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Bellybutton Fluff


Why it occurs


Bellybutton fluff is the lint that gathers in your bellybutton. This usually happens when you wear cotton clothing but can also happen with other fibres.

What do do with it?


Bellybutton fluff usually gets flushed down the toilet or binned but it has many uses. If you collect it for a few months in a zip lock bag you can take it with you camping and use it as kindling.

Another use for the fluff is to disgust your friends and family. While nobody is looking just remove some fluff from your bellybutton and place it on someone's plate. This will lead to them freaking out and it will be hilarious for everyone involved. Good times.

The most important use for the fluff, however, is that you can use it to find out about someone without having to go through the pain of actually talking to them. If you taste someone's bellybutton fluff you can find out all sorts of things about them, it has been scientifically proven ≈(it has not been scientifically proven)

Bellybutton Fluff

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