Module:string utilities

Provides some utility functions for manipulating strings.



function export.explode_utf8(str)

Explodes a string into an array of UTF-8 characters. Warning: this function has no safety checks for non-UTF-8 byte sequences, to optimize speed and memory use. Inputs containing them therefore result in undefined behaviour.


function export.pattern_escape(str)

Escapes the magic characters used in patterns (Lua's version of regular expressions): $%()*+-.?[]^, and converts the null character to %z. For example, "^$()%.[]*+-?\0" becomes "%^%$%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%z". This is necessary when constructing a pattern involving arbitrary text (e.g. from user input).


function export.charset_escape(str)

Escapes the magic characters used in pattern character sets: %-]^, and converts the null character to %z.


function export.replacement_escape(str)

Escapes only %, which is the only magic character used in replacement patterns with string.gsub and mw.ustring.gsub.


function export.len(str)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.sub(str, i, j)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.find(str, pattern, init, plain)

A version of find which uses string.find when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.find.


function export.match(str, pattern, init)

A version of match which uses string.match when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.match.


function export.gmatch(str, pattern)

A version of gmatch which uses string.gmatch when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.gmatch.


function export.gsub(str, pattern, repl, n)

A version of gsub which uses string.gsub when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.gsub.


function export.plain_gsub(str, pattern, repl, n)

Like gsub, but pattern-matching facilities are turned off, so pattern and repl (if a string) are treated as literal.


function export.reverse(str)

Reverses a UTF-8 string; equivalent to string.reverse.


function export.char(cp, ...)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.codepoint(str, i, j)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.gcodepoint(str, i, j)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.lower(str)

A version of lower which uses string.lower when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.lower.


function export.upper(str)

A version of upper which uses string.upper when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.upper.


function export.split(str, pattern, str_lib, plain)

Reimplementation of mw.text.split() that includes any capturing groups in the splitting pattern. This works like Python's re.split() function, except that it has Lua's behavior when the split pattern is empty (i.e. advancing by one character at a time; Python returns the whole remainder of the string). When possible, it will use the string library, but otherwise uses the ustring library. There are two optional parameters: str_lib forces use of the string library, while plain turns any pattern matching facilities off, treating pattern as literal. In addition, pattern may be a custom find function, which takes the input string and start index as its two arguments, and must return the start and end index of the match, plus any optional captures, or nil if there are no further matches. By default, the start index will be calculated using the ustring library, unless str_lib or plain is set.


function export.gsplit(str, pattern, str_lib, plain)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.trim(str, charset)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.decode_entities(str)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.encode_entities(str, charset, str_lib, plain)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.decode_uri(str, enctype)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.remove_comments(str, stage)

Removes any HTML comments from the input text. stage can be one of three options:

  • "PRE" (default) applies the method used by MediaWiki's preprocessor: all <!-- ... --> pairs are removed, as well as any text after an unclosed <!--. This is generally suitable when parsing raw template or parser extension tag code. (Note, however, that the actual method used by the preprocessor is considerably more complex and differs under certain conditions (e.g. comments inside nowiki tags); if full accuracy is absolutely necessary, use Module:template parser instead).
  • "POST" applies the method used to generate the final page output once all templates have been expanded: it loops over the text, removing any <!-- ... --> pairs until no more are found (e.g. <!-<!-- ... -->- ... --> would be fully removed), but any unclosed <!-- is ignored. This is suitable for handling links embedded in template inputs, where the "PRE" method will have already been applied by the native parser.
  • "BOTH" applies "PRE" then "POST".


function export.php_trim(str)

Lua equivalent of PHP's trim($string), which trims "\0", "\t", "\n", "\v", "\r" and " ". This is useful when dealing with template parameters, since the native parser trims them like this.


function export.scribunto_param_key(key, no_trim)

Takes a parameter name as either a string or number, and returns the Scribunto-normalized form (i.e. the key that that parameter would have in a frame.args table). For example, "1" (a string) is normalized to 1 (a number), " foo " is normalized to "foo", and 1.5 (a number) is normalized to "1.5" (a string). Inputs which cannot be normalized (e.g. booleans) return nil. If the no_trim flag is set, string parameters are not trimmed, but strings may still be converted to numbers if they do not contain whitespace; this is necessary when normalizing keys into the form received by PHP during callbacks, before any trimming occurs (e.g. in the table of arguments when calling frame:expandTemplates()).

Strings are trimmed with export.php_trim, unless the no_trim flag is set. They are then converted to numbers if all of the following are true:

  1. They are integers; i.e. no decimals or leading zeroes (e.g. "2", but not "2.0" or "02").
  2. They are ≤ 253 and ≥ -253.
  3. There is no leading sign unless < 0 (e.g. "2" or "-2", but not "+2" or "-0").
  4. They contain no leading or trailing whitespace (which may be present when the no_trim flag is set).

Numbers are converted to strings if either:

  1. They are not integers (e.g. 1.5).
  2. They are > 253 or < -253.

When converted to strings, integers ≤ 263 and ≥ -263 are formatted as integers (i.e. all digits are given), which is the range of PHP's integer precision, though the actual output may be imprecise since Lua's integer precision is > 253 to < -253. All other numbers use the standard formatting output by tostring().


function export.escape_bytes(str)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.format_fun(str, fun)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.format(str, tbl)

This function, unlike string.format and mw.ustring.format, takes just two parameters—a format string and a table—and replaces all instances of {param_name} in the format string with the table's entry for param_name. The opening and closing brace characters can be escaped with \op and \cl, respectively. A table entry beginning with a slash can be escaped by doubling the initial slash. ====Examples====

  • string_utilities.format("{foo} fish, {bar} fish, {baz} fish, {quux} fish", {["foo"]="one", ["bar"]="two", ["baz"]="red", ["quux"]="blue"})
    produces: "one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish"
  • string_utilities.format("The set {\\op}1, 2, 3{\\cl} contains {\\\\hello} elements.", {["\\hello"]="three"})
    produces: "The set {1, 2, 3} contains three elements."
    • Note that the single and double backslashes should be entered as double and quadruple backslashes when quoted in a literal string.


function export.ucfirst(str)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.lcfirst(str)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.capitalize(str)

Capitalize each word of a string. WARNING: May be broken in the presence of multiword links.


function export.pluralize(str)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.singularize(str)

Singularize a word in a smart fashion, according to normal English rules. Works analogously to pluralize().

NOTE: This doesn't always work as well as pluralize(). Beware. It will mishandle cases like "passes" -> "passe", "eyries" -> "eyry".

  1. If word ends in -ies, replace -ies with -y.
  2. If the word ends in -xes, -shes, -ches, remove -es. [Does not affect -ses, cf. "houses", "impasses".]
  3. Otherwise, remove -s.

This handles links correctly:

  1. If a piped link, change the second part appropriately. Collapse the link to a simple link if both parts end up the same.
  2. If a non-piped link, singularize the link.
  3. A link like "parishes" will be handled correctly because the code that checks for -shes etc. allows ] characters between the 'sh' etc. and final -es.


function export.get_indefinite_article(str, ucfirst)

Return the appropriate indefinite article to prefix to str. Correctly handles links and capitalized text. Does not correctly handle words like union, uniform and university that take "a" despite beginning with a 'u'. The returned article will have its first letter capitalized if ucfirst is specified, otherwise lowercase.


function export.add_indefinite_article(text, ucfirst)

Prefix text with the appropriate indefinite article to prefix to text. Correctly handles links and capitalized text. Does not correctly handle words like union, uniform and university that take "a" despite beginning with a 'u'. The returned article will have its first letter capitalized if ucfirst is specified, otherwise lowercase.

local mw = mw
local string = string
local table = table
local ustring = mw.ustring

local byte = string.byte
local char = string.char
local concat = table.concat
local find = string.find
local format = string.format
local gmatch = string.gmatch
local gsub = string.gsub
local len = string.len
local load_data = mw.loadData
local lower = string.lower
local match = string.match
local next = next
local reverse = string.reverse
local select = select
local sort = table.sort
local sub = string.sub
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local type = type
local ucodepoint = ustring.codepoint
local ufind = ustring.find
local ugcodepoint = ustring.gcodepoint
local ugmatch = ustring.gmatch
local ugsub = ustring.gsub
local ulower = ustring.lower
local umatch = ustring.match
local unpack = unpack
local upper = string.upper
local usub = ustring.sub
local uupper = ustring.upper
-- Defined below.
local charset_escape
local codepoint
local explode_utf8
local format_fun
local get_indefinite_article
local pattern_escape
local pattern_simplifier
local php_trim
local replacement_escape
local u
local ulen

local module_name = "string_utilities"

local export = {}

--[==[Explodes a string into an array of UTF-8 characters. '''Warning''': this function has no safety checks for non-UTF-8 byte sequences, to optimize speed and memory use. Inputs containing them therefore result in undefined behaviour.]==]
function export.explode_utf8(str)
	local text, i = {}, 0
	for ch in gmatch(str, ".[\128-\191]*") do
		i = i + 1
		text[i] = ch
	return text
explode_utf8 = export.explode_utf8

	local chars = {
		["\0"] = "%z", ["$"] = "%$", ["%"] = "%%", ["("] = "%(", [")"] = "%)",
		["*"] = "%*", ["+"] = "%+", ["-"] = "%-", ["."] = "%.", ["?"] = "%?",
		["["] = "%[", ["]"] = "%]", ["^"] = "%^"
	--[==[Escapes the magic characters used in [[mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#Patterns|patterns]] (Lua's version of regular expressions): <code>$%()*+-.?[]^</code>, and converts the null character to <code>%z</code>. For example, {{lua|"^$()%.[]*+-?\0"}} becomes {{lua|"%^%$%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?%z"}}. This is necessary when constructing a pattern involving arbitrary text (e.g. from user input).]==]
	function export.pattern_escape(str)
		return (gsub(str, "[%z$%%()*+%-.?[%]^]", chars))
	pattern_escape = export.pattern_escape

	--[==[Escapes the magic characters used in [[mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#Patterns|pattern]] character sets: <code>%-]^</code>, and converts the null character to <code>%z</code>.]==]
	function export.charset_escape(str)
		return (gsub(str, "[%z%%%-%]^]", chars))
	charset_escape = export.charset_escape

--[==[Escapes only <code>%</code>, which is the only magic character used in replacement [[mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#Patterns|patterns]] with string.gsub and mw.ustring.gsub.]==]
function export.replacement_escape(str)
	return (gsub(str, "%%", "%%%%"))
replacement_escape = export.replacement_escape

	local function check_sets_equal(set1, set2)
		local k2
		for k1, v1 in next, set1 do
			local v2 = set2[k1]
			if v1 ~= v2 and (v2 == nil or not check_sets_equal(v1, v2)) then
				return false
			k2 = next(set2, k2)
		return next(set2, k2) == nil
	local function check_sets(bytes)
		local key, set1, set = next(bytes)
		if set1 == true then
			return true
		elseif not check_sets(set1) then
			return false
		while true do
			key, set = next(bytes, key)
			if not key then
				return true
			elseif not check_sets_equal(set, set1) then
				return false
	local function make_charset(range)
		if #range == 1 then
			return char(range[1])
		local compressed, n, start = {}, 0, range[1]
		for i = 1, #range do
			local this, nxt = range[i], range[i + 1]
			if nxt ~= this + 1 then
				n = n + 1
				compressed[n] = this == start and char(this) or
					char(start) .. "-" .. char(this)
				start = nxt
		return "[" .. concat(compressed) .. "]"
	local function parse_1_byte_charset(pattern, pos)
		while true do
			local ch, nxt_pos
			pos, ch, nxt_pos = match(pattern, "()([%%%]\194-\244][\128-\191]*)()", pos)
			if not ch then
				return false
			elseif ch == "%" then
				if match(pattern, "^()[acdlpsuwxACDLPSUWXZ\128-\255]", nxt_pos) then
					return false
				pos = pos + 2
			elseif ch == "]" then
				pos = nxt_pos
				return pos
				return false
	--[==[Parses `pattern`, a ustring library pattern, and attempts to convert it into a string library pattern. If conversion isn't possible, returns false.]==]
	pattern_simplifier = require("Module:fun").memoize(function(pattern)
		if type(pattern) == "number" then
			return tostring(pattern)
		local pos, captures, start, n, output = 1, 0, 1, 0
		while true do
			local ch, nxt_pos
			pos, ch, nxt_pos = match(pattern, "()([%%(.[\194-\244][\128-\191]*)()", pos)
			if not ch then
			local nxt = sub(pattern, nxt_pos, nxt_pos)
			if ch == "%" then
				if nxt == "b" then
					if not match(pattern, "^()[^\128-\255][^\128-\255]", pos + 2) then
						return false
					pos = pos + 4
				elseif nxt == "f" then
					pos = pos + 2
					if not match(pattern, "^()%[[^^]", pos) then
						return false
					-- Only possible to convert a %f charset which is all
					-- ASCII, so use parse_1_byte_charset.
					pos = parse_1_byte_charset(pattern, pos)
					if not pos then
						return false
				elseif nxt == "Z" then
					pos = pos + 2
					nxt = sub(pattern, pos, pos)
					if nxt == "*" or nxt == "+" or nxt == "-" then
						pos = pos + 1
						output = output or {}
						n = n + 1
						if nxt == "?" then
							output[n] = sub(pattern, start, pos - 3) .. "[\1-\127\194-\244]?[\128-\191]*"
							pos = pos + 1
							output[n] = sub(pattern, start, pos - 3) .. "[\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*"
						start = pos
				elseif find("acdlpsuwxACDLPSUWX", nxt, 1, true) then
					return false
				-- Skip the next character if it's ASCII. Otherwise, we will
				-- still need to do length checks.
					pos = pos + (byte(nxt) < 128 and 2 or 1)
			elseif ch == "(" then
				if nxt == ")" or captures == 32 then
					return false
				captures = captures + 1
				pos = pos + 1
			elseif ch == "." then
				if nxt == "*" or nxt == "+" or nxt == "-" then
					pos = pos + 2
					output = output or {}
					n = n + 1
					if nxt == "?" then
						output[n] = sub(pattern, start, pos - 1) .. "[^\128-\191]?[\128-\191]*"
						pos = pos + 2
						output[n] = sub(pattern, start, pos - 1) .. "[^\128-\191][\128-\191]*"
						pos = pos + 1
					start = pos
			elseif ch == "[" then
				-- Fail negative charsets. TODO: 1-byte charsets should be safe.
				if nxt == "^" then
					return false
				-- If the first character is "%", ch_len is determined by the
				-- next one instead.
				elseif nxt == "%" then
					nxt_pos = nxt_pos + 1
					nxt = sub(pattern, nxt_pos, nxt_pos)
				local ch_len = #match(pattern, "^.[\128-\191]*", nxt_pos)
				if ch_len == 1 then -- Single-byte charset.
					pos = parse_1_byte_charset(pattern, pos + 1)
					if not pos then
						return false
				else -- Multibyte charset.
					local charset_pos, bytes = pos
					pos = pos + 1
					while true do -- TODO: non-ASCII charset ranges.
						pos, ch, nxt_pos = match(pattern, "()([^\128-\191][\128-\191]*)()", pos)
						if not ch then
							return false
						-- If escaped, get the next character. No need to
						-- distinguish magic characters or character classes,
						-- as they'll all fail for having the wrong length
						-- anyway.
						elseif ch == "%" then
							pos, ch, nxt_pos = match(pattern, "()([^\128-\191][\128-\191]*)()", pos)
						elseif ch == "]" then
							pos = nxt_pos
						if ch_len ~= #ch then
							return false
						bytes = bytes or {}
						local bytes = bytes
						for i = 1, ch_len - 1 do
							local b = byte(ch, i, i)
							bytes[b] = bytes[b] or {}
							bytes = bytes[b]
						bytes[byte(ch, -1)] = true
						pos = nxt_pos
					if not pos then
						return false
					local nxt = sub(pattern, pos, pos)
					if (
						(nxt == "?" or nxt == "*" or nxt == "-") or
						(nxt == "+" and ch_len > 2) or
						not check_sets(bytes)
					) then
						return false
					local ranges, b, key, next_byte = {}, 0
						key, next_byte = next(bytes)
						local range, n = {key}, 1
						-- Loop starts on the second iteration.
						for key in next, bytes, key do
							n = n + 1
							range[n] = key
						b = b + 1
						ranges[b] = range
						bytes = next_byte
					until next_byte == true
					if nxt == "+" then
						local range1, range2 = ranges[1], ranges[2]
						ranges[1] = make_charset(range1)
						ranges[3] = make_charset(range2)
						local n = #range2
						for i = 1, #range1 do
							n = n + 1
							range2[n] = range1[i]
						ranges[2] = make_charset(range2) .. "*"
						pos = pos + 1
						for i = 1, #ranges do
							ranges[i] = make_charset(ranges[i])
					output = output or {}
					n = n + 1
					output[n] = sub(pattern, start, charset_pos - 1) .. concat(ranges)
					start = pos
			elseif nxt == "+" then
				if #ch ~= 2 then
					return false
				output = output or {}
				n = n + 1
				output[n] = sub(pattern, start, pos) .. "[" .. ch .. "]*" .. sub(ch, 2, 2)
				pos = nxt_pos + 1
				start = pos
			elseif nxt == "?" or nxt == "*" or nxt == "-" then
				return false
				pos = nxt_pos
		if start == 1 then
			return pattern
		return concat(output) .. sub(pattern, start)
	end, true)
	export.pattern_simplifier = pattern_simplifier -- For testing.

function export.len(str)
	return type(str) == "number" and len(str) or
		#str - #gsub(str, "[^\128-\191]+", "")
ulen = export.len

function export.sub(str, i, j)
	str, i = type(str) == "number" and tostring(str) or str, i or 1
	if i < 0 or j and j < 0 then
		return usub(str, i, j)
	elseif j and i > j or i > #str then
		return ""
	local n, new_i = 0
	for loc1, loc2 in gmatch(str, "()[^\128-\191]+()[\128-\191]*") do
		n = n + loc2 - loc1
		if not new_i and n >= i then
			new_i = loc2 - (n - i) - 1
			if not j then
				return sub(str, new_i)
		if j and n > j then
			return sub(str, new_i, loc2 - (n - j) - 1)
	return new_i and sub(str, new_i) or ""

	local function _find(str, loc1, loc2, ...)
		if loc1 and not match(str, "^()[^\128-\255]*$") then
			-- Use raw values of loc1 and loc2 to get loc1 and the length of the match.
			loc1, loc2 = ulen(sub(str, 1, loc1)), ulen(sub(str, loc1, loc2))
			-- Offset length with loc1 to get loc2.
			loc2 = loc1 + loc2 - 1
		return loc1, loc2, ...
	--[==[A version of find which uses string.find when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.find.]==]
	function export.find(str, pattern, init, plain)
		init = init or 1
		if init ~= 1 and not match(str, "^()[^\128-\255]*$") then
			return ufind(str, pattern, init, plain)
		elseif plain then
			return _find(str, find(str, pattern, init, true))
		local simple = pattern_simplifier(pattern)
		if simple then
			return _find(str, find(str, simple, init))
		return ufind(str, pattern, init)

--[==[A version of match which uses string.match when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.match.]==]
function export.match(str, pattern, init)
	init = init or 1
	if init ~= 1 and not match(str, "^()[^\128-\255]*$") then
		return umatch(str, pattern, init)
	local simple = pattern_simplifier(pattern)
	if simple then
		return match(str, simple, init)
	return umatch(str, pattern, init)

--[==[A version of gmatch which uses string.gmatch when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.gmatch.]==]
function export.gmatch(str, pattern)
	local simple = pattern_simplifier(pattern)
	if simple then
		return gmatch(str, simple)
	return ugmatch(str, pattern)

--[==[A version of gsub which uses string.gsub when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.gsub.]==]
function export.gsub(str, pattern, repl, n)
	local simple = pattern_simplifier(pattern)
	if simple then
		return gsub(str, simple, repl, n)
	return ugsub(str, pattern, repl, n)

--[==[Like gsub, but pattern-matching facilities are turned off, so `pattern` and `repl` (if a string) are treated as literal.]==]
function export.plain_gsub(str, pattern, repl, n)
	return gsub(str, pattern_escape(pattern), type(repl) == "string" and replacement_escape(repl) or repl, n)

--[==[Reverses a UTF-8 string; equivalent to string.reverse.]==]
function export.reverse(str)
	return reverse(gsub(str, "[\194-\244][\128-\191]*", reverse))

	local function err(cp)
		error("Codepoint " .. cp .. " is out of range: codepoints must be between 0x0 and 0x10FFFF.", 2)

	local function utf8_char(cp)
		cp = tonumber(cp)
		if cp < 0 then
			err(format("-0x%X", -cp))
		elseif cp < 0x80 then
			return char(cp)
		elseif cp < 0x800 then
			return char(
				0xC0 + cp / 0x40,
				0x80 + cp % 0x40
		elseif cp < 0x10000 then
			if cp >= 0xD800 and cp < 0xE000 then
				return "?" -- mw.ustring.char returns "?" for surrogates.
			return char(
				0xE0 + cp / 0x1000,
				0x80 + cp / 0x40 % 0x40,
				0x80 + cp % 0x40
		elseif cp < 0x110000 then
			return char(
				0xF0 + cp / 0x40000,
				0x80 + cp / 0x1000 % 0x40,
				0x80 + cp / 0x40 % 0x40,
				0x80 + cp % 0x40
		err(format("0x%X", cp))

	function export.char(cp, ...)
		if ... == nil then
			return utf8_char(cp)
		local ret = {cp, ...}
		for i = 1, select("#", cp, ...) do
			ret[i] = utf8_char(ret[i])
		return concat(ret)
	u = export.char

	local function get_codepoint(b1, b2, b3, b4)
		if b1 < 128 then
			return b1, 1
		elseif b1 < 224 then
			return 0x40 * b1 + b2 - 0x3080, 2
		elseif b1 < 240 then
			return 0x1000 * b1 + 0x40 * b2 + b3 - 0xE2080, 3
		return 0x40000 * b1 + 0x1000 * b2 + 0x40 * b3 + b4 - 0x3C82080, 4

	function export.codepoint(str, i, j)
		if type(str) == "number" then
			return byte(str, i, j)
		i, j = i or 1, j == -1 and #str or i or 1
		if i == 1 and j == 1 then
			return (get_codepoint(byte(str, 1, 4)))
		elseif i < 0 or j < 0 then
			return ucodepoint(str, i, j) -- FIXME
		local n, nb, ret, nr = 0, 1, {}, 0
		while n < j do
			n = n + 1
			if n < i then
				local b = byte(str, nb)
				nb = nb + (b < 128 and 1 or b < 224 and 2 or b < 240 and 3 or 4)
				local b1, b2, b3, b4 = byte(str, nb, nb + 3)
				if not b1 then
				nr = nr + 1
				local add
				ret[nr], add = get_codepoint(b1, b2, b3, b4)
				nb = nb + add
		return unpack(ret)
	codepoint = export.codepoint
	function export.gcodepoint(str, i, j)
		i, j = i or 1, j ~= -1 and j or nil
		if i < 0 or j and j < 0 then
			return ugcodepoint(str, i, j) -- FIXME
		local n, nb = 1, 1
		while n < i do
			local b = byte(str, nb)
			if not b then
			nb = nb + (b < 128 and 1 or b < 224 and 2 or b < 240 and 3 or 4)
			n = n + 1
		return function()
			if j and n > j then
				return nil
			n = n + 1
			local b1, b2, b3, b4 = byte(str, nb, nb + 3)
			if not b1 then
				return nil
			local ret, add = get_codepoint(b1, b2, b3, b4)
			nb = nb + add
			return ret

--[==[A version of lower which uses string.lower when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.lower.]==]
function export.lower(str)
	return (match(str, "^()[^\128-\255]*$") and lower or ulower)(str)

--[==[A version of upper which uses string.upper when possible, but otherwise uses mw.ustring.upper.]==]
function export.upper(str)
	return (match(str, "^()[^\128-\255]*$") and upper or uupper)(str)

	local function add_captures(text, n, ...)
		-- Insert any captures from the splitting pattern.
		local offset, capture = n - 1, ...
		while capture do
			n = n + 1
			text[n] = capture
			capture = select(n - offset, ...)
		return n
	local function iterate(str, str_len, text, n, start, _sub, loc1, loc2, ...)
		if not (loc1 and start <= str_len) then
			-- If no match, or there is but we're past the end of the string
			-- (which happens when the match is the empty string), then add
			-- the final chunk and return.
			n = n + 1
			text[n] = _sub(str, start)
		elseif loc2 < loc1 then
			-- Special case: If we match the empty string, then include the
			-- next character; this avoids an infinite loop, and makes
			-- splitting by an empty string work the way mw.text.split() does
			-- (including non-adjacent empty string matches with %f). If we
			-- reach the end of the string this way, return immediately, so we
			-- don't get a final empty string. If using the string library, we
			-- need to make sure we advance by one UTF-8 character.
			if _sub == sub then
				loc1 = loc1 + #match(str, "^[\128-\191]*", loc1 + 1)
			n = n + 1
			text[n] = _sub(str, start, loc1)
			start = loc1 + 1
			if start > str_len then
				return ... and add_captures(text, n, ...) or n
			-- Add chunk up to the current match.
			n = n + 1
			text[n] = _sub(str, start, loc1 - 1)
			start = loc2 + 1
		return (... and add_captures(text, n, ...) or n), start
	local function _split(str, get_next, str_len, _sub, _find, func, plain)
		local text, n, start = {}, 0, 1
		if func then
				n, start = iterate(str, str_len, text, n, start, _sub, get_next(str, start))
			until not start
				n, start = iterate(str, str_len, text, n, start, _sub, _find(str, get_next, start, plain))
			until not start
		return text
	--[==[Reimplementation of mw.text.split() that includes any capturing groups in the splitting pattern. This works like Python's re.split() function, except that it has Lua's behavior when the split pattern is empty (i.e. advancing by one character at a time; Python returns the whole remainder of the string). When possible, it will use the string library, but otherwise uses the ustring library. There are two optional parameters: `str_lib` forces use of the string library, while `plain` turns any pattern matching facilities off, treating `pattern` as literal.
		In addition, `pattern` may be a custom find function, which takes the input string and start index as its two arguments, and must return the start and end index of the match, plus any optional captures, or nil if there are no further matches. By default, the start index will be calculated using the ustring library, unless `str_lib` or `plain` is set.]==]
	function export.split(str, pattern, str_lib, plain)
		local func = type(pattern) == "function"
		if str_lib or plain then
			return _split(str, pattern, #str, sub, find, func, plain)
		elseif not func then
			local simple = pattern_simplifier(pattern)
			if simple then
				return _split(str, simple, #str, sub, find)
		return _split(str, pattern, ulen(str), usub, ufind, func)
	export.capturing_split = export.split -- To be removed.

	-- TODO: merge this with export.split. Not clear how to do this while
	-- maintaining the same level of performance, as gsplit is slower.
	local function _split(str, pattern, str_len, _sub, _find, plain)
		local start, final = 1
		local function iter(loc1, loc2, ...)
			-- If no match, return the final chunk.
			if not loc1 then
				final = true
				return _sub(str, start)
			-- Special case: If we match the empty string, then eat the
			-- next character; this avoids an infinite loop, and makes
			-- splitting by the empty string work the way mw.text.gsplit() does
			-- (including non-adjacent empty string matches with %f). If we
			-- reach the end of the string this way, set `final` to true, so we
			-- don't get stuck matching the empty string at the end.
			local chunk
			if loc2 < loc1 then
				-- If using the string library, we need to make sure we advance
				-- by one UTF-8 character.
				if _sub == sub then
					loc1 = loc1 + #match(str, "^[\128-\191]*", loc1 + 1)
				chunk = _sub(str, start, loc1)
				if loc1 >= str_len then
					final = true
					start = loc1 + 1
			-- Eat chunk up to the current match.
				chunk = _sub(str, start, loc1 - 1)
				start = loc2 + 1
			return chunk, ...
		return function()
			if not final then
				return iter(_find(str, pattern, start, plain))
			return nil
	function export.gsplit(str, pattern, str_lib, plain)
		if str_lib or plain then
			return _split(str, pattern, #str, sub, find, plain)
		local simple = pattern_simplifier(pattern)
		if simple then
			return _split(str, simple, #str, sub, find)
		return _split(str, pattern, ulen(str), usub, ufind)

-- Note: this algorithm is a refined version of "^%m*(.*%M)" (where %m/%M are the charset/anticharset), which is the fastest trim algorithm for any strings which don't match "^%m*$" (i.e. all %m characters), as they result in catastrophic backtracking. This function splits the operation into two stages, which reduces those strings to "" after the first stage. See export.php_trim for an even faster workaround which only works for charsets sets that include "\0". Trims which require umatch use the pattern "^%m*(.-)%m*$", however, as the overhead of calling two ustring functions outweighs the benefits of this optimization.
function export.trim(str, charset)
	if not charset then
		return match(gsub(str, "^%s*", ""), "^.*%S") or ""
	elseif match(charset, "^()[^\128-\255]*$") then
		return match(gsub(str, "^[" .. charset .. "]*", ""), "^.*[^" .. charset .. "]") or ""
	return umatch(str, "^[" .. charset .. "]*(.-)[" .. charset .. "]*$")

	local entities

	local function decode_numeric_entity(code, pattern, base)
		local cp = match(code, pattern) and tonumber(code, base)
		return cp and cp < 0x110000 and u(cp) or nil

	local function decode_entity(hash, x, code)
		if hash == "#" then
			return x == "" and decode_numeric_entity(code, "^%d+$") or
				decode_numeric_entity(code, "^%x+$", 16)
		entities = entities or load_data("Module:data/entities")
		return entities[x .. code]

	-- Non-ASCII characters aren't valid in proper HTML named entities, but MediaWiki uses them in some custom aliases which have also been included in [[Module:data/entities]].
	function export.decode_entities(str)
		return find(str, "&", 1, true) and
			gsub(str, "&(#?)([xX]?)([%w\128-\255]+);", decode_entity) or str

	local html_entities
	local function encode_entity(ch)
		local entity = html_entities[ch]
		if entity then
			return entity
		entity = "&#" .. codepoint(ch) .. ";"
		html_entities[ch] = entity
		return entity
	function export.encode_entities(str, charset, str_lib, plain)
		-- Memoized HTML entities (taken from mw.text.lua).
		html_entities = html_entities or {
			["\""] = "&quot;",
			["&"] = "&amp;",
			["'"] = "&#039;",
			["<"] = "&lt;",
			[">"] = "&gt;",
			["\194\160"] = "&nbsp;",
		if not charset then
			return (gsub(str, "[\"&'<>\194]\160?", html_entities))
		elseif plain then
			return (gsub(str, "[" .. charset_escape(charset) .. "]", encode_entity))
		elseif str_lib then
			if not match(charset, "^()[^\128-\255]*$") then
				error("Cannot use the string library with a character set that contains a character with a codepoint above U+007F.")
			return (gsub(str, "[" .. charset .. "]", encode_entity))
		local pattern = charset and "[" .. charset .. "]"
		local simple = pattern_simplifier(pattern)
		if simple then
			return (gsub(str, simple, encode_entity))
		return (ugsub(str, pattern, encode_entity))

	local function decode_path(code)
		return char(tonumber(code, 16))
	local function decode(lead, trail)
		if lead == "+" or lead == "_" then
			return " " .. trail
		elseif #trail == 2 then
			return decode_path(trail)
		return lead .. trail
	function export.decode_uri(str, enctype)
		enctype = enctype and upper(enctype) or "QUERY"
		if enctype == "PATH" then
			return find(str, "%", 1, true) and
				gsub(str, "%%(%x%x)", decode_path) or str
		elseif enctype == "QUERY" then
			return (find(str, "%", 1, true) or find(str, "+", 1, true)) and
				gsub(str, "([%%%+])(%x?%x?)", decode) or str
		elseif enctype == "WIKI" then
			return (find(str, "%", 1, true) or find(str, "_", 1, true)) and
				gsub(str, "([%%_])(%x?%x?)", decode) or str
		error("bad argument #2 to \"decode_uri\" (expected QUERY, PATH, or WIKI)", 2)

	local function _remove_comments(str, pre)
		local head = find(str, "<!--", 1, true)
		if not head then
			return str
		local ret, n = {sub(str, 1, head - 1)}, 1
		while true do
			local loc = find(str, "-->", head + 4, true)
			if not loc then
				return pre and concat(ret) or
					concat(ret) .. sub(str, head)
			head = loc + 3
			loc = find(str, "<!--", head, true)
			if not loc then
				return concat(ret) .. sub(str, head)
			n = n + 1
			ret[n] = sub(str, head, loc - 1)
			head = loc
	--[==[Removes any HTML comments from the input text. `stage` can be one of three options:
	* {{lua|"PRE"}} (default) applies the method used by MediaWiki's preprocessor: all {{code||<nowiki><!-- ... --></nowiki>}} pairs are removed, as well as any text after an unclosed {{code||<nowiki><!--</nowiki>}}. This is generally suitable when parsing raw template or [[mw:Parser extension tags|parser extension tag]] code. (Note, however, that the actual method used by the preprocessor is considerably more complex and differs under certain conditions (e.g. comments inside nowiki tags); if full accuracy is absolutely necessary, use [[Module:template parser]] instead).
	* {{lua|"POST"}} applies the method used to generate the final page output once all templates have been expanded: it loops over the text, removing any {{code||<nowiki><!-- ... --></nowiki>}} pairs until no more are found (e.g. {{code||<nowiki><!-<!-- ... -->- ... --></nowiki>}} would be fully removed), but any unclosed {{code||<nowiki><!--</nowiki>}} is ignored. This is suitable for handling links embedded in template inputs, where the {{lua|"PRE"}} method will have already been applied by the native parser.
	* {{lua|"BOTH"}} applies {{lua|"PRE"}} then {{lua|"POST"}}.]==]
	function export.remove_comments(str, stage)
		if not stage or stage == "PRE" then
			return _remove_comments(str, true)
		local processed = stage == "POST" and _remove_comments(str) or
			stage == "BOTH" and _remove_comments(str, true) or
			error("bad argument #2 to \"remove_comments\" (expected PRE, POST, or BOTH)", 2)
		while processed ~= str do
			str = processed
			processed = _remove_comments(str)
		return str

--[==[Lua equivalent of PHP's {{code|php|trim($string)}}, which trims {{lua|"\0"}}, {{lua|"\t"}}, {{lua|"\n"}}, {{lua|"\v"}}, {{lua|"\r"}} and {{lua|" "}}. This is useful when dealing with template parameters, since the native parser trims them like this.]==]
function export.php_trim(str)
	-- Note: this is a special-case version of the algorithm used by export.trim (see the comments at that function). In frontier patterns, %z is used to mean the start/end of the string, in addition to its usual meaning of "\0". Since the charset includes "\0", it's possible to use "%f[%M].*%f[%m]" (where %m/%M are the charset/anticharset), which is only slightly slower than "^%m*(.*%M)", but avoids catastrophic backtracking in strings which match "^%m*$" due to %z matching the start/end of a string. This means that there's no need to call match twice, as there's no need to check for "^%m*$" strings first.
	return match(str, "%f[^%z\t\n\v\r ].*%f[%z\t\n\v\r ]") or ""
php_trim = export.php_trim

--[==[Takes a parameter name as either a string or number, and returns the Scribunto-normalized form (i.e. the key that that parameter would have in a {{lua|frame.args}} table). For example, {{lua|"1"}} (a string) is normalized to {{lua|1}} (a number), {{lua|" foo "}} is normalized to {{lua|"foo"}}, and {{lua|1.5}} (a number) is normalized to {{lua|"1.5"}} (a string). Inputs which cannot be normalized (e.g. booleans) return {{lua|nil}}. If the `no_trim` flag is set, string parameters are not trimmed, but strings may still be converted to numbers if they do not contain whitespace; this is necessary when normalizing keys into the form received by PHP during callbacks, before any trimming occurs (e.g. in the table of arguments when calling {{lua|frame:expandTemplates()}}).

Strings are trimmed with {{lua|export.php_trim}}, unless the `no_trim` flag is set. They are then converted to numbers if '''all''' of the following are true:
# They are integers; i.e. no decimals or leading zeroes (e.g. {{lua|"2"}}, but not {{lua|"2.0"}} or {{lua|"02"}}).
# They are ≤ 2{{sup|53}} and ≥ -2{{sup|53}}.
# There is no leading sign unless < 0 (e.g. {{lua|"2"}} or {{lua|"-2"}}, but not {{lua|"+2"}} or {{lua|"-0"}}).
# They contain no leading or trailing whitespace (which may be present when the `no_trim` flag is set).

Numbers are converted to strings if '''either''':
# They are not integers (e.g. {{lua|1.5}}).
# They are > 2{{sup|53}} or < -2{{sup|53}}.

When converted to strings, integers ≤ 2{{sup|63}} and ≥ -2{{sup|63}} are formatted as integers (i.e. all digits are given), which is the range of PHP's integer precision, though the actual output may be imprecise since Lua's integer precision is > 2{{sup|53}} to < -2{{sup|53}}. All other numbers use the standard formatting output by {{lua|tostring()}}.]==]
function export.scribunto_param_key(key, no_trim)
	local tp = type(key)
	if tp == "string" then
		if not no_trim then
			key = php_trim(key)
		if match(key, "^()-?[1-9]%d*$") then
			local num = tonumber(key)
			-- Lua integers are only precise to 2^53 - 1, so specifically check for 2^53 and -2^53 as strings, since a numerical comparison won't work as it can't distinguish 2^53 from 2^53 + 1.
			return (
				num <= 9007199254740991 and num >= -9007199254740991 or
				key == "9007199254740992" or
				key == "-9007199254740992"
			) and num or key
		return key == "0" and 0 or key
	elseif tp == "number" then
		-- No special handling needed for inf or NaN.
		return key % 1 == 0 and (
			key <= 9007199254740992 and key >= -9007199254740992 and key or
			key <= 9223372036854775808 and key >= -9223372036854775808 and format("%d", key)
		) or tostring(key)
	return nil

	local byte_escapes
	local function escape_byte(b)
		return byte_escapes[b] or format("\\%03d", byte(b))
	function export.escape_bytes(str)
		byte_escapes = byte_escapes or load_data("Module:string utilities/data").byte_escapes
		return (gsub(str, ".", escape_byte))

function export.format_fun(str, fun)
	return (gsub(str, "{(\\?)((\\?)[^{}]*)}", function(p1, name, p2)
		if #p1 + #p2 == 1 then
			return name == "op" and "{" or
				name == "cl" and "}" or
				error(module_name .. ".format: unrecognized escape sequence '{\\" .. name .. "}'")
		elseif fun(name) and type(fun(name)) ~= "string" then
			error(module_name .. ".format: \"" .. name .. "\" is a " .. type(fun(name)) .. ", not a string")
		return fun(name) or error(module_name .. ".format: \"" .. name .. "\" not found in table")
format_fun = export.format_fun

--[==[This function, unlike {{lua|string.format}} and {{lua|mw.ustring.format}}, takes just two parameters—a format string and a table—and replaces all instances of {{lua|{param_name}}} in the format string with the table's entry for {{lua|param_name}}. The opening and closing brace characters can be escaped with <code>{\op}</code> and <code>{\cl}</code>, respectively. A table entry beginning with a slash can be escaped by doubling the initial slash.
* {{lua|=string_utilities.format("{foo} fish, {bar} fish, {baz} fish, {quux} fish", {["foo"]="one", ["bar"]="two", ["baz"]="red", ["quux"]="blue"})}}
*: produces: {{lua|"one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish"}}
* {{lua|=string_utilities.format("The set {\\op}1, 2, 3{\\cl} contains {\\\\hello} elements.", {["\\hello"]="three"})}}
*: produces: {{lua|"The set {1, 2, 3} contains three elements."}}
*:* Note that the single and double backslashes should be entered as double and quadruple backslashes when quoted in a literal string.]==]
function export.format(str, tbl)
	return format_fun(str, function(key)
		return tbl[key]

	local function do_uclcfirst(str, case_func)
		-- Actual function to re-case of the first letter.
		local first_letter = case_func(match(str, "^.[\128-\191]*") or "")
		return first_letter .. sub(str, #first_letter + 1)
	local function uclcfirst(str, case_func)
		-- If there's a link at the beginning, re-case the first letter of the
		-- link text. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
		-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
		local link, linktext, remainder = match(str, "^%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%](.*)$")
		if link then
			return "[[" .. link .. "|" .. do_uclcfirst(linktext ~= "" and linktext or link, case_func) .. "]]" .. remainder
		return do_uclcfirst(str, case_func)
	function export.ucfirst(str)
		return uclcfirst(str, uupper)

	function export.lcfirst(str)
		return uclcfirst(str, ulower)
	local function capitalize(w)
		return uclcfirst(w, uupper)
	--[==[Capitalize each word of a string. WARNING: May be broken in the presence of multiword links.]==]
	function export.capitalize(str)
		if type(str) == "table" then
			-- allow calling from a template
			str = str.args[1]
		-- Capitalize multi-word that is separated by spaces
		-- by uppercasing the first letter of each part.
		-- I assume nobody will input all CAP text.
		return (ugsub(str, "%S+", capitalize))

function export.pluralize(str) -- To be removed once all calling modules have been changed to call Module:en-utilities directly.
	return require("Module:en-utilities").pluralize(str)

	local function do_singularize(str)
		local sing = match(str, "^(.-)ies$")
		if sing then
			return sing .. "y"
		-- Handle cases like "[[parish]]es"
		return match(str, "^(.-[cs]h%]*)es$") or -- not -zhes
		-- Handle cases like "[[box]]es"
			match(str, "^(.-x%]*)es$") or -- not -ses or -zes
		-- Handle regular plurals
			match(str, "^(.-)s$") or
		-- Otherwise, return input
	local function collapse_link(link, linktext)
		if link == linktext then
			return "[[" .. link .. "]]"
		return "[[" .. link .. "|" .. linktext .. "]]"
	Singularize a word in a smart fashion, according to normal English rules. Works analogously to {pluralize()}.

	'''NOTE''': This doesn't always work as well as {pluralize()}. Beware. It will mishandle cases like "passes" -> "passe", "eyries" -> "eyry".
	# If word ends in -ies, replace -ies with -y.
	# If the word ends in -xes, -shes, -ches, remove -es. [Does not affect -ses, cf. "houses", "impasses".]
	# Otherwise, remove -s.

	This handles links correctly:
	# If a piped link, change the second part appropriately. Collapse the link to a simple link if both parts end up the same.
	# If a non-piped link, singularize the link.
	# A link like "[[parish]]es" will be handled correctly because the code that checks for -shes etc. allows ] characters between the
	  'sh' etc. and final -es.
	function export.singularize(str)
		if type(str) == "table" then
			-- allow calling from a template
			str = str.args[1]
		-- Check for a link. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
		-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
		local beginning, link, linktext = match(str, "^(.*)%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%]$")
		if not link then
			return do_singularize(str)
		elseif linktext ~= "" then
			return beginning .. collapse_link(link, do_singularize(linktext))
		return beginning .. "[[" .. do_singularize(link) .. "]]"

Return the appropriate indefinite article to prefix to `str`. Correctly handles links and capitalized text.
Does not correctly handle words like [[union]], [[uniform]] and [[university]] that take "a" despite beginning with
a 'u'. The returned article will have its first letter capitalized if `ucfirst` is specified, otherwise lowercase.
function export.get_indefinite_article(str, ucfirst)
	str = str or ""
	-- If there's a link at the beginning, examine the first letter of the
	-- link text. This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links.
	-- If the link is not piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
	local link, linktext = match(str, "^%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%]")
	if match(link and (linktext ~= "" and linktext or link) or str, "^()[AEIOUaeiou]") then
		return ucfirst and "An" or "an"
	return ucfirst and "A" or "a"
get_indefinite_article = export.get_indefinite_article

Prefix `text` with the appropriate indefinite article to prefix to `text`. Correctly handles links and capitalized
text. Does not correctly handle words like [[union]], [[uniform]] and [[university]] that take "a" despite beginning
with a 'u'. The returned article will have its first letter capitalized if `ucfirst` is specified, otherwise lowercase.
function export.add_indefinite_article(text, ucfirst)
	return get_indefinite_article(text, ucfirst) .. " " .. text

return export