Terms & Conditions

This website is provided by the company "MONACO REAL ESTATES", having its registered office in MONACO, 10 ter Boulevard Princesse Charlotte. By using this website you agree to the terms and conditions set forth below.

1. Definitions

1.1 Owner:

The company called "MONACO REAL ESTATES", a Limited Liability Company with a capital of 140 000,00 Euros, having its registered office in Monaco, Ground Floor, 10 ter Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, registered with the Register of Trade and Industry, under the number 12 S 05855.

1.2 Creator:

SAVILLS Plc, a Public Limited Company, having its registered office 33 Margaret Street, London W1G 0JD registered with the Companies House of England and Wales, under the number 02122174.

1.3 Publisher:

SAVILLS Plc, a Public Limited Company, having its registered office 33 Margaret Street, London W1G 0JD registered with the Companies House of England and Wales, under the number 02122174.

1.4 Webmaster:

SAVILLS Plc, a Public Limited Company, having its registered office 33 Margaret Street, London W1G 0JD registered with the Companies House of England and Wales, under the number 02122174.

1.5 Host:

SAVILLS Plc, a Public Limited Company, having its registered office 33 Margaret Street, London W1G 0JD registered with the Companies House of England and Wales, under the number 02122174.

2. Terms of use

The use of the website www. savills.mc implies full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and  Conditions may be modified or added to at any time. Users of the site www.savills.mc  must therefore refer to it regularly.

This site is normally accessible at all times to users.

Interruptions due to technical maintenance, however, may be decided by MONACO REAL ESTATES, who will endeavour to communicate to users in advance the date and time of the intervention.

The site www. savills.mc is updated regularly by Savills Plc.

Similarly, the legal definitions  may be modified at any time: they will be binding on the user  however, and the user must  consult them each time he uses the site.

3. Site Content

The site www. savills.mc aims to provide information on all of the company's activities.

MONACO REAL ESTATES strives to provide the site www. savills.mc with as accurate information as possible.

However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in any update, whether by them or due to third party partners that provide this information.

All information listed on the site www.savills.mc  is indicative only and are subject to change.

Furthermore, information provided on the website www. savills.mc is not exhaustive. It is given subject to changes being made since being put online.

4. Limitations of liability on loss arising from use of the site

The website shall not be held responsible for loss relating to the use of the site. In addition, the site user agrees to access the site using the latest equipment, not containing any virus and with an up –to-date recent browser.

MONACO REAL ESTATES shall not be held responsible for direct and indirect loss to the equipment user, when accessing the website www. savills.mc, and resulting from the use of equipment not meeting the specifications listed above, whether due to the appearance of a bug or some incompatibility.

5. Intellectual property rights

The use of the site and its content does not grant you any rights with respect to copyrights, designs, trademarks and all other intellectual property and material concerning the entire contents of this site.

Any reproduction or redistribution of any content contained in this website is prohibited and may result in civil and criminal penalties. Without limitation to the foregoing, the copying and use of the above listed materials on any other server, location or support for publication, reproduction or distribution is expressly prohibited. However, the user is allowed to make a single copy in order to see its content for personal use.

6. Content

In addition to the intellectual property rights mentioned above, "Content" is defined as any graphics, photographs, including image rights, sound, music, video, audio or text on this website. MONACO REAL ESTATES does not warrant that the functional aspects of the site or the site content is accurate or error free or that the content of the site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. MONACO REAL ESTATES always recommends that all Internet users are using and have installed antivirus software up to date.

7. Non-commercial use

This site should be used for personal use and  non-commercial use only. MONACO REAL ESTATES prohibits any user from modifying, performing, reproducing, publishing, licensing, commercially exploiting, creating derivative works from, transferring or selling any content, software, products or services contained on this website. MONACO REAL ESTATES prohibits any use of the site or any of its content for commercial purposes, including any advertising on its own website.

8. Activity of the site user

Any use of the site implies acceptance by the user to be personally responsible for his use of this site and all its communications and activities on this site.

In case MONACO REAL ESTATES discovers that the user has been involved in prohibited activities, which do not respect other users or which violate the General Conditions of Use of the site, MONACO REAL ESTATES shall have the right to deny him access to this site temporarily or permanently.

9. Third party sites

MONACO REAL ESTATES reserves the right to include hyperlinks on this website to other websites or resources operated by parties other than MONACO REAL ESTATES, including advertisers.

MONACO REAL ESTATES has not reviewed all of its website linked sites and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-site pages and is not responsible for the availability of such external websites, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for the privacy practices or content of such websites.

10. Limitations of liability

MONACO REAL ESTATES shall endeavour to take all reasonable precautions to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website.

However, MONACO REAL ESTATES cannot guarantee such information and reserves the right to change the information on this website (including these Conditions) at any time without notice.

The user must consult these Conditions to be aware of the changes each time he uses this website.

MONACO REAL ESTATES offers this website "as is" and makes no representation and gives no warranty of any kind regarding this website or its content (including text, graphical environment, advertisements, actions, links or other items) and rejects all representations and warranties on this.

The views expressed on this website are not statements of fact.

Moreover, neither MONACO REAL ESTATES nor any other contributor to this website makes any representation or gives no warranty, condition, promise or term, whether express or implied, concerning the condition, quality, performance, accuracy, aptitude, fitness for purpose, completeness or freedom from viruses of the content of this website or that such content will be accurate, current, continuous or error free.

11. Indemnity


Except with respect to liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence or fraudulent and distorted representations, MONACO REAL ESTATES and all contributors to this website hereby reject to the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability for any loss or damage, including any direct or indirect loss or damage you may suffer, whether due to a tort, contract or otherwise, in connection with or with regard to your access to this site, or your use or non-use of it.

12. Data Protection

We may use your personal information in our provision of services to you. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of how your personal information will be used.

In accordance with Article 2 and Article 6 of Law number 1165 of 23 December 1993, as amended by Law No. 1353 of 4 December 2008, regulating the processing of personal information, this site is the subject of an implementation reporting treatment to the President of the Control Commission for Personal Information, MONACO.

In accordance with Law number 1165 of 23 December 1993, the personal data that you are required to communicate on this website is processed and stored under conditions designed to ensure information security.

The data relating to persons whose details are communicated to us (such as name and contact information of the user) as part of this process, is designed to assist in the "internet site management for Savills Monaco", and more generally is used in the context of correspondence with the user, which is why the data was entrusted to us.

The IP address currently used by your computer , the date and time, type of browser and operating system of your computer and which pages you visited, are registered for statistical purposes via the " Analytics " tool, only if you have consented to this during the consultation of our online offer, and may be sent to foreign countries. But, it is impossible for us to make inferences about people-related data and this is not our intention.

We certify that the user's personal data will not be disclosed to third parties unless we are required by law or the user expressly so agrees.

The data that is required to access services offered on this website are marked with an asterisk (*). Not providing full or providing only partial information, or providing incorrect information will prevent from benefitting from all or part of the services of this website.

Data for the people concerned that we have received only via our website is retained for a maximum period of one year after the date of the last activity on the website.

To exercise your rights of access, opposition and modification regarding personal information on you and for which MONACO REAL ESTATES is the data receiver , you can contact us at any time by post : MONACO REAL ESTATES , Attn: Controller, 10b Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, "Le Windsor ", 98000 Monaco.

In the case of the beginning of negotiations, conclusion, resolution and rescission following the conclusion of a contract of sale, we collect, store and process the data in accordance with the law.

13. Enforceability

If any part of our Conditions is unenforceable (including any provision under which we exclude our liability to you) the enforceability of any other part of these Conditions will not be affected.

14. Applicable Law

The General Conditions together with all of our policies and procedures shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the relevant law of the Principality of Monaco and the courts of the Principality of Monaco will have exclusive jurisdiction.

Further the Courts of the Principality of Monaco will be competent in case of any dispute or litigation of any kind. This applies in respect of ex parte proceedings, incidental claims or in the case of multiple defendants.