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The half-tangent (tangent of half an angle measure, in blue) is the stereographic projection of a point on the unit circle onto the vertical axis.

In mathematics, the half-tangent is a parameter used for representing rotations, angles, or points on a circle. (It is also called various other names; see § Terminology.) The half-tangent is the tangent of half the angle measure and it is the stereographic projection of a unit-magnitude complex number onto the imaginary -axis,

In the inverse direction, angle measures, unit complex numbers, and unit vectors can be written in terms of the half-tangent,

The half-tangent is a convenient representation for explicit computation because the transcendental circular functions (sine, cosine, &c.) of the angle measure become rational functions of requiring only elementary arithmetic to compute. The half-tangent is a single real number, unlike the unit complex number which is comprised of two real coordinates.

The hyperbolic half-tangent (in blue) is the stereographic projection of a point on the unit hyperbola onto the vertical axis.

The hyperbolic half-tangent is the analogous parameter used for representing hyperbolic angles, rotations (Lorentz boosts), points on a hyperbola, or multiplicative scalars. The hyperbolic half-tangent is the hyperbolic tangent of half the hyperbolic angle measure and it is the stereographic projection of a unit-magnitude hyperbolic number (where ) onto the imaginary -axis, and also a Cayley transform of a real scalar

In the inverse direction, hyperbolic angle measures, unit hyperbolic numbers, and hyperbolic unit vectors can be written in terms of the half-tangent,


The plain scale (right) and its construction (left): This 17th–19th century mathematical instrument typically included a half-tangent scale (here labeled "S. T.", "Semi Tangents").[1]

The half-tangent is used widely in mathematics, science, and engineering, but does not have a universally established name. In the 16th–19th century in Neo-Latin it typically appeared in descriptive phrases such as tangens dimidiae ("tangent of half") or tangens semi-summae ("tangent of the semi-sum").[2] This was often translated into similar phrases in other languages but also sometimes given the dedicated name halbe tangente in German;[3] demi-tangente in French;[4] and especially half-tangent or semi-tangent in English, widely adopted in mathematical instruments used for astronomy and navigation starting in the mid 17th century,[5] an era in Britain of high demand for trained navigators. By the late 19th century the name semi-tangent even appeared in general-purpose dictionaries,[6] though it has since fallen out of currency.

Many historical and most modern sources refer to the half-tangent purely descriptively, e.g. as the tangent of half the angle,[7] or use it in mathematical expressions such as   or   without an explicit name. In the context of integral calculus, substituting   is sometimes called the half-tangent substitution,[8] is sometimes misnamed the Weierstrass substitution,[9] in Russian is called the universal trigonometric substitution,[10] or is sometimes just called t-substitution,[11] but modern sources more often give it no name at all or use a descriptive compound modifier as in tangent half-angle substitution.[12] A similar compound modifier is often used for the half-angle tangent formula in trigonometry.[13] Number theorists call the half-tangent the rational parameter for a point on the unit circle.[14] Sometimes, notably in directional statistics, it is called the stereographic projection. Other names include half-slope[15] and tan-half-angle.[16] The name half-tangent is also still used, especially in kinematics.[17] This article will consistently adopt the name half-tangent for convenience.

The trigonometric half-tangent should not be confused with half-tangent meaning a ray tangent to a curve, half of a tangent line.

The hyperbolic half-tangent is rarely named, and is usually just used symbolically as e.g.   or   or sometimes descriptively called something like the hyperbolic tangent of half the angle.[18] It has been specifically named the Lorentzian stereographic representation,[19] or the menhir.[20] In the context of higher-dimensional hyperbolic spaces, the (unsigned) half-tangent of a geodesic arc length is sometimes called the pseudo-chordal distance, the pseudo-hyperbolic distance, or the hyperbolic length. The substitution   has been called the hyperbolic tangent half-argument substitution,[21] and the half-argument identity for the hyperbolic tangent has been called the hyperbolic formula for the tangent half-angle[22] and the half-tanh relation.[23] This article will adopt the name (hyperbolic) half-tangent for convenience.

Tangent addition


When real numbers   and   are taken to be half-tangents representing circular or hyperbolic rotations, those rotations can be composed using the circular ( ) or hyperbolic ( ) tangent addition operations, respectively.[24]

Circular tangent addition

The tangent sum operation composes rotations represented as half-tangents.
The tangent sum can be computed by geometric construction with the help of an auxiliary unit hyperbola. Take the inverse stereographic projection through two antipodal points on the hyperbola of each of the addends, then join the two projected points and intersect the resulting line with the equatorial axis. Construction by Kocik (2012).

The composition of two planar rotations   and   is the new rotation   which results from rotating first by   and then by   (planar rotation is commutative,  ). When rotations are represented as complex numbers, the composition operation is complex multiplication,  . When rotations are represented as angle measures, composition is addition  . When rotations are represented as matrices, composition is matrix multiplication  . When rotations are represented as half-tangents, composition is a circular tangent addition operation   defined by


The tangent addition identity on which this operation is based was proved by Jakob Hermann in 1706 and independently by several other mathematicians shortly afterward.[25][26]

If the two half-tangents are written as quotients,


the relation to complex multiplication becomes clear:


As with multiplication and addition, this operation has an inverse  , corresponding to division   and subtraction  


This tangent difference operation yields the half-tangent of   after the circle has been rotated so that   is at the origin.

Hyperbolic tangent addition


The operation   is the circular analog of a hyperbolic tangent addition operation  


with inverse operation  


Because in special relativity the operation   is the composition law for parallel velocities (in a coordinate system with natural units where the speed of light  ) it is sometimes called Einstein addition.[27]

The circular and hyperbolic operations are related by


where   is the imaginary unit.

Point at infinity


Half-tangents are naturally values on the projectively extended real line  . A half-turn rotation is represented by the complex number   As this is the center of the stereographic projection, it is projected to   the point at infinity. If half-tangents are interpreted as ratios, this is the ratio  

The tangent sum is well defined for  




Corresponding to the invariance of the speed of light, and analogous to ordinary multiplication by   or   the values   absorb other arguments to the hyperbolic tangent sum   For any value   such that   (including  ),


The exceptional sum   and the exceptional differences   and   are undefined.

For complex-valued arguments, the circular tangent sum   has singularities at   the imaginary units. For any value   such that  [28]


The sum   and differences   and   are undefined.

Commutative group structure


The projectively extended real line   is a commutative group under  [29] It is associative,   It is commutative,   It has identity element     Each element   has an inverse     This group is isomorphic to the circle group (the complex unit circle   under multiplication), the group of angle measures on the periodic interval   under addition modulo   and the special orthogonal group   of planar Euclidean rotation matrices.

The interval   is a commutative group under   It is associative,   It is commutative,   It has identity element     Each element   has an inverse     This group is isomorphic to the right branch of the split-complex unit hyperbola   under multiplication, to the group of hyperbolic-function arguments on the real line under addition, and to one connected component of the indefinite special orthogonal group   of rotation matrices in the pseudo-Euclidean plane with signature  

  the projectively extended real line punctured at the points   is also a commutative group under  , isomorphic to multiplication on both branches of the split-complex unit hyperbola and to  . This group has two connected components: the interval   and the "exterior interval"  

The projectively extended line restricted to rational numbers   has analogous structure under  : it is isomorphic to the group of rational points on the complex unit circle under multiplication. Likewise   forms structures under   isomorphic to the rational points on the split-complex unit hyperbola under multiplication.[30]

Multiple sum


The tangent sum of several half-tangents is the ratio of sums of alternating elementary symmetric polynomials,[31]


The multiple hyperbolic tangent sum   is the above with each minus sign replaced by a plus sign.

In general, letting   be the mth elementary symmetric polynomial,[32]


Iterated tangent sum

The iterated tangent sum of a half-tangent h is the half-tangent of a multiple angle.
Graphs of the iterated tangent sum as functions. The function y = xk "wraps around" the projective real line k times as x wraps around once.
In terms of angle measures, the iterated tangent sum becomes ordinary multiplication, modulo 2π.

Analogous to integer multiplication   of angle measures or exponentiation   of complex numbers, we can define an iterated tangent sum operation,[33]


using superscript notation rather than an inline symbol such as   because unlike multiplication the operation is neither commutative nor associative but inherits properties from complex exponentiation.



The iterated hyperbolic tangent sum   is the above with each minus replaced by a plus.

For a general integer  , the coefficients of the polynomials in numerator and denominator are alternating binomial coefficients, the quotient[25][35]


The kth roots of these functions, values for which   are the stereographic projection of the roots of unity.

The iterated tangent sum operation satisfies identities analogous to exponentiation of complex numbers:


and likewise for the iterated hyperbolic tangent sum.

The iterated tangent sum can be generalized to an arbitrary (real or complex) "exponent"  


Square root

The "quarter-tangent", tangent-sum analog of angle bisection or complex square root

In particular, an analog of the square root complex number   or the half angle measure   is the "quarter-tangent"   (for  ) satisfying  [36]


The other branch of the square root represents the antipodal rotation,


For the hyperbolic tangent sum, the analog of square root,   satisfying   is


The other branch of the square root represents a point on the other branch of the hyperbola,


Notice that when     is not a real number.

Circular–hyperbolic identities


The three operations     and   can be related to each-other via quotient identities,


and product identities,


The last of these is the tangent-sum analog of the difference of two squares.

Tangent addition series


Analogous to ordinary addition series, it is possible to add infinitely many quantities using the tangent addition operation. We can write


Where such a series converges, it can be written as an ordinary series of arctangents, equal up to some integer multiple of  :


Antipodal, inverse, supplementary, and complementary rotations

Half-tangents of the inverse (orange), antipodal (green), complementary (blue), and supplementary (purple) rotations are rational functions of the half-tangent of the original (red) rotation.

In the figure, the original rotation   and its representations as a point   on the circle and a half-tangent   are drawn in red.



Two rotations   and   are said to be diametrically opposite or antipodal if they are separated by a half-turn: as complex numbers   as angle measures   or as half-tangents  [37]

Given a rotation   the antipodal rotation can be represented as a complex number by   as an angle measure by   or as a half-tangent by   (Green in the figure.)



Two rotations   and   are said to be inverse if they compose to the identity rotation: as complex numbers   as angle measures   or as half-tangents   i.e. inverse half-tangents are additive inverses[38]

Given a rotation   the inverse rotation can be represented as a complex number by   as an angle measure by   or as a half-tangent by   (Orange in the figure.)



Two rotations are said to be supplementary if they compose to make a half turn: as complex numbers,   as angle measures   or as half-tangents   i.e. supplementary half-tangents are reciprocals.[39]

Given a rotation   the supplementary rotation can be represented as a complex number by   as an angle measure by   or as a half-tangent by   (Purple in the figure.)

For half-tangents   and   and their respective supplements   and  




Two rotations are said to be complementary if they compose to make a quarter turn: as complex numbers,   as angle measures   or as half-tangents  

Given a rotation   the complementary rotation can be represented as a complex number by   as an angle measure by   or as a half-tangent by   (Blue in the figure.)

Two rotations are each antipodal to the other's complement if they compose to make a negative quarter turn: as complex numbers,   as angle measures   or as half-tangents  

Given a rotation   the complement of its antipodal rotation can be represented as a complex number by   as an angle measure by   or as a half-tangent by  

Quarter-turned rotations


Let   be the quarter turn represented as the complex number   the angle measure   or the half-tangent  

Given a rotation   the supplement of its complement is the quarter-turned rotation   represented as complex number by   as an angle measure by   or as a half-tangent by  

The complement of its supplement is the quarter-turned rotation   represented as complex number by   as an angle measure by   or as a half-tangent by  

Circular distances

Some quantities representing separation between points on a circle: arc, angular distance, or intrinsic distance (red); chord or extrinsic distance (purple); versed sine or normal distance (green); half-tangent or stereographic distance (blue); and sine or orthographic distance (orange).
Quantities representing separation between points on a circle graphed against the angle measure up to a quarter turn (π/2 or 90°), and normalized to the same range to better highlight the shapes of the graphs.

Between two rotations or two points on a circle, there are several related concepts of distance or separation. In the following,     and likewise for      

Intrinsic distance


The distance intrinsic to the circle is proportional to arc length and is called angular distance, circular distance, or angle measure. For points represented as angle measures this is the ordinary difference.[40] For complex numbers it is the absolute value of the argument of the quotient. For half-tangents this is the absolute value of twice the arctangent of the stereographic difference. Here we measure angle in radians.


where   is a rounding modulo operation.

Stereographic distance


The half-tangent or stereographic distance between two points on the circle is proportional to the distance after the circle has been stereographically projected through the point antipodal to one of them. This can also be thought of as the half-tangent of one point after the circle has been rotated so the other is at the origin.


This distance function is not a metric under the conventional definition because it does not satisfy the triangle inequality under addition (making it a semimetric). However, any three points do satisfy a triangle inequality under tangent sum,


with equality whenever   lies on the shorter arc between   and  

Chordal distance


The chordal distance between two rotations or points on the circle is proportional to the length of a chord, the extrinsic Euclidean distance when the circle is embedded in the Euclidean plane (or complex plane). Here we normalize these distances to a circle of unit diameter (sometimes chordal distances are doubled, representing distances for a unit-radius circle).[41]


Also see § Half-angle identities below.

Normal distance


The normal distance between two points on the circle, historically called the versed sine (versine) and corresponding to the sagitta [arrow] of twice the arc, is the distance between the projections of the two points onto the diameter through one of them. Here we normalize it to a unit-diameter circle (haversine).


Relation between distances




Differential geometry

Rays with equally spaced inscribed angles through a pole of the circle intersect the equatorial line with nonuniform density, = 2 dh / (1 + h2).

The projectively extended real line is a model for the circle under the differential relation


where   is angle measure on the circle and  [42]

To differentiate an arbitrary function of half-tangent   uniformly with respect to the circle,


To integrate an arbitrary function of half-tangent   uniformly with respect to the circle,


In particular, the derivative of the identity function   is


and its antiderivative is


where   is the natural logarithm.

The signed angle measure (along the shortest arc) between two half-tangents   and   is the integral of the constant function  ,


The circular distance between two points on the circle is thus the (unsigned)


Cayley transform


The Cayley transform   is the half-tangent analog of the exponential function  :[43]


When   is a real-valued circular half-tangent, the transform   is a quarter-turn rotation. The transform of   is   a unit-magnitude complex number. The transform   cyclically permutes


The transform   fixes the imaginary unit:    

The reciprocal transform   applied to half-tangents takes the complement,


This is an involution,  , exchanging


with fixed points   and  

The inverse transform   (analogous to the natural logarithm) and its reciprocal are


  permutes   while its reciprocal reflects    

Analogous to the exponential function, the transform   converts tangent addition of the arguments to multiplication. Unlike the exponential function,   also converts multiplication of the arguments to tangent addition.


These identities above also hold if   is replaced by  

Similar identities can be written in terms of the tangent addition operations, without explicitly naming  :

Quarter-turned and complement product identities


From a half-tangent   the complement half-tangent   and quarter-turned half-tangent   appear often.[44] The two are supplements,


The product (or quotient) of quarter-turned or complement half-tangents can be rewritten as a quarter-turned or complement hyperbolic tangent sum (or difference):[45]


The above identity can be applied recursively to a quotient of arbitrary factors,


The complement of a product or quotient can be factored as the hyperbolic tangent sum or difference of complements:[46]


This identity can also be applied recursively to a quotient of arbitrary factors,


In particular, if the half-tangents are repeated this turns the complement of a power into an iterated hyperbolic sum of complements,


Circular functions

The circular functions become rational functions in terms of the half-tangent.

The circular functions (a.k.a. trigonometric functions) of angle measure   can alternately be written as rational functions of the half-tangent   Hardy (2015) calls these functions the stereographic sine, stereographic cosine, and stereographic tangent, which we will denote     and   respectively,[47] these are:[48]


The tangent and sine of a half-tangent are also respectively its circular and hyperbolic tangent squares,


The unit complex number   is also a rational function of  


In terms of   the sine and cosine are related to the Joukowsky transform:[49]


Less common circular functions chord (crd), versine (vers), vercosine (vercos), and exsecant (exsec) can also be written in terms of the half-tangent:


Derivatives and antiderivatives


Just as for the circular functions,


where  ; see § Differential geometry above.



For each trigonometric identity relating the circular functions of angle measure, an analogous identity relates these stereographic circular functions of half-tangent.

Pythagorean identity


The Pythagorean identity does not depend on the parametrization of the circle,




As with sine and cosine, the function   is odd while   is even so taking the inverse half-tangent ( ) flips the sign of   but not  , while taking the supplementary half-tangent ( ) flips the sign of   but not  , and taking the complementary half-tangent ( ) swaps   and  


A half-tangent's complement is the supplement of the quarter-turned half-tangent, and also its negatively quarter-turned supplement,


Quarter and half turns


Shifts via the tangent sum operation correspond to shifts of sine and cosine via angle addition,


The tangent and secant are also related to the complement and quarter-turned half-tangents,[50]


Combining both sides above,


Tangent sum identities


Analogous to trigonometric angle sum identities,[51]


Taking sines or cosines of tangent sums:


Product identities


By rearranging the tangent sum identities above, we obtain identities for the product of sines and cosines:[52]


Combining these, the products or quotients of tangents are


The sines and tangents of a product or quotient are


The cosecants and cotangents of products therefore satisfy


and the products of cosecants and cotangents satisfy


The products or quotients of cosines can be written as shifted hyperbolic tangent sums or differences of squares. See § Quarter-turned and complement product identities above.


These identities extend naturally to the product or quotient of arbitrary cosines,


The cosine of a product or quotient can be separated as a hyperbolic tangent sum or difference of cosines[53]


Inverse functions


The inverse stereographic circular functions (analogous to arcsine, arccosine, arctangent) taking a sine  , cosine  , or tangent   to a half-tangent   are


The other branch of each square root also returns a half-tangent   satisfying     or  :


The inverse of   a modified Cayley transform analogous to the natural logarithm taking a unit complex number to a half-tangent times the imaginary unit, is


Multiple-angle identities


The half-tangent analogs of circular functions of multiple angles are the functions


The first few are:[54]


or in general,


Half-angle identities

Half-angle circular functions in terms of the half-tangent

The stereographic circular functions of the "quarter-tangent"   (see § Square root above) are:[55][56]


The sine of a half-angle   is noteworthy as the chord length in a unit-diameter circle, see § Chordal distance above.

Taking the supplement (reciprocal) of the argument exchanges half-angle sine with half-angle cosine:


The stereographic circular functions can be described in terms of half-angle functions:


Sines and cosines of half-angle sums and differences are found in spherical trigonometry, and can be translated to half-tangent form using the identities


For three arguments (also found in spherical trigonometry),


For any number of arguments,[57]


where   and   is the mth elementary symmetric polynomial. The denominators above come from a product of cosines:


Ptolemy's theorem that the sum of products of lengths of opposite sides of a convex cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the product of the lengths of the diagonals can be rewritten as an algebraic relationship of four arbitrary half-tangents representing the vertices:[58]


This can be proven by expanding it in terms of the previous identities:


After expanding the products of binomials in the numerator, every term cancels.

Stereographic polynomials


Analogous to Laurent polynomials of unit-magnitude complex numbers or trigonometric polynomials of angle measures, stereographic polynomials can be defined for half-tangents. These are rational functions of the form   where   is a polynomial of degree at most  .

If the polynomial in the numerator is   with coefficients   then the stereographic polynomial can be written in terms of powers of half-angle sines and cosines as:



As a complex function, a stereographic polynomial has all of its poles at   (and none at  ), compared to a Laurent polynomial with poles at   or an ordinary polynomial with poles only at  

Just as a trigonometric polynomial   can be written in terms of a basis of cosines and sines or complex exponentials of multiple angles,


or under the change of variables   the resulting Laurent polynomial   can be broken into even and odd parts or written in monomial basis,


under the change of variables   this is the stereographic polynomial   and can be written in either of the bases,


In all three of the corresponding polynomials above, the coefficients     and   are the same.

Hyperbolic functions


The hyperbolic functions of argument   can alternately be written as rational functions of the hyperbolic half-tangent   As functions of   these turn out to be equivalent to circular functions we had above, but with tangent and sine exchanged. We will continue to use the letters     and   to refer to the circular functions of a half-tangent.


The circular angle measure   is the gudermannian of the hyperbolic angle measure   with common half-tangent   which can be defined by


The hyperbolic tangent and sine of a half-tangent are also respectively its hyperbolic and circular tangent squares,


There are two common geometric interpretations of a hyperbolic angle measure   The first is as the logarithm of a multiplicative scaling by   which can be combined using complex numbers with a circular rotation   to scale and rotate complex numbers or vectors in the Euclidean plane by multiplication.

Under this interpretation, hyperbolic functions are the even and odd parts of the exponential function of a real (or perhaps complex) argument,


The second is as the logarithm of a hyperbolic rotation (Lorentz boost) in pseudo-Euclidean space using split-complex numbers of the form   with an imaginary unit   analogous to a circular rotation in Euclidean space expressed via the complex number   with imaginary unit  

Under this interpretation, hyperbolic functions are the even and odd parts of the exponential function of a split-complex valued argument, either pure-imaginary or general,[59]


Compare to the circular functions:


When using the hyperbolic half-tangent   instead of the hyperbolic angle measure   it is possible to represent points on both branches of the unit hyperbola   instead of only the right branch.

Möbius transformations


For any four half-tangents   their cross-ratio is the quantity,


When one of the half-tangents is the half-turn   this remains well defined, reducing to e.g.


This quantity is the same between the corresponding points   on the complex unit circle,


This gives another way to express the definition of the map   as a cross ratio:


Any transformation   of the projectively extended real line which preserve the cross-ratio,


is called a linear fractional transformation or Möbius transformation, is a homography, and is an element of the projective special linear group  . It is a function of the form


and can be written as the matrix


where   and   Any uniform scaling of   represents the same transformation. Composition of Möbius transformations corresponds to matrix multiplication.

The general transformation can have zero, one, or two (real) fixed points, which can be found by solving


When the real line is considered as the set of ideal points of the hyperbolic plane (cf. Poincaré half-plane model), the group of Möbius transformations with real coefficients which preserve orientation ( ) is isomorphic to the group of isometries of a the hyperbolic plane. The orientation-reversing transformations ( ) correspond to isometries of paired hyperbolic planes which exchange their points (in the half-plane model, exchanging upper and lower half-planes; in the hyperboloid model exchanging two sheets of the hyperboloid).

Types of transformations


The only homographies of half-tangents preserving distance on the circle and orientation are rotations   using the tangent addition operation with one fixed argument. Rotations have no fixed points, except for the zero rotation which fixes every point. Three basic rotations are the the half-turn   and the quarter turns   and  


Also preserving distance but reversing orientation are the reflections   using the tangent subtraction operation with one fixed argument. Reflections fix a pair of antipodal points   and   and exchange   The most basic reflections are   with   and   with   The reflections   and   exchange the real and imaginary axes when transplanted to the complex unit circle.


Another kind of transformation is the origin-centered dilation   with fixed points   and   More generally a dilation can be centered at some other point, so that   with antipodal fixed points   and   When   these transformations can be interpreted as the apparent movement of the "celestial circle" in a 2 + 1-dimensional spacetime when the observer changes relativistic velocity, a lorentz boost.[60]


The only homographies of hyperbolic half-tangents preserving hyperbolic distance are hyperbolic rotations using the hyperbolic tangent addition operation and reflections using the hyperbolic subtraction operation with one fixed argument. Any hyperbolic rotation fixes   and  , while a hyperbolic reflection exchanges them.


When   is treated as a circular half-tangent,   is a dilation by   around the equatorial point   or by   around  


This leads to the identities from § Quarter-turned and complement product identities above.

Planar trigonometry

A general Euclidean triangle with vertices A, B, & C. We let α, β, & γ be the half-tangents of its corresponding internal angles and a, b, & c be the lengths of the opposite sides. The three external angles compose to a full turn.

Planar trigonometry (the metrical relations between angles and sides of a triangle in the Euclidean plane) is conventionally written down in terms of side lengths symbolized by   and angle measures (in degrees or radians) symbolized by   following the convention established by Euler, who built on the ancient tradition of labeling the vertices   When set up this way, several conventional trigonometry identities involve the half-tangents   alongside the trigonometric sines, cosines, and tangents of the angles.

Occasionally, however, the half-tangent of each angle is instead treated as the basic quantity and directly given a symbol, whereupon the transcendental trigonometric functions of angle measure become rational functions of half-tangent, and all of the traditional trigonometric identities can be written as strictly rational relationships. This is the approach we will adopt here:

Let     and   be the lengths of the sides of a planar triangle. Let the respective (interior) angles opposite each side have half-tangents     and   Then     and   are their supplements, the respective exterior-angle half-tangents.

Relations among angles


In any triangle, the interior angle measures sum to a half turn or equivalently the exterior angle measures sum to a full turn. In terms of half-tangents this relation can be written as any of,


Fully expanded in terms of ordinary addition and multiplication,


Expressed in terms of angle measure, these identities are sometimes called the "triple tangent identity" or "triple cotangent identity".

Relations between sides and angles


Angle   can be related to the side lengths by the equivalent equations below, the first of which is a simple modification of the law of cotangents and the last of which is the law of cosines written in terms of half-tangents, where   is the stereographic cosine.[61]


and likewise for   and   (The squares on the left hand side arise because two different triangle shapes can be found with the given side lengths, with angular half-tangents (or angle measures) of opposite signs   and   indicating anticlockwise and clockwise turns, respectively. These two triangles are congruent under reflection.)

The half-tangent expressions of Mollweide's formulas (first published by Isaac Newton in 1707) are corollaries,[62]


and likewise for other pairs of angles. Taking the quotient of these to eliminate   results in the law of tangents,[63]


The left side of the law of tangents can be written in terms of   the stereographic sine (see § Circular functions › Tangent sum identities above),


This is the law of sines,


where the common ratio   is the diameter of the circumcircle of the triangle.

Unlike in spherical and hyperbolic geometry, in Euclidean geometry the dual of the law of cosines degenerates: in the infinitessimal limit a squared side of a spherical triangle vanishes   and   So the result is merely a rearrangement of the angle relationship   or   demonstrating the tangent-sum identity for stereographic cosine,


Compare that to § Relations between dihedral and central angles below about the spherical versions.

But we can salvage the rational expression for one side in terms of the three angles by dividing by the spherical excess. In the infinitesimal limit the ratio   of squared side to excess of a spherical triangle degenerates to the ratio of squared side to twice the area of a planar triangle, so for notational consistency we will use the symbol   to mean twice the area of a planar triangle (see § Triangle area below):


As corollaries,[64]


and likewise for other pairs of sides. In the latter equation, the areas cancel and the ratio of stereographic side lengths does not vanish in the planar limit, and we are left with a proper dual to one of Mollweide's formulas – one of Napier's analogies transplanted directly to the plane. However, it is more commonly written as


an expression of the law of sines.

Triangle area


Let   be twice the (signed) area of the triangle; for a triangle with base   and altitude  ,  [65]

In terms of two sides and the included angle, the area is


In terms of the three sides, Heron's formula is[66]


As corollaries,


and likewise for   and   Furthermore,[67]


Triangles where       and   are all rational numbers are called Heronian triangles; in such triangles, the half-tangents     and   are also rational numbers.

Circumcircle, incircle, and excircles


The diameter   of the triangle's circumscribed circle (circumcircle) is[68]


As a corollary, if the triangle is scaled so that the diameter of the circumcircle is   then twice the area is the product of the sines.[69] For a general triangle,


The diameter   of the triangle's inscribed circle (incircle) is[70]


and likewise for   and  

The diameter   of the triangle's escribed circle (excircle) touching side   is


and likewise for the excircles touching sides   and  .

As a corollary,




An altitude   is the signed distance from the "base" side   to the opposite vertex   It can be computed by dividing the double area   by the base side, among other ways,


and likewise for   and  

Applying the relation between   and the three sides,


The sum of the reciprocal altitudes is the reciprocal inradius (the inradius is half the diameter of the incircle),


Right triangles


The triangle is called a right triangle when one angle   is a right angle. The side   is called the hypotenuse and the other two sides are called legs.

Twice the area of the triangle,   is the product of the legs,


The other two angles are complements,   and can be computed in terms of the sides as[71]


For the right angle,   and   while for the other two angles sines and cosines are the side ratios,


The Pythagorean identity is obtained from the law of cosines,


When all three sides are integers, the triangle is called a Pythagorean triangle. For such a triangle, the half-tangents   and   are rational numbers. Conversely, whenever   and   or   is rational the triangle can be uniformly scaled into a Pythagorean triangle.

Spherical trigonometry


Spherical trigonometry (the metrical relations between dihedral angles and central angles of a spherical triangle) can also be described in terms of half-tangents instead of angle measures. Let     and   be the half-tangents of the central angles subtending sides of a spherical triangle (the "sides"). Let the (interior) dihedral angles at the vertices opposite each side have respective half-tangents     and   (the "interior angles"). Then     and   are their supplements, the respective exterior-dihedral-angle half-tangents (the "exterior angles").[72]

Relation between dihedral angles and spherical excess


In the Euclidean plane, the three interior angles of a triangle always compose to a half turn, but on a sphere the composition of the three interior dihedral angles of a triangle always exceeds a half turn, by an angular quantity called the triangle's spherical excess. For a sphere of unit radius, the measure of a triangle's spherical excess (also called solid angle) is equal to the spherical surface area enclosed by the triangle (this identity is Girard's theorem).[73]

Here, let   be the half-tangent of the triangle's spherical excess.


The three exterior angles of a spherical triangle and the excess   sum to a full turn,


Rearranging the above, the excess can be written in terms of angles as


Relations between dihedral and central angles


The spherical law of cosines for angles relates one dihedral angle ("angle")   to the three central angles ("sides"). In terms of half-tangents,


where   is the stereographic cosine and   is the stereographic sine. When expanded as a rational equation then simplified this is


and likewise for   and   In the small-triangle limit with  , this reduces to the planar law of cosines.

As corollaries,[74]


and likewise for other pairs of angles. The two identities above on the right are the half-tangent expressions for two of Napier's analogies (the spherical analog of Mollweide's formulas for a planar triangle). Taking their quotient to eliminate   results in the spherical law of tangents,


The two sides of the law of tangents can be written in terms of sines,


This simplifies to the spherical law of sines,


The spherical law of cosines for sides relates one side   to the three angles. In terms of half-tangents,


When expanded as a rational equation then simplified this is


and likewise for   and  

As corollaries,[75]


and likewise for other pairs of sides. The two above on the right are the rest of Napier's analogies.

Combining the two laws of cosines we obtain four more corollaries,


One last set of relations between all six parts:[76]


This can alternately be rewritten in any of sixteen total ways because:


Spherical excess


As mentioned previously, the half-tangent   of spherical excess can be described in terms of angles,


It can also be described in terms of two sides and their included angle,[77]


L'Huilier's formula is somewhat similar to Heron's formula, and describes the quarter-tangent of spherical excess in terms of the quarter-tangents of the three sides. To use the notation of this article,


Another way to write this relationship is Cagnoli's formula,


A third way, expressing the half-tangent of spherical excess in terms of the cosines of the three sides, was known to Euler and Lagrange in the 1770s.[78] After being expanded in half-tangents and simplified, this is quite similar to the planar Heron's formula, to which it reduces in the small-triangle limit:


For clarity in the following, define   Then as corollaries,


and likewise for   and  . Furthermore,


Spherical triangles where the half-tangents of central angles       and the half-tangent of excess   are all rational numbers are called Heronian spherical triangles.[79] (In such triangles, all three dihedral angle half-tangents     and   are also rational numbers.)

Circumscribed and inscribed small circles


A small circle circumscribed about a spherical triangle (the circumcircle) is the small circle passing through all three vertices of the triangle. When the sphere is embedded in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, this is the intersection of the sphere and the plane passing through the three vertices. Traditional spherical trigonometry books give formulas for the tangent of the central angle radius of this circle, but this is the half-tangent of the central angle diameter of the circle, which we will denote  . (The half-tangent of the radius is  .)

For clarity, define


Then the half-tangent   of the diameter of the circumcircle is[80]


A small circle inscribed in a spherical triangle (the incircle) is the small circle tangent to all three sides (great-circle arcs passing through the vertices). Again, traditional spherical trigonometry sources give formulas for the tangent of the incircle's radius, equal to the half-tangent of its diameter which we will call  


and likewise for   and  

The half-tangent of the diameter   of the triangle's escribed circle (excircle) touching side   is[81]


and likewise for the excircles touching sides   and  .

As a corollary,


Right-angled triangles


For a spherical triangle with   a right angle, the half-tangent of spherical excess (analogous to the area of a planar triangle) is[82]


The spherical Pythagorean identity is the law of cosines for a right-angled triangle, conventionally formulated as   In terms of half-tangents it appears more similar planar Pythagorean identity:


Given any pair of other data, all of the sides and angles can be determined by the identities,[83]


and likewise exchanging  

In practical computation, when one or both legs of the triangle is very small, taking cosines can result in loss of significance. It can improve precision to take the complement of each side ( ) and then algebraically manipulate to obtain,[83]


Inversive and Laguerre geometry


By the intersecting secants theorem and intersecting chords theorem from Euclid's Elements, given a point and a circle in the Euclidean plane, for any line through the point and intersecting the circle, the product of the segment length from the point to the two intersections of the line with the circle is a constant. Jakob Steiner called this value the power of the point with respect to the circle, and its study led to the concept of the radical axis of two circles and the radical center of three circles.[84] An inversion of the plane with respect to a circle exchanges points in the plane such that the product of their distances to a common center is a given constant. More generally the group of Möbius transformations is generated by such circle inversions.

Edmond Laguerre found a dual concept: given a directed line and a directed circle in the Euclidean plane, for any point on the line, the product of the half-tangents of the angles between the given line and the two tangent lines to the circle passing through the point is a constant, the power of the line with respect to the circle. What Laguerre called a transformation by reciprocal semi-lines exchanges directed lines which intersect along a central axis, the product of whose respective half-tangents with that axis is a given constant.[85][86]

The spherical analog of the intersecting secants and chords theorems replaces planar distances with stereographic distances (half-tangents of central angles), and was proven by Anders Lexell in 1786.[87] Thus, analogously to the Euclidean case, the power of a point on the sphere with respect to a small circle is the product of the stereographic distances from the point to the two intersections of the circle and any great circle through the point which intersects the circle.[88] An inversion of the sphere with respect to a small circle exchanges points such that the product of their stereographic distances is a given constant. The power of a directed great circle with respect to a directed small circle is the product of of the half-tangents of the angles between the given great circle and the two great-circle tangents to the small circle passing through any point along the line.[88] A transformation by reciprocal directed great circles exchanges directed great circles which intersect along a central axis, the product of whose respective half-tangents with that axis is a given constant.

  • Jeffery, H.M. (1887). "On the Converse of Stereographic Projection and on Contangential and Coaxal Spherical Circles". Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 17: 379–409. doi:10.1112/plms/s1-17.1.379.

Cross ratio:

Euclidean plane isometries


Conic sections

An ellipse or hyperbola is often defined as the locus of points with constant sum (resp. difference) of distances from the two foci. Alternatively, it is the locus of points with the same product (resp. ratio) of half-tangents at the foci.

Given two fixed points   in the Euclidean plane, an ellipse with foci   is commonly defined to be a locus of points   such that the sum   of the distances   and   is some constant   Likewise, one branch of a hyperbola with foci   is commonly defined to be a locus of points   such that the difference of distances   is some other constant  ; the other branch of the hyperbola is the locus of points with difference  

If we construct the triangle  , then due to Mollweide's formula (see § Relations between sides and angles for the half-tangent expression), this sum or difference of side lengths is a function of the product or quotient of half-tangents of the opposite angles. Thus we can instead characterize an ellipse as the locus of points such that the product   of half-tangents of angles   and   is a constant  . Likewise, one branch of a hyperbola is the locus of points such that the quotient   is a constant  ; the other branch is the locus of points with quotient  [89][90]

Related feature of confocal parabolas:

The situation is analogous for conics on the sphere and hyperbolic plane,[90] except that distances on the Euclidean plane sum using   stereographic distances on the sphere sum using   and stereographic distances on the hyperbolic plane sum using   (See § Relations between dihedral and central angles above.)

On the sphere and the hyperbolic plane, the dual statement is closely related: if   are two fixed focal geodesics, then the envelopes of the geodesics   forming triangles (trilaterals)   with constant product   or quotient   (where   is the stereographic length of the side along geodesic   and   is the stereographic length of the side along geodesic  ) are confocal dual conics. On the Euclidean plane the metrical duality between points and lines is less exact. One of the duals results in the tangent–asymptotes triangle of a hyperbola: given two intersecting lines   in the plane, any hyperbola with those lines as its asymptotes is the envelope of tangent lines   such that the triangle formed by lines   has constant area (equivalently,   is constant, where   is the length of the side along geodesic   and   is the length of the side along geodesic  ). The envelopes of lines   forming triangles with   constant is a degenerate conic: a pair of parallel lines.[90]

Higher-dimensional stereographic projections


From unit quaternions


Half-tangent function


The half-tangent function is the circular function   the tangent of half of the argument.

Formal definition


The half-tangent function can be formally defined as the ratio of the power series for   and   both of which converge throughout the complex plane.


In terms of the complex exponential function, it can be defined as


Alternately, it can be defined for the interval   as the solution to an initial value problem[91]


and then analytically continued throughout the complex plane.

Relation to other circular functions


For real-valued   the half-tangent can be written in terms of other circular functions in a wide variety of ways,


where sgn is the sign function. These identities can all be proven by making the substitutions       and then simplifying using elementary algebra.

Supplement and complement half-tangent functions

Graph of the half-tangent function and its complement and supplement.
The stereographic projections of a unit-magnitude complex number from four cardinal points.

The half-tangent of the supplement and/or complement of angle measure are also the stereographic projections of the complex unit circle from one of the four cardinal points   onto the opposite axis. If   and  


The logarithm of the last of these is the inverse Gudermannian function,   When applied to the latitude this is the vertical coordinate of the Mercator projection, historically called the meridional part. (See § Geodesy and cartography below.)



The half-tangent functions have the power series


valid for   and   respectively, where   are the reduced tangent numbers   (OEISA002105),   are the even Bernoulli numbers   (even terms of OEISA164555 / OEISA027642), and   are the Euler zigzag numbers   (OEISA000111).

Inverse half-tangent function


The inverse half-tangent function   is the stereographic analog of a sawtooth wave on the periodic interval or the argument function   of a unit-magnitude complex number. It is discontinuous at  


It can be written explicitly in terms of the natural logarithm as


Via repeated square root


The oldest and conceptually simplest way to approximate angle measure   as a function of half-tangent   is by repeated half-tangent square roots, used by Archimedes in Measurement of a Circle (ca. 250 BCE) to approximate the circumference a circle using the perimeter of a regular 96-gon.[92]




This is a nearly equivalent process to finding the argument of the unit-magnitude complex number   by repeatedly taking the ordinary square root:[93]


Inverse series


The Taylor series of   converges for  


This is twice Gregory's series for the inverse tangent, discovered by Mādhava of Sangamagrāma or his followers in the 14th–15th century, and independently discovered by James Gregory in 1671 and Gottfried Leibniz in 1673.[94]

Isaac Newton accelerated the convergence of this series in 1684 (in an unpublished work; others independently discovered the result and it was later popularized by Leonhard Euler's 1755 textbook; Euler wrote two proofs in 1779), yielding a series converging for  [95]


where   is the half-angle stereographic sine,   is the half-angle stereographic cosine (see § Circular functions › Half-angle identities above), and   is the hypergeometric function.[96] The partial sums of this series,


are the odd stereographic polynomials (see § Stereographic polynomials above) matching the derivatives of the function   at the origin. In other words, this is the stereographic analog of the Taylor series. Because the function is discontinuous at   while each partial sum is a smooth function with value   there, the series converges slowly for large values of  

Another series, also found in Euler (1755), is the Fourier series for a sawtooth wave, which when written as a stereographic series also converges for  [97]


The partial sums of this series oscillate about   and suffer from the Gibbs phenomenon near  [98]

Because these two series converge to the same function (including at the discontinuity   where they both converge to  ), they are the same.[99] (See Convergence of Fourier series.) So the coefficients   of the nth partial sum of Newton's series – when written as   in the standard basis – converge to the coefficients of the stereographic series:  

Continued fraction


A generalized continued fraction for   is


converging for all   in the complex plane except on the imaginary axis from   to   The convergents of this continued fraction are the Padé approximants,[100]




Geodesy, cartography, and navigation


Beyond its occurrence in spherical geometry, the half-tangent, as the stereographic projection of the circle, appears in conformal map projections such as the Mercator projection. ....

Evaluation of trigonometric integrals

  • Jeffrey, D. J. (1997). Rectifying Transformations for the Integration of Rational Trigonometric Functions. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 24(5), 563–573. doi:10.1006/jsco.1997.0152

Trigonometric Lagrange interpolation


Number theory

  • Michael J. Beeson (1992) Triangles with Vertices on Lattice Points. American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 99, No. 3, pp. 243-252
  • MacLeod, Allan. "Elliptic curves in recreational number theory." arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.03430 (2016).

Approximations of π


Mathematicians of the 17th–18th century were interested in computing specific values of the arctangent function (see § Half-tangent function › Inverse series above) to compute approximations of π. In 1706 John Machin discovered the identities (using the notation of this article)[101]


the last of which he used, in the form   to compute   to 100 decimal digits. Other mathematicians developed similar identities, and they are now sometimes called Machin-like formulas.[26][102][103]

Sometimes the notation   is used for   so the relations above can be written:[104]


Alternately using the identities   (see § Supplements above) and  , they can be algebraically manipulated into reciprocal forms:


Euler investigated infinite sums of arctangents in the mid 18th century, developing series such as:[105]


Derrick Lehmer discovered in 1936 that the series of arctangents of reciprocals of odd-index Fibonacci numbers starting from the third converges to  ,[106]


Taking the even Fibonacci numbers instead we have[107]


These series telescope because reciprocals of consecutive Fibonacci numbers satisfy a variant of Cassini's identity


We can also include the zeroth term of Lehmer's series or extend it in the other direction (it also telescopes),[108]


Approximations of log k


The Taylor series for the natural logarithm   is the Mercator series, like Gregory's series for arctangent a slowly converging alternating series,


But this is impractically slow for computing   and does not converge at all for larger values. The natural logarithm can be rewritten as an inverse hyperbolic half-tangent because


(see § Cayley transform above).

It is thus possible to compute     etc. using the Taylor series for inverse hyperbolic half-tangent,


However, this series still converges slowly unless the argument is small. Similar to the approximations of π above, these fractions can be reduced by Machin-like formulas with hyperbolic tangent addition, such as:[109]


So for example log 2 can be computed as the sum of three hyperbolic arctangents with small arguments, the series for which converge much more quickly:


As in the circular case these formulas can be algebraically manipulated using the identities   and   into reciprocal forms:


Directional statistics


Analog circuit design

  • Luck, David G.C. (1949). "Properties of some wide-band phase-splitting networks". Proceedings of the IRE. 37 (2): 147–151. doi:10.1109/JRPROC.1949.230938.
  • Richards, P. I. (1948). Resistor-Transmission-Line Circuits. Proceedings of the IRE, 36(2), 217–220. doi:10.1109/jrproc.1948.233274

Kinematics of linkages



  • Coutsias, Evangelos A.; Seok, Chaok; Wester, Michael J.; Dill, Ken A. (2006). "Resultants and loop closure". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 106 (1): 176–189.
  • Hassan, Mosavverul; Coutsias, Evangelos A. (2021). "Protein secondary structure motifs: A kinematic construction". Journal of Computational Chemistry. 42 (5): 271–292.



Keplerian orbits


The relation between the half-tangent of true anomaly   and the half-tangent of eccentric anomaly   can be written in terms of the eccentricity   In the notation of this article, with   the stereographic cosine,[110]


or equivalently,






Geodesy and cartography



  1. ^ Heather, John Fry (1856). A treatise on mathematical instruments (3rd ed.). J. Weale. plate 1, frontispiece.
  2. ^ One notable exception is semi-tangens, translated back from English:
    Wilson, John (1718). Principia trigonometriæ, Succinctè demonstrata. Pieter van der Aa. p. 49.
  3. ^ Examples:
    Geissler, Johann Gottlieb (1800). Instrumente und Kunstwerke für Liebhaber und Künstler [Instruments and artworks for enthusiasts and artists] (in German). Vol. 11. Johann David Schöps. p. 161.
    Van Swinden, Jean Henri; Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob (1834). J.H. van Swinden's Elemente der Geometrie [J.H. van Swinden's Elements of Geometry] (in German). Friedrich Frommann. p. 277, with figures, table V.
    Kleyer, Adolph (1886). Lehrbuch der Goniometrie (Winkelmessungslehre) [Textbook of goniometry (angle measurement theory)] (in German). Julius Maier. p. 218.
  4. ^ Examples:
    Bonne, Rigobert; Desmarest, Nicolas (1787). "Analyse des cartes de cet atlas. Art. IX, Les mappemondes, depuis le No. 20 jusqu'au No. 26". Atlas encyclopédique [Encyclopedic Atlas] (in French). Vol. 2. p. 107.
    Kraentzel, Fernand (1914). "Calcul d'une Projection stéréographique horizontale ayant Bruxelles comme centre" [Calculation of a horizontal stereographic projection having Brussels as the center]. Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge de Géographie (in French). 38: 246–253.
  5. ^ Williams, Michael R.; Tomash, Erwin (2003). "The sector: its history, scales, and uses". IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. 25 (1): 34–47. doi:10.1109/MAHC.2003.1179877.
  6. ^ Porter, Noah, ed. (1895). Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language. Merriam. p. 1309. Sem′i-tangent (-tǎn′jent), n. (Geom.) The tangent of half an arc.
    Bradley, Henry, ed. (1914). A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (Oxford English Dictionary). Vol. 8, pt. 2: S–SH. Oxford University Press. p. 436. semi-tangent, the tangent of half an arc.
  7. ^ Examples:
    Newton, John (1658). Trigonometria Britannica. Vol. 1. R. & W. Leybourn. p. 7.
    Simpson, Thomas (1740). "To determine the Length of a Degree of the Meridian [...]". Essays on Several Curious and Useful Subjects, In Speculative and Mix'd Mathematicks. H. Woodfall, jun. p. 43.
    Wallace, W. (1826). "X. Investigation of Formulae, for finding the Logarithms of Trigonometrical Quantities from one another". Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 10 (01): 148–167. doi:10.1017/s0080456800024224.
    Hering, Carl (1918). "A surface having only a single side" (PDF). Journal of the Franklin Institute. 186 (2): 233–241. doi:10.1016/S0016-0032(18)90223-1.
    Luck, David G.C. (1949). "Properties of some wide-band phase-splitting networks". Proceedings of the IRE. 37 (2): 147–151. doi:10.1109/JRPROC.1949.230938.
    Williams, C. M. (1978). "An efficient algorithm for the piecewise linear approximation of planar curves". Computer Graphics and Image Processing. 8 (2): 286–293. doi:10.1016/0146-664x(78)90055-2.
    He, Zeyuan; Guest, Simon D. (2020). "On rigid origami II: quadrilateral creased papers". Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 476 (2237): 20200020. doi:10.1098/rspa.2020.0020.
  8. ^ Example: Hill, James M. (2022). Mathematics of Particle-Wave Mechanical Systems. Springer. p. 175. [...]   is used as a working variable for the half-tangent substitution.
  9. ^ This substitution was used by Leonhard Euler to evaluate the integral   in his 1768 integral calculus textbook, was described as a general method by Adrien-Marie Legendre in 1817, and was in wide use by the middle of the 19th century. In 1966, William Eberlein misattributed it to Karl Weierstrass (1815–1897); two decades later, James Stewart did the same in his popular calculus textbook. Later authors, citing Stewart, have sometimes referred to this as the Weierstrass substitution.
    Euler, Leonhard (1768). "§ Problema 29" (PDF). Institutiones calculi integralis [Foundations of Integral Calculus] (in Latin). Vol. I. Impensis Academiae Imperialis Scientiarum. pp. 148–150. E342, Translation by Ian Bruce.
    Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1817). Exercices de calcul intégral [Exercises in integral calculus] (in French). Vol. 2. Courcier. p. 245–246.
    Eberlein, William Frederick (1966). "The Circular Function(s)". Mathematics Magazine. 39 (4): 197–201. doi:10.1080/0025570X.1966.11975715. JSTOR 2688079. (Equations (3) [ ], (4) [ ], (5) [ ] are, of course, the familiar half-angle substitutions introduced by Weierstrass to integrate rational functions of sine, cosine.)
    Stewart, James (1987). "§7.5 Rationalizing substitutions". Calculus. Brooks/Cole. p. 431. ISBN 9780534066901. The German mathematician Karl Weierstrass (1815–1897) noticed that the substitution t = tan(x/2) will convert any rational function of sin x and cos x into an ordinary rational function.
    Jeffrey, David J.; Rich, Albert D. (1994). "The evaluation of trigonometric integrals avoiding spurious discontinuities". Transactions on Mathematical Software. 20 (1): 124–135. doi:10.1145/174603.174409. One standard substitution used by all systems is   [...] first suggested by Weierstrass [Stewart 1989].
    Merlet, Jean-Pierre (2004). "A Note on the History of Trigonometric Functions" (PDF). In Ceccarelli, Marco (ed.). International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms. Kluwer. pp. 195–200. doi:10.1007/1-4020-2204-2_16. ISBN 978-1-4020-2203-6. All the authors seem to agree that this substitution was first used by Weierstrass (1815-1897) and is often called Weierstrass substitution [or] Weierstrass t-substitution [Stewart 94].
    Weisstein, Eric W. (2011). "Weierstrass Substitution". MathWorld. Retrieved 2020-04-01.
  10. ^ Examples:
    Piskunov, Nikolai (1969). Differential and Integral Calculus. Mir. p. 379.
    Zaitsev, V. V.; Ryzhkov, V. V.; Skanavi, M. I. (1978). Elementary Mathematics: A Review Course. Mir. p. 388.
  11. ^ Examples:
    Gutierrez, Jaime; Recio, Tomas (1998). "Advances on the simplification of sine–cosine equations" (PDF). Journal of Symbolic Computation. 26 (1): 31–70. doi:10.1006/jsco.1998.0200.
    Mulholland, Jamie; Monagan, Michael (2001). "Algorithms for trigonometric polynomials" (PDF). Proceedings of the 2001 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation. ISSAC, University of Western Ontario, July 2001. pp. 245–252. doi:10.1145/384101.384135.
    Stewart, Seán M. (2022). "Integrating rational functions of sine and cosine using the rules of Bioche". International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 53 (6): 1688–1700. doi:10.1080/0020739X.2021.1912841.
  12. ^ For example: Hamming (1983) [1977] Digital Filters
  13. ^ Examples:
    Wylie, Clarence Raymond (1955). Plane Trigonometry. McGraw-Hill. p. 207.
    Gaynor, Frank (1959). Concise Dictionary of Science. Philosophical Library. p. 218.
    Teets, Donald A.; Whitehead, Karen (1998). "Computation of Planetary Orbits". College Mathematics Journal. 29 (5): 397–404. doi:10.1080/07468342.1998.11973975.
  14. ^ Examples: Tan 1996.
    Silverman, Joseph H.; Tate, John Torrence (2015). Rational Points on Elliptic Curves (2nd ed.). Springer. p. 3.
  15. ^ Wildberger 2017; Wildberger 2018
  16. ^ Examples:
    Crane, Carl D., III; Duffy, Joseph (1998). Kinematic analysis of robot manipulators. Cambridge University Press.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
    Selig, Jon M. (2010). "Exponential and Cayley maps for dual quaternions". Advances in applied Clifford algebras. 20 (3): 923–936.
  17. ^ Examples:
    Wallace, Donald M.; Freudenstein, Ferdinand (1970). "The displacement analysis of the generalized tracta coupling". Journal of Applied Mechanics. 37 (3): 713–719. doi:10.1115/1.3408601.
    Keler, Max (1979). "Dual-vector half-tangents for the representation of the finite motion of rigid bodies". Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 6 (4): 403–412. doi:10.1068/b060403.
    Bengtson, Carl Anders (1983). "Easy Solutions to Stereonet Rotation Problems". Geologic Notes. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 67 (4): 706–713. doi:10.1306/03B5B687-16D1-11D7-8645000102C1865D.
    Shoham, Moshe; Jen, Fu-Hua (1993). "On rotations and translations with application to robot manipulators". Advanced Robotics. 8 (2): 203–229. doi:10.1163/156855394X00464.
    Anderson, James A.D.W. (2002). "Exact Numerical Computation of the Rational General Linear Transformations". In Latecki, L.J.; Mount, D.M.; Wu, A.Y. (eds.). Proc. SPIE 4794, Vision Geometry XI. Int'l Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, Seattle, Jul 2002. SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.446427.
    Kim, Sungsu; SenGupta, Ashis (2016). "Regressions Involving Circular Variables: An Overview". In Chattopadhyay, A.; Chattopadhyay, G. (eds.). Statistics and its Applications. PJICAS 2016. Platinum Jubilee Int'l Conference on Applications of Statistics, Kolkata, Dec 2016. Springer. pp. 25–33. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-1223-6_3.
    Hassan, Mosavverul; Coutsias, Evangelos A. (2021). "Protein secondary structure motifs: A kinematic construction". Journal of Computational Chemistry. 42 (5): 271–292. doi:10.1002/jcc.26448.
    Garcia, Ronaldo; Reznik, Dan; Moses, Peter; Gheorghe, Liliana (2022). "Triads of conics associated with a triangle". KoG (26). Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics: 16–32. arXiv:2112.15232. doi:10.31896/k.26.2.
  18. ^ Examples:
    Kowalsky, William Paul (1993). Quaternion representations of the de Sitter and the Lorentz groups (PhD thesis). New York University. p. 4.
    Sobolev, L. G. (1995). "Preliminary estimation of the type and parameters of logarithmic distributions of measurement series". Measurement Techniques. 38 (9): 966–971. doi:10.1007/bf00979072.
    Shapiro (2005) "Soft Information in Interference Cancellation Based Multiuser Detection"
    2015: Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems
  19. ^ Pavel Krtouš and Jiřı́ Podolský (2004) "Gravitational and electromagnetic fields near an anti–de Sitter–like infinity"
  20. ^ J. Kocik, “Cromlech, menhirs and celestial sphere: an unusual representation of the Lorentz group,”
  21. ^ Stewart (2017) How to Integrate It
  22. ^ Vallado (2001) Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications
  23. ^ Venables (1970) An Analytical Approach to Physical Theory
  24. ^ The (circular) tangent addition operation   is called the circle sum in Wildberger (2017). Kocik (2012) calls it tangent addition. Abrate et al. (2014) don't give it a name, but use the symbol  
    Ungar (1998) calls hyperbolic tangent addition Einstein addition after Albert Einstein, and uses the symbol  . Hardy (2015) defines it using the symbol   but does not name it. Kocik (2012) uses the symbol   for both circular and hyperbolic tangent addition operations. Generalized to an operation on points in the complex unit disk (the conformal disk model of the hyperbolic plane), Ungar calls it Möbius addition.

    ... more to come here ...

  25. ^ a b Hermann, Jakob (1706). "Disquisitio dioptrica de curvatura radiorum visivorum atmosphaeram trajicientium cui accedit indefinita sectio angularis ope tangentium et secantium" [A dioptric analysis of the curvature of visible rays traversing the atmosphere to which an indefinite angular section is approached by means of tangents and secants]. Acta Eruditorum (in Latin). 1706: 256–263.
  26. ^ a b Tweddle, Ian (1991). "John Machin and Robert Simson on Inverse-tangent Series for π". Archive for History of Exact Sciences. 42 (1): 1–14. doi:10.1007/BF00384331. JSTOR 41133896.
  27. ^ The hyperbolic tangent addition operation was first mentioned in the context of special relativity by Henri Poincaré in a 1905 letter to Hendrik Lorentz, reprinted in Miller, Arthur I. (1986). "5. On Some Other Approaches to Electrodynamics in 1905". In Frontiers of Physics: 1900–1911. Birkhäuser. pp. 79–80, fig. 5.5. doi:10.1007/978-1-4684-0548-4_1.
  28. ^ Plücker, Julius (1833). "Über solche Puncte, die bei Curven einer höhern Ordnung als der zweiten den Brennpuncten der Kegelschnitte entsprechen" [About such points, in curves of higher order than second, corresponding to the foci of conic sections]. Crelle's Journal (in German). 10: 84–91. doi:10.1515/crll.1833.10.84.
  29. ^ Wildberger (2017) p. 95
  30. ^ Tan 1996.
  31. ^ Casey (1888), §§45, 47, pp. 37–39

    Wildberger (2017), p. 96–97

  32. ^ Casey (1888), §48, p. 39

    Peles, Oren (2008). "92.06 A relation between the roots of a polynomial and its coefficients". The Mathematical Gazette. 92 (523): 76–81. doi:10.1017/S0025557200182580.

  33. ^ Abrate et al. (2014) use the symbol   for the tangent sum and the notation   for tangent sum iterated   times.
  34. ^ The formula for   was instrumental in John Pell (1647), Controversiae de vera circuli mensura.
    Others can be found in:
    De Lagny, Thomas (1730). "Supplément de trigonometrie, contenant Deux Theoremes generaux sur les Tangentes & les Secantes des angles multiples". Memoires de Mathematique & de Physique de l’Académie royale des sciences. 1705: 254–263.
    Hassler (1826) Elements of analytic trigonometry, plane and spherical
    Kobayashi, Yukio (2013). "Tangent Double Angle Identity". Proof Without Words. College Mathematics Journal. 44 (1): 47. doi:10.4169/college.math.j.44.1.047.


  35. ^ Machin, John (1738). "The Solution of Kepler's Problem". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 40 (447): 205–230. doi:10.1098/rstl.1737.0037.
    Beeler, Michael; Gosper, Ralph William; Schroeppel, Richard C. (1972). "Item 16". HAKMEM (report). MIT AI Lab. Memo 239.

    Calcut, Jack S. (2010). "Grade School Triangles" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 117 (8): 673–685. doi:10.4169/000298910X515749.

  36. ^ This identity   – expressed in the geometrical language of Euclid's Elements – was used by Archimedes in Measurement of a Circle (ca. 250 BCE) to construct a 96-gon as an approximation of a circle.
    Miel, George (1983). "Of calculations past and present: the Archimedean algorithm" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 90 (1): 17–35. doi:10.1080/00029890.1983.11971147. JSTOR 2975687.
  37. ^ Penner (1971) p. 41
  38. ^ Penner (1971) p. 41
  39. ^ Penner (1971) p. 41
  40. ^ More precisely, angular distance is the absolute value of the remainder after subtracting the difference rounded to the nearest multiple of a full turn.
  41. ^ Caratheodory p. 81 describes the chordal distance on the sphere, and calls the stereographic distance in the hyperbolic plane the "pseudo-chordal distance".
  42. ^ Eberlein, William Frederick (1954). "The Elementary Transcendental Functions". American Mathematical Monthly. 61 (6): 386–392. doi:10.1080/00029890.1954.11988481.
  43. ^ Originally Cayley described the reciprocal transform,
    as a function of a square matrix.
    However, the name Cayley transform or Cayley map is now commonly applied to either of these functions. For example,   is denoted   by Selig, Jon M. (2010). "Exponential and Cayley maps for Dual Quaternions" (PDF). Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. 20: 923–936. doi:10.1007/s00006-010-0229-5.
  44. ^ Fincke "30. The secant of an arc is equal to the sum of the tangent of the arc and the tangent of the half-complement of the arc.
    31. The secant of an arc is equal to the sum of the tangent of the same arc and the tangent of half the complement of the arc."

  45. ^ These are straight-forward to prove in terms of the Cayley transform   but here is a direct algebraic proof using the definitions of   and  :
    And likewise for the other variants.
  46. ^ These are corollaries of the previous identity.
    Taking   and   we have:
    And likewise for the quotient identity.

    A closely related identity about cosines appears in Hardy (2015). See § Circular functions › Product identities.

  47. ^ Wildberger (2017) uses the symbols S, C, and T. Hardy (2015) uses the symbols ss for "stereographic sine", cs for "stereographic cosine", and ts for "stereographic tangent".
  48. ^ Casey (1888), §§49, 52, p. 42–43
  49. ^ Sánchez-Reyes, Javier (2019). "The Joukowsky Map Reveals the Cubic Equation". American Mathematical Monthly. 126 (1): 33–40. doi:10.1080/00029890.2019.1528814.
  50. ^ Wu, Rex H. (2019). "Proof Without Words: Revisiting Two Trigonometric Figures and Two Identities from Bressieu and Fincke". Mathematics Magazine. 92 (4): 302–304. doi:10.1080/0025570X.2019.1603732.
  51. ^ Chauvenet, William. "§4.59". A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. Lippincott.
    Carnot (1803) p. 153.
  52. ^ See Prosthaphaeresis.

    Werner, John (1907) [written 15th century]. De triangulis sphaericis libri quatuor, ed. Axel Anthon Björnbo, Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen Begründet von Moritz Cantor 24, part I, Leipzig: Teubner. [written early 16th century]

    Nicolai Ursus (1588) Fundamentum astronomicum

  53. ^ Hardy (2015), p. 47.
    The angle of parallelism   of a hyperbolic angle measure, with half-tangent and cosine

    provides an alternative formulation of these identities. For instance:


    Lobachevsky, Nikolai (1891) [1840]. Geometrical Researches on The Theory of Parallels. Translated by Halsted, George Bruce. University of Texas. pp. 41–43. Translated from Geometrische Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Parallellinien (in German). Berlin: G. Fincke. 1840. pp. 53–56.

  54. ^ Wildberger
  55. ^ Paeth (1991) p. 382
  56. ^ Wales, William (1781). "XXX. Hints relating to the Use which may be made of the Tables of natural and logarithmic Sines, Tangents, &c. in the numerical Resolution of adfected Equations". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 71: 454–478. doi:10.1098/rstl.1781.0054. JSTOR 106540.
  57. ^ Hardy, Michael (2016). "On Tangents and Secants of Infinite Sums". American Mathematical Monthly. 123 (7): 701–703. doi:10.4169/amer.math.monthly.123.7.701.
  58. ^ Apostol, Tom M. (1967). "Ptolemy's Inequality and the Chordal Metric". Mathematics Magazine. 40 (5): 233–235. JSTOR 2688275.
  59. ^ Fjelstad, Paul (1986). "Extending special relativity via the perplex numbers". American Journal of Physics. 54 (5): 416–422. doi:10.1119/1.14605.
  60. ^ Ebner, D. W. (1973). "A Purely Geometrical Introduction of Spinors in Special Relativity by Means of Conformal Mappings on the Celestial Sphere". Annalen Der Physik. 485 (3–4): 206–210. doi:10.1002/andp.19734850303.

    Stuart, Robin G. (2009). "Applications of complex analysis to precession, nutation and aberration". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 400 (3): 1366–1372. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15529.x.

  61. ^ Burgess, A. G. (1915). "Proof of some Triangle Formulae". Edinburgh Mathematical Notes. 18: 202–206. doi:10.1017/S1757748900001444.

    Kung, Sidney H. (1990). "The Law of Cosines". Proof without Words. Mathematics Magazine. 63 (5): 342. doi:10.2307/2690911. JSTOR 2690911.

    Hoehn, Larry (2013). "Derivation of the law of cosines via the incircle". Forum Geometricorum. 13: 133–134.

    Edwards, Miles Dillon (2014). "A Possibly New Proof of the Law of Cosines". American Mathematical Monthly. 121 (2): 149. doi:10.4169/amer.math.monthly.121.02.149.

    Half-tangent of an angle in terms of the sides in eq. 56 of

  62. ^ Paradiso, L.J. (1927). "A Check Formula for the First Case of Oblique Triangles". Questions and Discussions. American Mathematical Monthly. 34 (6). doi:10.1080/00029890.1927.11986713.
    DeKleine, H. Arthur (1988). "Mollweide's Equation". Proof Without Words. Mathematics Magazine. 61 (5): 281–281. doi:10.1080/0025570X.1988.11977390.
    Bradley, H. C.; Yamanouti, T.; Lovitt, W. V.; Archibald, R. C. (1921). "III. Geometric Proofs of the Law of Tangents". Questions and Discussions. American Mathematical Monthly. 28 (11/12): 440–443. doi:10.2307/2972473.

    Wu, Rex H (2020). "The Mollweide Equations from the Law of Sines". Proof without Words. Mathematics Magazine. 93 (5): 386–386. doi:10.1080/0025570X.2020.1817707.

    Laudano, Francesco (2022). "106.40 The law of tangents and the formulae of Mollweide and Newton". Mathematical Gazette. 106 (567): 516–517. doi:10.1017/mag.2022.132.

  63. ^ Hinckley, A. (1940). "1460. Formulae for the Solution of Triangles". Mathematical Gazette. 24 (260): 204–206. doi:10.2307/3605713. JSTOR 3605713.

    Wu, Rex H. (2001). "The Law of Tangents". Proofs Without Words. Mathematics Magazine. 74 (2): 161. doi:10.1080/0025570X.2001.11953056.

  64. ^ Rusk develops the second of these identities by other means:
    Rusk, William J. (1921). "Discussions: IV. Some Formulas of Elementary Trigonometry". American Mathematical Monthly. 28 (11/12): 443–446. doi:10.2307/2972474.
  65. ^ Alternately   might be thought of as the whole area of the triangle, taking the unit for area to be a right triangle with unit-length sides. This definition of   is chosen to make the parallel to the excess in spherical and hyperbolic trigonometry clearer.
  66. ^ Heron of Alexandria (1903) [c. 60 AD]. Metrica. In Schöne, Hermann (ed.). Opera, Vol. III (in Ancient Greek and German). Teubner. prop. 8, pp. 18–25. English translation by Henry Mendell.
    Dunham, William (1985). "An 'Ancient/Modern' Proof of Heron's Formula". Mathematics Teacher. 78 (4): 258–259. doi:10.5951/MT.78.4.0258. JSTOR 27964484.
    Conway, John; Doyle, Peter (1997–2001). "Heron's formula". Private email conversation published by Doyle.
    Nelsen, Roger B. (2001). "Heron's Formula via Proofs without Words" (PDF). Classroom Capsules. College Mathematics Journal. 32 (4): 290–292. doi:10.1080/07468342.2001.11921892. JSTOR 2687566.
    Klain, Daniel A. (2004). "An Intuitive Derivation of Heron's Formula" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 111 (8): 709–712. doi:10.1080/00029890.2004.11920133. JSTOR 4145045.
    Dunham, William (2011). "Newton's Proof of Heron's Formula". Math Horizons. 19 (1): 5–8. doi:10.4169/mathhorizons.19.1.5.
  67. ^ Cheney, William Fitch, Jr. (1929). "Heronian Triangles" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 36 (1): 22–28. doi:10.1080/00029890.1929.11986902.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  68. ^ van Luijk, Ronald (2008). "The diameter of the circumcircle of a Heron triangle". Elemente der Mathematik. 63 (3): 118–121. doi:10.4171/EM/96.
  69. ^ Kocik, Jerzy; Solecki, Andrzej (2009). "Disentangling a triangle" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 116 (3): 228–237.
  70. ^ Lin, Grace (1999). "The Product of the Perimeter of a Triangle and its Inradius is Twice the Area of the Triangle". Proof Without Words. Mathematics Magazine. 72 (4): 317. doi:10.1080/0025570x.1999.11996756.
  71. ^ Puissant (1819)
  72. ^ Huang, Lalín & Mila (2021) call the half-tangents of sides and angles rational sides and rational angles, respectively.
  73. ^ Todhunter & Leathem (1901) §7.127 Girard's Theorem, pp. 97–98
  74. ^ Chisholm (1895) p. 26
  75. ^ Study 1896, p. 384.
  76. ^

    Schubert 1906, p. 194

  77. ^ Puissant (1819) Traité de Géodésie, second edition, §89,
  78. ^ Euler (1781) §23 p. 44
    Lagrange (1798) "Solutions de Quelques Problèmes Relatifs aux Triangles Sphériques"
  79. ^ Schubert (1906)
    Huang, Lalín & Mila (2021)
  80. ^ Puissant, p. 114
  81. ^
  82. ^ Euler (1781) §25 pp. 44–45
  83. ^ a b Wentworth, George; Smith, David Eugene (1915). Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. Ginn. pp. 193–194.
  84. ^ Steiner, Jakob (1826). "Einige geometrischen Betrachtungen" [Some geometric considerations]. Crelle's Journal (in German). 1: 161–184. doi:10.1515/crll.1826.1.161. Figures 8–26.
  85. ^ Laguerre, Edmond (1882). "Transformations par semi-droites réciproques" [Transformations by reciprocal semi-lines]. Nouvelles annales de mathématiques 3e série (in French). 1: 542–556.
  86. ^ Coolidge, Julian Lowell (1916). "X. The Oriented Circle". A Treatise on the Circle and the Sphere. Clarendon. pp. 351–407.
  87. ^ Lexell, Anders Johan (1786). "De proprietatibus circulorum in superficie sphaerica descriptorum" [On the properties of circles described on a spherical surface]. Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae (in Latin). 1786 (1): 58–103.
    Also see Cagnoli 1804
  88. ^ a b Todhunter & Leathem (1901) "IX. Properties of Circles on the Sphere", pp. 132–147. Also see Leathem's footnote, p. viii.
  89. ^ Mulcahy 1852
  90. ^ a b c Akopyan, Arseniy; Izmestiev, Ivan (2019). "The Regge symmetry, confocal conics, and the Schläfli formula" (PDF). Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 51 (5): 765–775. doi:10.1112/blms.12276.
  91. ^ Robinson, Paul L. (2019). "A tangential approach to trigonometry". arXiv:1902.03140.
  92. ^ Specifically Archimedes approximated   by repeatedly applying the identity

    expressed as a geometrical construction in the style of Euclid's Elements.

  93. ^ Bagby, Richard J. (1998). "A Convergence of Limits". Mathematics Magazine. 71 (4): 270–277. doi:10.1080/0025570X.1998.11996651. JSTOR 2690698.
    To be precise, it is equivalent to

    the denominator of which converges to  

  94. ^ Roy, Ranjan (1990). "The Discovery of the Series Formula for π by Leibniz, Gregory and Nilakantha" (PDF). Mathematics Magazine. 63 (5): 291–306. doi:10.1080/0025570X.1990.11977541.
    Horvath, Miklos (1983). "On the Leibnizian quadrature of the circle" (PDF). Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestiensis (Sectio Computatorica). 4: 75–83.
  95. ^ Roy, Ranjan (2021) [1st ed. 2011]. Series and Products in the Development of Mathematics. Vol. 1 (2 ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 215–216, 219–220.
    Sandifer, Ed (2009). "Estimating π" (PDF). How Euler Did It. Reprinted in How Euler Did Even More. Mathematical Association of America. 2014. pp. 109–118.
    Newton, Isaac (1971). Whiteside, Derek Thomas (ed.). The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton. Vol. 4, 1674–1684. Cambridge University Press. pp. 526–653.
    Euler (1755) §2.2.30 p. 318 (English translation)
    Euler, Leonhard (1798) [written 1779]. "Investigatio quarundam serierum, quae ad rationem peripheriae circuli ad diametrum vero proxime definiendam maxime sunt accommodatae". Nova acta academiae scientiarum Petropolitinae. 11: 133–149, 167–168. E 705.
    Hwang Chien-Lih (2005), "An elementary derivation of Euler's series for the arctangent function", The Mathematical Gazette, 89 (516): 469–470, doi:10.1017/S0025557200178404
  96. ^ Gradshteyn, Izrail Solomonovich; Ryzhik, Iosif Moiseevich (2007). "§1.643". In Jeffrey, Alan; Zwillinger, Daniel (eds.). Table of Integrals, Series, and Products (7th ed.). Academic Press. p. 61.
  97. ^ Euler (1755) §2.6.166 p. 477 (English translation)
  98. ^ Zygmund (1959) §2.9. Gibbs's phenomenon p. 61
  99. ^ Zygmund (1959) §9.3 Uniqueness of the representation by trigonometric series, pp. 325–330
  100. ^ Baker, George A.; Graves-Morris, Peter (1996) [1st edition 1982]. Padé Approximants (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 174.
  101. ^ Abrate et al. (2014) use notation similar to this but with the symbol   instead of  
  102. ^ Jones, William (1706). Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos. London: J. Wale. pp. 243, 263. There are various other ways of finding the Lengths, or Areas of particular Curve Lines or Planes, which may very much facilitate the Practice; as for instance, in the Circle, the Diameter is to Circumference as 1 to
    3.14159, &c. = π. This Series (among others for the same purpose, and drawn from the same Principle) I receiv'd from the Excellent Analyst, and my much Esteem'd Friend Mr. John Machin; and by means thereof, Van Ceulen's Number, or that in Art. 64.38. may be Examin'd with all desireable Ease and Dispatch.
    Reprinted in Smith, David Eugene (1929). "William Jones: The First Use of π for the Circle Ratio". A Source Book in Mathematics. McGraw–Hill. pp. 346–347.
  103. ^ Euler, Leonhard (1744) [written 1737]. "De variis modis circuli quadraturam numeris proxime exprimendi". Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae. 9: 222–236. E 74.
  104. ^ Lehmer, Derrick H. (1938). "On Arccotangent Relations for π" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 45 (10): 657-664 Published by: Mathematical Association of America. doi:10.1080/00029890.1938.11990873. JSTOR 2302434.
  105. ^ Euler, Leonhard (1764) [written 1758]. "De progressionibus arcuum circularium, quorum tangentes secundum certam legem procedunt" [On progressions of arcs of circles, of which the accompanying tangents proceed by a certain law]. Novi Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae. 9: 40–52. E 280
  106. ^ Lehmer, Derrick H. (1936). "3801". Problems and Solutions. American Mathematical Monthly. 43 (9): 580. doi:10.1080/00029890.1936.11987899. Show that arccot 1 = arccot 2 + arccot 5 + arccot 13 + arccot 34 + ... where these integers constitute every other term of the Fibonacci series and satisfy the recurrence  
    Hoggatt, Verner E., Jr.; Ruggles, Ivan D. (1964). "A Primer for Fibonacci Numbers – Part V" (PDF). Fibonacci Quarterly. 2 (1): 59–65.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
    Trigg, Charles W. (1973). "Geometric Proof of a Result of Lehmer's" (PDF). Fibonacci Quarterly. 11 (5): 539–540.
    Grimaldi, Ralph (2012). Fibonacci and Catalan Numbers: An Introduction. Wiley. p. 116.
  107. ^ Johnston, L. S. (1940). "The Fibonacci Sequence and Allied Trigonometric Identities". American Mathematical Monthly. 47 (2): 85–89. doi:10.2307/2303358. JSTOR 2303358.
  108. ^ Katayama, Shin-ichi (2011). "Generalized Goggins's Formula for Lucas and Companion Lucas Sequences" (PDF). Journal of Mathematics, Tokushima University. 45.
  109. ^ Arndt, Jörg (2010). "32. Logarithm and exponential function". Matters Computational: Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code. Springer. pp. 622–640.

    Johansson, Fredrik (2013). "Machin-like formulas for logarithms".

    Johansson, Fredrik (2022). "Computing elementary functions using multi-prime argument reduction". arXiv:2207.02501.

  110. ^ Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1809). Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium (in Latin). Hamburg: Friedrich Perthes & Johann Heinrich Besser. §1.1.8, pp. 7–8. Collected in Schering, Ernst Julius, ed. (1871). "Theoria motus corporum coelestium ...". Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke. Vol. 7. Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes. §1.1.8, pp. 17–18. Published in English as Theory of the Motion of Heavenly Bodies Moving about the Sun in Conic Sections. Translated by Davis, Charles Henry. Little, Brown & Co. 1857. §1.1.8, p. 9.



traditional trigonometry books, trigonometry history


Proofs and diagrams


hyperbolic tangent sum, relativity


"Einstein sum" or similar

tangens dimidiae, dimidii


halbe tangente, halb tangente


half tangent or half-tangent


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  • Bion (1758) The Construction and Principal Uses of Mathematical Instruments
    "To project the Semi-tangents ; draw Lines from the Point C, thro every Degree of the Quadrant A B, and they will divide the Diameter A E into a Line of Semi-tangents: but because the Semitangents, or Plane-Scales of a Foot in Length, run to 160 Degrees, continue out the Line A E, and draw Lines from the Point C, thro the Degrees of the Quadrant C A, cutting the said continued Portion of A E, and you will have a Line of Half-tangents to 160 Degrees, or further, if you please.
    "Note, the Semitangent of any Arc, is but the Tangent of half that Arc, as will easily appear from its manner of Projection, and Prop. 20. Lib. 3. Eucl. where it is proved, that an Angle at the Center, is double to one at the Circumference." –Ch. VI. The Projection of the Plane-Scale, p. 34

rational parametrization

  • Silverman, Joseph H., and John Torrence Tate. Rational points on elliptic curves. Vol. 9. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992.
  • Arnolʹd, Vladimir Igorevich. Experimental mathematics. Vol. 16. American Mathematical Soc., 2015, p. 11.
  • Ulbrich, Stefan, Vicente Ruiz de Angulo, Tamim Asfour, Carme Torras, and Rüdiger Dillmann. "Kinematic bezier maps." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 42, no. 4 (2012): 1215-1230.
  • O'Connor, Michael A. "Natural quadrics: Projections and intersections." IBM Journal of Research and Development 33, no. 4 (1989): 417-446. doi:10.1147/rd.334.0417

half-angle tangent

  • Harrington, Steven J. "A new symbolic integration system in REDUCE." The Computer Journal 22, no. 2 (1979): 127–131.
  • Luck, David GC. "Properties of some wide-band phase-splitting networks." Proceedings of the IRE 37, no. 2 (1949): 147–151.
  • oblique triangle solution by Leach and Beakley 1963