Flaversham
- Patricia Parris - Daisy Duck/Lady/Peg/Cleo/Kanga/Anastasia Tremaine
- Diana Chesney - Mrs. Judson
External links
- 1986 films
- 1980s American animated films
- Flash animated films
- American children's animated comedy films
- American children's animated fantasy films
- American children's animated musical films
- American children's animated mystery films
- Films about mice
- Animated films about father–daughter relationships
- Animated films set in London
- Films directed by Ron Clements
- Films directed by John Musker