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Subject bar template

The Subject bar template is intended to be placed at the end of an article, after the References or External links and before any navboxes and categories. It offers a variant to several floating box templates that link to books, portals, and Wikipedia's sister projects but that typically cause formatting issues because of their size and alignment.

The template's documentation contains several examples where links to books, portals and sister projects are shown in various combinations, all within the one Subject bar template. It offers an alternative to the multiple variations of portal templates that may appear in the article's "See also" section.

To add this auto-randomizing template to your user page, use {{totd-random}}
Tomorrow's FA (Featured Article)
Lexington, a racehorse whose pedigree was suspect
Lexington, a racehorse whose pedigree was suspect

The Jersey Act was a 1913 regulation by the British Jockey Club and the owners of the General Stud Book that prevented most American-bred Thoroughbred horses from registering with them. It was intended to halt the increasing importation of racehorses of possibly impure bloodlines from America. The loss of breeding records during the American Civil War and the late beginning of the registration of American Thoroughbreds led many in the British racing establishment to doubt that American-bred horses were purebred. The Act prohibited the registration of horses unless all of their Thoroughbred ancestors had been registered. Despite protests from American breeders the regulation was in force until 1949. By then, ineligible horses were increasingly successful in races in Europe, British and Irish breeders had lost access to French Thoroughbreds during and after the Second World War, and any impure ancestors of the American bloodlines had receded far back in most horses' ancestry. (Full article...)

Recently featured:

(Don't panic if the above item is in red.)

If some of the above tickle you, do check out these: User:Ira_Leviton#About_me_via_userboxes - bravo Ira :)

.gif animation of a Spirograph

How is Wikipedia considered, externally?

   * * *         Did you know that you can support Wikipedia, by becoming a fan of its Facebook Group?         * * * 
The above group has 553,705 fans, as at 4 Jan. 2011 (up from 366,372 fans as at 14 June 2010).

Favourite articles etc.

The first 60 moves of a Go game between Cho Chikun (white) and Kato Masao, animated. This particular game quickly developed into a complicated fight in the lower left and bottom. (Click on the board, to restart the play, in a larger window.)

Just a reminder to myself of what I rate as Good articles etc.

This Wikipedian recites the Wiki Prayer regularly.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the pages I cannot edit,
The courage to edit the pages I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

See also






When the Moon is closest, it is at perigee, and it looks slightly bigger from Earth. Perigee is the point at which an object makes its closest approach to the Earth. Often the term is used in a broader sense to define the point in an orbit where an orbiting body is closest to the body it orbits. The opposite is the apogee, the farthest or highest point.

This user has been on Wikipedia for 15 years, 7 months and 24 days.


Help out with pages which need copy-edit.
Most-wanted articles - some 'missing" articles are still linked 140 times!
Help with Requests for feedback, as & when I get time.
Added {{Portal box|Law}} * In re & {{Clear}} to these "In re" articles.

Wikipedia Templates and User Page Metadata
