Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®


Issue: 1937 2282

Presto - 1937 2282 - Page 3 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

PRESTOTIMES AMERICAN MUSIC TRADES-INDUSTRIES Established 1884 I Year. . ..$1.00. 6 Months 60 cents CHICAGO, ILL., JUNE-JULY, 1937 Established 1881 JOURNAL Fifteenth of Publication Mont* The Music Trades and Industries Convention of 1937, Hotel New Yorker, New York City, June 26, 27, 28, 29 tion. He has already told a few friends in letters he has written that the tour is a "grand and glorious occasion." He tells of a feature at the Rotary convention at Nice, touching international relations which many Rotarians all over the world think, that Rotary everybody to get reservations QUICK, for it is an is a solution for a get-together in solving many interPre-Assembling Resume of the event that cannot consistently be missed. national problems of the day. Great Music Trades and IndusPresident Wells is exceedingly enthusiastic over the The meeting of the board of control will be held Sunday evening. July 25. All the various associations fortunes and success of the Merchants' Association. tries Event of the Year 1937 of the music trades and industries will have their Just before he left for Europe on this tour he exLL the working forces at Secretary Mennie's annual meetings during the convention except the pressed himself in these words: "Our association, naturally, must be preserved at command and in all other quarters of con- National Piano Manufacturers' Association, which all costs, for it is the real outlet of all manufactured vention activities, everybody is working, instruments. We should work together with the pushing and plugging hard for convention manufacturers in a very close way, and the manusuccess, to make the 1937 New York gathering the facturers' ears should be to the ground at all times BIGGEST EVER. Secretary Mennie's strenuous watching most carefully every evidence of interest work, his constant drive, are accomplishing the finest the dealers have in marketing their goods." kind of success, and the New York meet looks like it Trophies and Awards in the Advertising Contest for will be a repeat of great and grand events of the past. Music Dealers Attendance from all parts of the East is well assured, One of the interesting features of the convention and this is a tremendous crowd of itself and the Centhis year will be a newspaper advertising and window tral West and Southwest are responding to the call display contest for music dealers, a contest open to from headquarters very liberally. the retail trade and which is not intended to include Continually from the first executive meeting held the expert work of advertising agencies or advertisat New York just before President Wells departed ing departments of manufacturing establishments in for Europe there has been no letup in activity, a the music industries. The trophies will be awarded condition that has also prevailed with the other asin eight individual classes with ribbons and certifisociations cooperating with the parent organization, cates for place winners. the Music Merchants Association, for their expected There will be separate awards for newspaper adturnout this year. vertisements featuring the piano, newspaper advertiseThen, aside from the cooperation of these allied ments featuring other musical merchandise, window associations carrying on the ethical, cultural and social displays featuring pianos, and window displays featurphases of the united convention, what to many will ing other musical merchandise for dealers in towns be the most interesting and the prime object of their with more than 100,000 population, and similar awards visit, the exhibit division, is planned to be the finest for dealers in towns of less than 100,000 population. and biggest array of musical instruments, merchanThe rules are simple. There are no fees for enterdise and accessories ever before brought together at ing, it is not necessary to attend the convention to a convention, making one big massing of the products win, and you can enter as many divisions as you like. of American musical goods, and representatives of A complete set of the rules governing the contest may foreign-made goods will show their imports. This be secured from W. A. Mennic, 45 W. 45th St., New display covers the entire gamut of music-producing York. instruments from the Jewsharp of old to the grand All music dealers will benefit from this contest piano and organ of today. whether they compete or not. The best advertiseTravelers in the piano industry and in various ments and window displays will be shown to dealers lines of musical merchandising bring cheerful tidings who attend the convention, and may later be printed of the great interest manifested by dealers and the in the trade magazines. By giving you a chance to intention of dealers everywhere to be at the New Charles E. Wells compare your advertising with other dealers', you will York gathering, for it has been a long time since a big and representative display of musical goods has President, National Association of Music Merchants gain N E W ideas and improve your advertising and merchandising. been shown in New York. was held June 7 and 8 in New York, and the AssociaThe rules governing the contest have been pubThe committee in charge of preliminary work, the tion of Sheet Music Dealers, who join the Music starters, the "steering" committee, so-called, has per- Publishers' Association which meets at the Hotel lished several times and sent out freely from headquarters. The trophies to be awarded are on the formed its duties grandly. This committee, of which Roosevelt, New York. following merits: Mr. Herman Irion is the chairman, is as follows: Geo. The special entertainment given by the R. C. A.H. Bundy, Geo. H. Chapin. Albert Behning, A. L. Victor Corporation promises a rare treat. The com- 1.. Best newspaper advertisement by a music dealer in a city over 100 population featuring pianos. Ford, Fred Gretsch, Jr., Harry D. Griffith, Clarence mittee in charge of the entertainment program has S. Hammond, William G. Heller. Harold Morse, Ar- arranged this special treat. This will take place on 2. Best newspaper advertisement by a music dealer thur T. Newman, Dr. Alexander Russell. Sunday, the 25th. Dealers are cordially invited by in a city under 100,000 population featuring pianos. R. C. A.-Victor to attend the broadcast from the 3. Best newspaper advertisement by a music dealer The daily programs have been well in hand for quite a long while and it will be seen by announce- National Broadcasting Company studios. RCA Buildin a city over 100,000 population featuring other ments already made that the list comprises the most ing, Radio City, New York, from 2 to 3 p. m., E. D. musical merchandise. outstanding speakers to talk on subjects vital to S. T. 4. Best newspaper advertisement by a music dealer every music merchant as well as for the manager of As the seating capacity of the studio from which in a city under 100,000 population featuring other his important departments. One idea picked up at the program will be broadcast is limited to a little musical merchandise. these meetings may fully repay a dealer for the time over one thousand guests, it is necessary to ask that and effort spent in attending the convention. reservations be made in advance. Naturally, more 5. Best window display by a music dealer in a city over 100,000 population featuring pianos. With the general reduction in railroad rates during tickets cannot be issued than the capacity of the 6. Best window display by a music dealer in a city the past year, certificates or special instructions re- studio, consequently tickets were issued on a "first under 100,000 population featuring pianos. garding railroad rates will not be necessary. It is come, first served" basis. suggested that local ticket agents be consulted as to President Chas. E. Welis at the convention just 7. Best window display by a music dealer in a city ever 100,000 population featuring other musical the lowest possible summer excursion rates. following his return from the European tour of six merchandise. weeks will be. of course, the object of particular atThe big Monday get-together luncheon has been 8. Best window display by a music 'V:1CT in a city for a iong time an assured success and it behooves tention and the dispenser of information and instruc- A Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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