The Nutty Professor (1996 film)

1996 film directed by Tom Shadyac

The Nutty Professor is a 1996 film about grossly overweight Prof. Sherman Klump, desperate to lose weight takes a special chemical that turns him into the slim but obnoxious Buddy Love.

Inside Sherman Klump, a party animal is about to break out.

Sherman Klump / Buddy Love

  • I'm thin!
  • NO TITTIES! NO TITTIES! NO TITTIES! [to an attractive woman next to him] Not you, me. I’m talking about me. My titties are gone. Your titties are lovely. What’s your name?
  • Ok, fat jokes! You wanna do fat jokes? Alright! Your mother's so fat, the bitch needs Thomas Guide to find her asshole! Alright! Wait, wait, wait, your mother's so fat, after sex I roll over twice, and I'm still on the bitch! Your mother is so fat, she fell in the Grand Canyon and got stuck! Reggie's mother's so fat, that the bitch gets her toenails painted at Earl Scheib! Earl Scheib! At Earl Scheib! Reggie's mama is so fat, her blood type is Rocky Road! His mother is so fat, her belt size is Equator. Get it, equator.
  • I heard of dreadlocks, but shitlocks?
  • If you give me a moment, I believe I can try to explain. My research is, um... Well, when I started out, I wanted to help people. But I became desperate and selfish. What I did was wrong. Buddy's who I thought the whole world wanted me to be. He's who I thought I wanted to be. And sometimes when you want something so so bad, you do just about anything to get it. But I learned one thing from Buddy. I learned that life isn't about being happy with how much you weigh, but just being happy with yourself. I'm terribly sorry about all of this, I hope I haven't ruined everybody's evening. Please excuse me. I'm sorry.
  • The truth is, Carla, I'm a big man. Now I will lose weight, but I'm always gonna be big no matter what I do. So anyone I end up with is just going to have to accept me for who I am. More importantly, I'm going to have to accept myself for who I am.
  • Why, thank you very much, I'm fatter-I'm flattered!


  • Grandma Klump: I hope your butt turn into a frog.
  • Mother Klump: Don't break gas and destroy our meal.
  • Papa Klump: You want your colon cleansed? Fine, I'm gonna clean mine! (breaks wind)


Sherman: [sadly] Thank you for the dinner, Mama.
Anna Klump: [concerned] Sherman, what's wrong with you? Baby, you still worried about what your father said in there? [understanding] Ohhh...Son, listen to me you are special. And when the Good Lord made you, he made you beautiful inside and out. You can do anything Sherman...all you have to do is believe in yourself and you can do anything.

Anna Klump: You know, Sherman, I think I do remember hearing something on TV about colon cleansing. They say everyone should have one. I'm thinking about getting me an appointment to go down and get my colon cleansed thoroughly.
Cletus Klump: You want your colon cleansed? Fine, I'm gonna clean mine!
[Farts loudly. Ernie Jr. starts laughing hysterically]
Cletus Klump: See that? Now my colon is clean. I'm talking, squeaky clean.
Anna Klump: Cletus, every time we're having a meal, you always gotta go off breaking gas. Don't break gas and destroy our meal!
Cletus Klump: Don't tell me to stop! You're the one who brought up colon cleansin' and all that mess!
Anna Klump: I did not say anything about breaking gas! I was talking about getting my colon clean!
Cletus Klump: Don't you talk about stickin' a tube up somebody's ass, but I can't break wind.
Anna Klump: I didn't say nothin' about stickin' no hose up nobody's ass, Cletus-
Cletus Klump: What do you think a colonic is? You think yo gonna run yo asshole by the car wash?

Reggie Warrington: Whoo-whoo! It's a full moon tonight! I think I found where they hid Jimmy Hoffa!
Sherman Klump: [pretending to laugh] Yeah! Yeah, that's a good one there.
Reggie Warrington: Oh boy, you got more crack than Harlem! Boy's so fat, every time I turn around, it's his birthday! Boy, you gotta put a belt on with a boomerang!
Sherman Klump: Okay, now, alright! That's it, got me!
Reggie Warrington: Oh no. No, I ain't got you yet! Should I get him? [crowd cheers] SHOULD I GET HIM?! [crowd cheers again]
Reggie Warrington: Oh, look at this, he' with a woman too! Oh, no! Who's sucking whose chest over here?! Last time he got a breast, it was in a bucket of KFC! Extra Krispy! Every time he goes to Sea World, they tame him! He must be on that new diet, Slim Slow! He go outside with a red shirt on, all the kids in the neighborhood shout "Hey! Kool Aid!" Yeah, man! I bet I cut his fat ass open, he'll bleed chocolate milk! What would you do for a Klondike bar?! Now we know what's been eating Gilbert Grape, don't we?!

Buddy Love: [arriving to "The Scream" for his date] You are too fine to be giving me curbside service!
Carla Purdy: [angrily] I'm not, I'm leaving.
Buddy Love: What are you talking about leaving? We just got here!
Carla Purdy: No, you just got here, I've been waiting for you for almost an hour!
Buddy Love: Hey, now they say anticipation helps make the appetite grow stronger, if you know what I mean.
Carla Purdy: Anticipate the night alone.
Buddy Love: Hey, hey, let's just have a meal together! Why you leaving? Hey-what, do you want me to beg you?! I get down on my knees! I'm begging in front of all these people! You think I care that all these people are watching? I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!!! I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW THAT I WAS LATE, AND I'M SORRY!!! My car ran out of gas! I needed fresh drawers! My mother's sick! The car broke down on the street! I'm so sorry!
Carla Purdy: [embarrassed] Buddy, get up.
Buddy Love: No, listen, you gotta hear me out! Now, I am sorry! I don't know why this happened tonight! Of all nights, this has to happen to me tonight! WHYYYY?!
Carla Purdy: Okay.
Buddy Love: WHYYYYYY?!
Carla Purdy: Okay!
Carla Purdy: Okay, okay, okay!!!
Buddy Love: [instantly changes mood] Okay good, let's eat! I am SO hungry. Hey, don't let the tears fool you, I'm a tooth chipper.

Carla Purty: [looking at Buddy's plates] Six T-Bones, five baked potatoes, and two servings of creamed spinach. I have NEVER seen anyone eat so much. You are so lucky to stay so thin.
Buddy Love: Oh, "lucky" has nothing to do with it. It's a matter of recombinant ribonucleic acids unzipped by a radioactive guanine peptide.
Carla Purty:...And what does that mean?
Buddy Love: I dunno, I was just trying to sound extra intelligent. Gotcha! You gonna eat that?

Buddy Love: Ok, fat jokes! You wanna do fat jokes? Alright! Your mother's so fat, the bitch needs Thomas Guide to find her asshole! Alright! Wait, wait, wait, your mother's so fat, after sex I roll over twice, and I'm still on the bitch! Your mother is so fat, she fell in the Grand Canyon and got stuck! Reggie's mother's so fat, that the bitch gets her toenails painted at Earl Scheib! Earl Scheib! At Earl Scheib! HAHAHAHAHAHA! [walks onto the stage, still laughing hysterically]
Reggie Warrington: Hey, hey, get off the stage, man! You ain't in show business.
Buddy Love: Reggie's mama is so fat, her blood type is Rocky Road! His mother is so fat, her belt size is Equator. Get it, equator. Let's give a big round of applause for Reggie's mama's ass, that brought us so much joy tonight. That's a big ass!
Reggie Warrington: ENOUGH! SILENCE! I can't take this shit no more! Now you done talked about me enough, boy! I tried to be peaceful, but now it's time for Reggie to "Karatacize" your ass!
Buddy Love: Whooooo!
Reggie Warrington: Aw yeah.
[Reggie takes off hat, revealing his ridiculous-looking hair, and Buddy and the audience start laughing.]
Buddy Love: Oh, Reggie! I've heard of "Dreadlocks", but "Shitlocks"?! That's not your hair! Take that pile of shit off your head, man! You’re craz- you just go too far with the comedy!
Reggie Warrington: [karate yells] Come on! Come on!
Buddy Love: What’s that?
Reggie Warrington: Aw yeah, that’s my style boy, you didn’t know Reggie studied.
Buddy Love: What style is that?
Reggie Warrington: It’s called "kick your ass" style, boy!
Buddy Love: Oh shit.
Reggie Warrington: Reggie done studied on the streets!
[Reggie tries to kick Buddy, but Buddy grabs his foot, and flips him over. Buddy laughs hysterically, Reggie glowers, and turns back around]
Reggie Warrington: Aw, you quick, but I’m quicker. Watch my feet.
Buddy Love: Well, come on with it.
Reggie Warrington: Imma come on with it, Imma come on with it, Imma co-[karate yells again]
[Reggie tries to punch him, but Buddy grabs his arm, twists it, and bangs his head on the edge of the piano. He and Buddy sit at the piano.]
Buddy Love: Ladies and gentlemen, me and Reggie wanna send one out to a very special lady in the house tonight! [to Carla Purdy] Loving you, is easy ‘cause you're beautiful! Do-do-do-do-do! Reggie?
[Buddy cracks Reggie's hand]
Reggie Warrington: AAAAAUUUUUUUGGGHHHHHH... leggo.
Buddy Love: That was pretty! Ladies and gentlemen, Reggie has left the building! Thank you, and good night!
[Buddy throws Reggie into the piano.]

Dean Richmond: Oh, with you, it's always business. Let's get to know each other, man-to-man. Now, if our files are correct, you and your fabulous wife have a terrific daughter.
Harlan Hartley: I'm divorced and my daughter is in rehab.
Dean Richmond: So you're saying our files are NOT correct.
Harlan Hartley: Listen, you pompous butt-kisser. I have a check in my pocket for $10 million. Your Buddy Love has until midnight to prove that formula works.

Buddy Love: Carla, are you ready to go upstairs? [Carla slaps him] I guess not. Hey, wait, Carla! Where are you going? What's your problem?
Carla Purty: [points to three women] THEY'RE my problem! You can handle all three of them, huh?!
Buddy Love: Oh, well, I was thinking after dinner, you'd want a little group activity. After all, Buddy does have a lot of love to give.[winks at her]
Carla Purty: Ooh, you are one sick, twisted freak!
Buddy Love: Hey Carla, where you going? Wha-? Go on, leave! There's more titties over here anyway! Yeah. More titties!

Buddy Love: I lost 300 pounds in 30 seconds! [he took a megashake] Thanks, Megashake!
Jason: [angrily; about Sherman] YOU TRICKED HIM!
Buddy Love: Oh, you damn right, hamster boy. I knew Sherman was gonna go soft on me. That can wreak havoc on a man's sex life. [laughs] See, I've done some calculations of my own. If I drink 500 milliters of formula, I'll have enough cellular stability to be rid of Sherman's ass forever!
Jason: No. You drink that much formula at one time and it will kill you!
Buddy Love: If I drink it all at once, yes. If I drink half now and half later, that's completely safe. And at midnight, I don't have to worry about turning into no Klumpkin. Now if you don't mind, I have a date at the alumni ball, and you have a date with linoleum!
Jason: Who?
[Buddy punches Jason, who falls to the floor in a heap]

Buddy Love: Ladies and gentlemen, for my final demonstration - look out, David Copperfield - I'm about to make a 400-pound fat man... disappear FOREVER! [produces a vial of serum]
Jason: [off-screen] NOOO!!! [enters the auditorium; angrily advances towards the stage] Wait! I can not... let you do this... any more! This... has got... to stop! [runs onto the stage; stands next to Buddy and points at him] This man is trying to kill Professor Sherman Klump!
Papa Klump: Oh, that's it! I'm glad I brought my knife! [reaches into his pocket]
Mama Klump: Mm-hmm. And I got my razor. [opens her purse]
Jason: [to Buddy] Hand over the vial now!
Buddy Love: Oh, sure thing, hamster boy! But first, a short musical interlude! [punches Jason, sending him flying into some trombones; the audience gasps]
Carla Purty: [angry] BUDDY! What has gotten into you, and where's Sherman?!
Buddy Love: Sherman is GONE! Disappeared! [more gasps; Mama and Papa Klump look at each other in confusion] And that's a pretty good trick for a man with an ass as big as his! [his watch beeps] Ooh, I'm late for an appointment. Ladies and gentlemen, say goodbye to Sherman Klump! [prepares to drink the vial, but Jason pops back up]
Jason: I hate being called "hamster boy". [punches Buddy, causing him to drop the vial; the audience gasps again. He then clutches his fist in pain]
Buddy Love: [amused] You just don't know when to quit, do you? [goes to punch Jason again, but Sherman's fist appears instead of his; the audience gasps once more] It's too late, fat boy. It's over! Let go! Let go! [but Sherman grabs Buddy's neck, choking]
Mama Klump: My goodness!
Papa Klump: Damn!
Buddy Love: [still choking] Give it up, fat boy! It's over!
Sherman Klump: [appears] It ain't over 'till the fat professor sings!
[Mama Klump yells]
Buddy Love: Let go of my hand, you fat mother-
Sherman Klump: Say one more word, Buddy, I'll tear your arm off!
Buddy Love: It's time... we take... Nestea... plunge! [punches Sherman's stomach, Mama Klump faints, punches Sherman 3 times]
Mama Klump: Whoo! [whimpering]
Papa Klump: Gonna get the hell outta here in a second. It's okay.
[Buddy tries to drink the vial that almost kills Sherman, but he grabs Buddy's hand again and drops the vial on the floor, which Sherman stomps]

[During this fight, the alternating control of Klump/Love's joint body is represented by Love's normal face bulging out to resemble Sherman's]
Sherman Klump: NO, I DON'T!
Buddy Love: [slaps Sherman] You fat ass!
Sherman Klump: [slaps Buddy] Tinkerbell!
Buddy Love: [slaps Sherman] Blubber butt!
Sherman Klump: [slaps Buddy] Featherweight!
Papa Klump: Somebody better call an exorcist!
Buddy Love: Sherman! Sherman! YOU CAN'T BEAT ME!!!!!
Papa Klump: This is some scary shit!
Sherman Klump: [punches Buddy several times] YES... I... CAN!!!!!
[Buddy's watch beeps; he starts to feel dizzy]
Anna Klump: Sherman, come back here! [claps her hands] Sherman!
Buddy Love: [clutches his head] What's happenin' to me? Everything's gettin' real dark! Oh, I feel real jiggly! I'm blubbifyin'! Sherman, you needed me! I taught you to be confident! You needed me, Sherman! Sherman, no matter what, no matter what... you got to strut.

Carla Purty: You know something I couldn't stand about Buddy?
Sherman Klump: What's that?
Carla Purty: He was too damn scrawny.



See also
