Imprint - the official website of the Hungarian Football Federation.

Articles, photos and videos on this site may be used free of charge, with the reference to the source. Information, match calendars, results related to the teams are part of the database of the Hungarian Football Federation and their use is subject to special permission. You can apply for permission at: [email protected] 


Péter Bokor, Márton Dinnyés, Rita Kamocsai and Sándor Varga
[email protected]


Press contact:
Márton Dinnyés, Péter Bokor (U21 national team), Gergő Szabó (national team A), Sándor Varga, Rita Kamocsai (women’s national team)
[email protected]


László Gonda (1964-2010)


  • Adidas
  • OTP Bank
  • TMP
  • Mol GBS