Monica Sanchez-Contreras, Mariya T Sweetwyne ... Scott R Kennedy
The accumulation of somatic mutations during aging is not uniform across tissue types and, in addition, shows significant variability in the source of mutation that can be modified by small molecule interventions.
Several different mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 genome have occurred more times than expected by chance in either mink or deer infections, suggesting species-specific viral adaptations to these animals.
Florian Schueder, Pierre Mangeol ... Frank Schnorrer
The two Drosophila titin homologs Sallimus and Projectin display a precise tandem arrangement in the sarcomere that may explain how sarcomere length is regulated outside of vertebrates.
Distinct interactions of AP endonuclease 1 with single-stranded DNA gaps and ATRIP and RPA protein complex address an outstanding question in the field of genome integrity regarding how ATR/ATRIP complex recruits onto damage site for ATR DNA damage response signaling.
Sensory neurons previously shown to optimize speed and balance in fish by providing information about the curvature of the spine show similar morphology and connectivity in mice.
Targeting a genetically-encoded glutamate sensor to postsynaptic sites demonstrates the feasibility of simultaneous optical quantal analysis of many inputs to a neuron in wide-field fluorescence microscopy.
Laura Stidsholt, Antoniya Hubancheva ... Peter T Madsen
Greater mouse-eared bats prefer to hunt large ground insects despite high failure rates, but switch to smaller, easily caught flying insects in response to environmental changes.
The sialylation pathway is uniquely partitioned in Drosophila between glia and neurons and mediates a novel mechanism of glia-neuron coupling that regulates neural functions, promotes tolerance to heat and oxidative stress, and maintains the normal level of voltage-gated sodium channels.