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The Madmen
Depicting the major incarnations of the Madmen


In story Information
Luke Lan

South Carolina
Other names• The Madmen • The Werewolf
Known for• Mass murder

• Malediction

• Identity theft

• Mutilation

• Torture

• Kidnapping

He goes by the name of Luke Lan. As a child Luke lived in a cold secluded area of South Carolina. He was always known to be the outcast of the group. He was teased growing up because he used to stay to himself and never associated himself with anybody. He claimed he saw things that other people didn’t see so the other children would call him insane. He’s always had a fascination with werewolves and would’ve done anything he could to become one until one full moon something shifted. He was walking home and it was a dark cold snowy night when he thought he saw a dog but he realized it was way bigger than your normal dog. He tried calling out for it but it never responded. As soon as he walked away the animal ran so fast and scratched him that he didn’t have time to turn around and run.

As he grew older he realized that it wasn’t just a scratch but it was something more than he can explain. He realized that as he feeds on others fears, he starts to feel something that he’s never felt before. It’s a rush for him. He has gone to many doctors to see if they can figure out what’s wrong with him and if they can fix it but the doctors do not see anything physically or mentally wrong with him. At this point Luke has no choice but to embrace what he truly is and that’s exactly what he’s done.



It’s inspiration is it’s pack or family. There is a saying that goes like, “A wolf is nothing without it’s pack” which I believe because wolves live in extended families which are called packs. Pack life insures the care and feeding of the young, and allows wolves to defend their common territory. Wolves live in packs because cooperation allows them to bring down larger prey. They are inspired and loyal to their packs.

Personality and Characteristics


It’s a complex and a highly intelligent animal who is caring, playful, and above all devoted to family. Only a select few other species exhibit these traits so clearly. It can be heard up to six miles away in the forest. A wolf's jaw has a crushing power of nearly 1500 pounds per square inch! A wolf can eat 20 pounds of meat in one meal and it can swim up to 8 miles. Considered one of the animal world's most fearsome natural villains. They do attack domestic animals.

Power and Abilities


Luke is capable of controlling the mind and actions of a person. He can read the minds of anyone he chooses to target. He often uses this to learn his victim's fears and exploit this with the shapeshifting ability of a werewolf. Luke can also implant thoughts and projections into people's minds. He moves at extreme speeds; twisting many body parts beyond normal limits.  He has a faster-than-normal recovery time from injury, in addition to his other superhuman abilities. He also has an incredible amount of stamina, producing almost no fatigue-poison and thus being able to use his abilities at full capacity for twenty-four hours. He is capable of changing the color of his eyes to fool its prey. He lures his victims with his friendly icy blue eye color however it reverts to an evil green. His skin can withstand high-caliber bullets, piercing or penetration wounds, explosives, and intense temperature.

Limitations and Shortcomings


Surprisingly, Luke is still fundamentally human, despite his extraordinary longevity. He can be injured or killed by anything powerful enough to kill a normal human. Aggression, physical assault, and verbal abuse without fear will cause him to shrivel and wither away into his human form. Luke will attempt to run before shrinking too much, but if trapped, he could become an easy prey. He's learned that even in his near-invulnerable form as a werewolf, there are limits to how much harm he can take. He can be stunned if he sustains too much brain damage, but his recovery rate allows him to restore any damage that isn't immediately deadly. Attacks might be directed at his eyes, nose, and mouth. Despite the fact that they are stronger, Luke has been known to hide his face, showing a level of vulnerability there. While Luke is capable of deflecting regular bullets and other weaponry, unusual technologies such as armor-piercing rounds, powerful explosions, crushing forces, and other exotic energy technologies might throw him for a loop if he isn't prepared. He will most likely not have his skin broken, but he may be knocked out by the force administered to a specific place. High-energy assaults have the potential to break his bones.


  • Karen Sparks: Believed to be 18-year-old, she was attacked in her sleep on January 4.
  • Lynda Ann Healey: Three days after her abduction, at the age of 21 her body was found is the woods.
  • On March 22, Luke killed 25 people in a town after a full moon.
  • Donna Gail Manson: On April 17, 19-year-old student skull was found leading up to Luke home.